Paul R. Sponheim - Page 1

May 1997

Paul R. Sponheim

Born:January 16, 1930


Institute for Ecumenical and Cultural Research (sabbatical)1996-1997

Cambridge University, England (sabbatical)1982-1983

Claremont School of Theology (sabbatical)1976-1977

University of Chicago1957-1961 Ph.D. 1961

University of Chicago M.A. 1960

University of Copenhagen1953-1954

Luther Theological Seminary1954-1957 B.Th.

Luther Theological Seminary1952-1953

Concordia College, Moorhead, MN1949-1952 B.A.

University of Minnesota1948

Church Affiliation

Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. Ordained 1962.

Awards and Honors

Fulbright Fellow (Denmark)1953-1954

University of Chicago1954-1961

Rockefeller Doctoral Fellow

University Fellow

Swenson-Kierkegaard Fellow1965-1966

Fredrik A. Schiotz Fellowship (AAL)1982-1983

Concordia College, Moorhead, MN

Doctor of Sacred Theology1993

Professional Experience

Luther Seminary

Professor of Systematic Theology1994-

Luther Northwestern Theological Seminary

Professor of Systematic Theology1982-1994

Luther Theological Seminary

Professor of Systematic Theology1974-1982

Dean of Academic Affairs1974-1976

Associate Professor1969-1974

Visiting Lecturer1964, 1966, 1969

Concordia College

Professor and Chair, Department of Religion1967-1969

Associate Professor1963-1966

Assistant Professor1961-1963

Lutheran Seminary, Gettysburg, PA

Visiting Professor of Systematic Theology1966-1967

University of Chicago

Lecturer in Religious Studies1960-1961

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Professional Affiliations

American Academy of Religion

American Theological Society

American Philosophical Society

Association for the United Nations

Scandinavian American Society

Pastoral Ministry

Hawley Lutheran Church, Hawley, MN1961-1962

Sugar Creek-Williams Bay, Williams Bay, WI1960

Skoponong, Palmyra, WI1958

Related Activities

Abbott-Northwestern Hospital

Theologian in Residence1990

Inclusive Ministry Task Force Southeastern District,

the ALC, Region III, ELCA


The Gethsemane Center for Spiritual Formation

Board member1987-1989

Project on Science, Religion and Public Policy,

Hubert H. Humphrey Institute

Board member1986-1988

Minneapolis Federation of Alternative Schools

Board member1987-

Standing Committee on Studies, Lutheran World Ministries


The American Lutheran Church representative to

Faith and Order (NCC)1973-1982

The City, Inc.

Board member1977-


Secretary Editorial Board1970-



Existing Before God: Søren Kierkegaard and the Human Venture. Fortress, 2017.

Love's Availing Power. Fortress, 2011.

Speaking of God. Chalice, 2006.

International Kierkegaard Commentary: Practice in Christianity, ed, Robert Perkins, Mercer University Press, forthcoming. (co-author)

Aging, Spirituality, and Religion: A Handbook, Vol. II, ed., Melvin A. Kimble and Susan H. McFadden, Augsburg Fortress, 2003. (co-author)

Aging and the Meaning of Time. Ed., Susan H. McFadden and Robert C. Atchley, Springer, 2001. (co-author)

The Pulse of Creation: God and the Transformation of the World. Fortress, 1999

Beginning with the End: God, Science, and Wolfhart Pannenberg, ed., Carol Rausch Albright, Joel Haugen, Open Court, 1997. (Co-author).

A Reforming Church: Gift and Task, ed. Charles Lutz, Kirk House, 1995. (Co-author).

Faith and the Other: A Relational Theology. Augsburg Fortress, 1993.

Lutherans and the Challenge of Religious Pluralism. Fortress, 1990 (Co-author).

Suffering and Redemption: Exploring Christian Witness Within a Buddhist Context. DGM, 1988. (Co-author)

A Primer on Christian Prayer. 1988. (Co-author, Editor)

God: Question and the Quest. Fortress, 1985.

Christian Dogmatics. Fortress, 1984. (Co-author)

Faith and Process. Augsburg, 1979.

The Future of Empirical Theology. The University of Chicago, 1969. (Co-author)

Kierkegaard on Christ and Christian Coherence. Harper & Row, 1968.

Contemporary Forms of Faith. Augsburg, 1967.

Publications continued


“A Living Conversation: A Theological Autobiography,” dialog, (December 2003)

“Counting Our Days . . . Wisely,” Creative Transformation, (Spring 2003)

“Theological Themes,” Lectionary Homiletics, ed., David B. Howell, (February-March 2003)

“Theological Themes,” Lectionary Homiletics, ed., David B. Howell (October 2001)

“Creation and Two Theodicies: The Standing of the Other,”

Currents in Theology and Mission, (June-August 2001)

“To Say Something—About God, Evil, and Suffering,” Word & World (Fall, 1999).

“Three Arguments; Three Questions,” dialog (Fall, 1999).

“The Beginning and Ending (and Beginning…) of the Self,” dialog (Summer, 1999).

“Is Forgiveness Enough? A Kierkegaardian Response,” Word & World (Summer, 1996).

“Transforming Knowledge: Speaking Truth to Power,” dialog (Spring, 1996)

“‘The Other Is Given’: Religion, War and Peace,” Word & World (Fall, 1995)

“On Being and Becoming before God: Response to Daphne Hampson, Word & World (Summer, 1995)

“Looking to the City.” Word & World (Fall 1994).

“Honoring Distinction and Relationship: On Faith and Theology.” dialog (Winter 1992).

“The God of the Gospel and our Humanity.” dialog (Spring 1991).

“The Other is Given.” dialog (Winter 1991).

“Our Worldly Reality.” dialog (Summer 1987).

“The Word in the World Is True.” dialog (Summer 1986).

“Ministry With Atheists.” Entree (October 1986).

“The Quest for God Beyond Belief.” Word & World (Spring 1987).

“Taking Atheism Seriously.” Word & World (Winter 1985).

N. Thulstrup, ed. Soren Kierkegaard Encyclopedia. (Reitzels, 1978-1987) “Ethical Reflection”; “The History of Kierkegaard’s Translation, Scholarship, and Influence in America”; “Kierkegaard’s View of a Christian”; and “Responsibility.”

Book reviews

dialog, Encounter, Insights, Interpretation, Theology Today, Lutheran Quarterly, Process Studies, Word & World, Zygon.


Resource Cassette Service, Augsburg Publishing House.