Payroll Year-End Reminders from Business Services:
User Group Meeting 6/14/2016
I. Reminders
- With first payroll in July, send contract/documentation for Superintendent’s, CBO’s and Payroll Tech’s salary (email )
ü Audit check for reasonableness and for any changes in salary
- Payroll reports should be signed by either the immediate supervisor of the Payroll Tech or by an administrator
- There are 3 Payrolls to process for June (See “Submitting June 30th Payroll” handout)
ü June Regular
ü July Prior Year
ü August Prior Year
- All districts should have a balance sheet outside of Escape for balancing payroll
- Register to Verify Employees’ Social Security Number (see IRS Publication 15 handout)
- New Hire Reporting to EDD is a requirement (see handout)
- Allow 1 full week before requesting a stop payment (the speed of the US mail has slowed down)
ü Always complete a Manual Payroll Request form when requesting a stop payment for a paycheck.
ü Manual Payroll Form and Procedures on Escape’s Home Page, Forms tab
ü Mark either “Cancel” (page 1) or “Reissue” (page 2) whichever applies
ü When a Reissue, indicate whether district will pick up or send AV
ü When employee picking up, employee must bring photo id
- Manual Payrolls
ü When creating manual payroll you may need to override the retirement dates in the Retirement section using the prior month’s Service Begin and Service End Dates
ü The Contribution Code default is 03 Earnings Adjustment Prior Period (Manual Payroll is similar to Supplemental and is considered current month)
o As appropriate change Contribution Code to either
§ 1 Normal/Current
§ 11 Normal/Current Tax Deferred or
§ 0 Non-Member
- Initiate Pay
ü Before beginning payroll
ü Again before submitting payroll
- Always address and account for all errors on the Pay22a Payroll Errors report prior to submitting payroll
ü Retirement Errors: contact Carol Mahan for STRS and Maria Aguayo for PERS
- Before submitting payroll run the Retire01, 02 and 09 reports (STRS and PERS qualifying reports)
ü If the employee qualifies in June:
o For CalPERS - bring them into membership even if they won’t be paid again until August/September
o For CalSTRS - do not bring them into membership, instead the monitoring of days and hours starts over July 1
- Revised Permissive Membership form and Retirement System Election forms (Post on Escape’s Home Page)
ü Permissive Election form (ES0350) – use any time an employee is performing creditable service, but is excluded from mandatory membership
ü Retirement System Election form (ES0372) – use when employee is a member of one retirement system and is performing service that mandates membership in another retirement system and wants to elect to remain in their current retirement system.
o Employee has 60 days from hire date in the new position to make this election
- Notify CalSTRS Retirees of Earnings Limits and Retirement Incentive Restrictions (see CalSTRS Employer Directives 2016-03 and 2016-06 emailed to districts February 17 and April 18 respectively)
ü STRS Retirement Earnings Max. for FY2016/2017: $41,732
ü STRS Golden Handshakes retirees cannot return to work in any job capacity with the school district or COE that granted the Retirement Incentive within 5 years of the retirement date.
- CalSTRS RWL Applications:
ü Send to Carol Mahan ASAP
- Email the helpdesk and cc Carol Mahan your FY2016/2017 certificated contract days with a list of addons that need updating
- New Employee’s CalSTRS Retirement Verification and New Employee’s CalPERS Retirement Verification (see Escape’s Home Page, Forms tab)
ü Steps to take prior to hiring retiree and prior to paying the employee
- CalPERS – Salary Schedules (see CalPERS Circular Letters 200-056-11 and 200-050-12)
ü CalPERS does not accept employment agreements in-lieu of salary schedules
ü CCR 570.5 has specific requirements for a Publicly Available Pay Schedule that applies to all employers reporting compensation for CalPERS
- PERS Change form for Separation when an employee ends employment for any reason (see CalPERS Circular Letter 200-015-16)
- Sign up for CalPERS E-bulletins (see handout)
- Run Pay31 W2 Errors Report after each payroll to address W2 errors now instead of later
ü Can correct now Box 12 Out of Range Errors
ü Can correct now Address Errors
ü Monitor FIT, SIT, OASDI and Medicare Out of Range and Calculation Errors
o Work with Erin Graves to determine if errors can be corrected now or if they can only be corrected at W2 calendar year end.