Paul AbellNASA Johnson Space Center

Conel AlexanderCarnegie Institution of Washington

Mahesh AnandDepartment of Earth & Environmental Sciences

The Open University

Ariel AnbarDept. of Chemistry & Biochemistry

Arizona State University

Julie BelleroseJAXA & NASA Ames Research Center

Eve BergerLunar & Planetary Laboratory

University of Arizona

Philip BlandImpacts & Astromaterials Research Centre Dept. Earth Science and Engineering Imperial College London

Daniel BoiceSouthwest Research Institute

Neil BowlesAtmospheric, Oceanic and Planetary Physics, Oxford University

Frank BrenkerGeoscience Institute / Mineralogy, Goethe University Frankfurt

Paul BuchananGeology Department, Kilgore college

George BurbaVernadsky Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry Russian Academy of Sciences

Mark BurchellSchool of Physical Sciences, University of Kent, UK

James ChenJet Propulsion Laboratory

Gerardo DominguezDepartment of Chemistry and Biochemistry

University of California San Diego

David Draper Astromaterials Research and Exploration Science Directorate

NASA Johnson Space Center

Denton EbelAmerican Museum of Natural History

Juan C. EchaurrenCodelco Chile – North Division

Costanzo Federicodella TerraUniversità degli Studi Perugia

Christine FlossDepartment of Earth and Planetary Science

Washington University

Jon FriedrichDepartment of Chemistry, Fordham University

Mark FriesDiv. of Earth and Space Sciences

Jet Propulsion Laboratory

Kathryn Gardner-VandyLunar and Planetary Laboratory

University of Arizona

Jacob GrimesSouthwest Research Institute

Henrik HargitaiInstitute of Geography and Earth Sciences

Eötvös Loránd University,

Philipp HeckDepartment of the Geophysical Sciences

University of Chicago

Christopher HerdDepartment of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences

University of Alberta

Richard HerdNatural Resources Canada

Alan R. HildebrandDepartment of Geoscience, University of Calgary

Peter HoppeMax-Planck-Institute for Chemistry

Shichun HuangHarvard University

Brian HynekDepartment of Geological Sciences

University of Colorado Boulder

Naoya ImaeNational Institute of Polar Research

Stein B. JacobsenDepartment of Earth and Planetary Sciences

Harvard University

Ralf JaumannGerman Aerospace Center

Donna JurdyDepartment of Earth and Planetary Sciences

Northwestern University

Inge ten KateNASA Goddard Spaceflight Center

Anton KearsleyNatural History Museum, London England

Oleg KhavroshkinSchmidt Institute of Physics of the Earth, Russian Academy of Sciences

Christian KoeberlDepartment of Lithospheric Research Center for Earth Sciences

University of Vienna

Dante LaurettaLunar and Planetary Laboratory, University of Arizona

Samuel LawrenceSchool of Earth and Space Exploration

Arizona State University

Jonathan LevineDepartment of Physics and Astronomy, Colgate University

Stan LoveNASA Johnson Space Center

Jesus Martinez-FriasCentro de Astrobiología (CSIC-INTA)

Guenter W. LugmairUniversity of California, San Diego

Chi MaDivision of Geological and Planetary Sciences

California Institute of Technology

Bernard MartyInstitut Universitaire de France

David W. MittlefehldtNASA Johnson Space Center

Richard V. Morris NASA Johnson Space Center

Keiko Nakamura-MessengerESCG/Jacobs Technology

NASA Johnson Space Center

Gerhard NeukumFreie Universitaet Berlin

Larry NittlerCarnegie Institution of Washington

Sarah NobleNASA Marshall Space Flight Center

Gordon OsinskiCentre for Planetary Science and Exploration

University of Western Ontario

Michail PetaevDepartment of Earth & Planetary Sciences

Harvard University

François PouletInstitut d'Astrophysique Spatiale

Université Paris-Sud

K T RameshDepartment of Mechanical Engineering

Johns Hopkins University

Patricia ReiffRice University

Alex RuzickaDepartment of Geology, Portland State University

Farid SalamaNASA Ames Research Center

Scott SandfordNASA Ames Research Center

Nicole SchmitzGerman Aerospace Center Institute of Planetary Research

Shiv SharmaHawaii Institute of Geophysics & Planetology

University of Hawaii

Dmitry ShestopalovShemakha Astrophysical Observatory

Azerbaijan Academy of Sciences

Alexandre SimionoviciObservatoire des Sciences de l'Univers de Grenoble

|Lab. de Géodynamique des Chaînes Alpines

M. S. SisodiaDepartment of Geology, J. N. Vyas University

Gopalan SrinivasanDepartment of Geology, University of Toronto

Frank StadermannDepartment of Physics, Washington University

Eileen StansberyDirector, Astromaterials Research and Exploration Science

NASA Johnson Space Center

Thomas StephanDepartment of the Geophysical Sciences, University of Chicago

Rhonda StroudNanoscale Materials Section, Naval Research Laboratory

Ross TaylorAustralian National University

Allan TreimanLunar and Planetary Institute

Michael VelbelMichigan State University

Roger WiensLos Alamos National Laboratory

Benjamin WeissMassachusetts Institute of Technology

Long XiaoFaculty of Earth Sciences

China University of Geosciences

Hisayoshi YurimotoNatural History Sciences, Hokkaido University