14: 1-40 / I Corinthians: The Church, Then and Now / Session 18
Paul has written to the Corinthians about the Spiritual Gifts and Ministries – the Gifts of the Spirit. He explained how Godly Love is the most essential factor in the operation of the Gifts and Ministries for individuals, and the Church. Now he elaborates on the Gifts of Tongues and Interpretation of Tongues, the blessings to be gained by their proper use, and the problems resulting from their misuse. The section is closed with an explanation of the role of the Spirit in the governance, that is, the ordering of public worship services.
Edification (V 1-5) Prophecy, or preaching of God`s WORD is generally more helpful to the church than the gift of Tongues.
- Prophecy speaks to people, tongues speaks to God
- Prophecy edifies the Church,tongues (without interpretation)
edifies only the speaker
Understanding (V 6-19) Speaking in tongues benefits the individual, not the congregation. Interpretation of tongues benefits everyone who hears the words.
- Illustrations: musical instruments, military bugle, daily conversation
- Imperatives: Spirit inspiration, human understanding
Evidence (V 20-25) The Gift of Tongues is a sign of the presence and power of God to unbelievers.
- believers must be mature to use gifts effectively, to edify others, to edify the entire church body
- initial evidence of Holy Ghost infilling is speaking in another tongue as the Spirit controls the speech organs, and gives the power to speak
- Spiritual Gifts of tongues and interpretation of tongues
Order (V 26-40)The proper operation of the Gifts of Tongues and Interpretation of Tongues in public worship. How a Holy Spirit governed church maintains order in their public worship services.
- public church service may include various forms of worship (people communicating to God) and prophecy
(people communicating God’s WORD to people)
- guidance for use of gifts of tongues and interpretation of tongues
- guidance for use of gift and ministry of prophecy
- requirement for respect of speakers, instructions for how and when to get questions answered
Let all things be done for edification.
Let all things be done decently and in order.
I Corinthians 14: 26, 40. NKJV
Discussion Group: Referring to I Corinthians 14: 1 – 40 answer questions 1 to 6.
1aWhich gift/ ministry does Paul rank as the best? (v1)
1bWhy? (v3)
2 Why is speaking in tongues (in public) less helpful than speaking in the local language?
2a (v4-5)
2b (v16)
3a When one prays in tongues what part benefits? (v14)
3bWhat part does not benefit? (v14)
3cWhat is Paul’s solution to this dilemma?(v15)
4a In one service, how many people did Paul allow to use the gift of tongues?(v27)
4b How many to use the gift of interpretation of tongues? (v27)
4c How many to use the gift/ministry of prophecy?(v29, 31)
4d How many to evaluate the prophecy? (v29)
5 What reasons does Paul give for his instruction to women to keep silent in church?(v32-35)
6What claim does Paul make about his instructions? (v37)
Take Home: Personal Reflection and Application Considering the instructions Paul gives for public worship, answer questions 7 and 8.
7aIn what way/s have you been guilty of meaningless or mindless worship?
7bHow can Paul’s instructions improve your contribution to our church services?
8a How can you tell when someone in a worship service is more interested in performance than edification?
8b What should you do about someone like that?
Take Home: Personal Preparation for Next Class Read 1 Corinthians 15:1-58 and answer questions 9 and 10.
9 What hope does knowledge of your future resurrection to eternal life give you?
10 How can this resurrection hope enable you to withstand evil and pain in your life?