8th Grade CORE Offerings

Communication Arts Science

Computers & Careers Social Studies

Mathematics Concepts of Phys. Ed.

8th Grade Spanish Health


Eighth Grade English – 8101A/8101B

(2 Trimesters)

Eight grade English is designed to give students a good foundation in reading, writing, speaking, listening and literature. This course will allow students to develop, refine, and extend their skills in areas necessary for continued progress and achievement in secondary level English courses.


Algebra 1 – 1322A/1322B (2 Trimesters for HS Credit)

Algebra 1 concentrates on the application of algebraic concepts and problem solving. Topics include sets, equations, graphing, inequalities, polynomials, systems of equations, quadratics, functions, exponents, and radicals.

Pre-Algebra – 8301A/8301B (2 Trimesters)

Provides students with an introduction to the concepts of algebra and geometry while solidifying their grasp of arithmetic concepts and procedures. Also provides exploratory experiences in data analysis and probability.


Earth Science – 8401A/8401B (2 Trimesters)

Examine the earth’s materials, processes, history and environment in space. Matter, energy, space and time are put into perspective through an inquiry-centered study of the environment. Through extensive laboratory investigation this class explores: astronomy, geology, geography, oceanography and meteorology as components of Earth Science. Intended to meet the needs of students with varied interest and abilities. Designed to meet State of Michigan core outcomes and maximize a student’s chances for success on the earth science portion of the MEAP.


This course is a continuation of 7th grade Spanish 1.. Spanish 1 is designed to acquaint students with vocabulary, speech and writing patterns, and construction of the Spanish language. In addition, students will be made aware of the Spanish cultural traditions, as well as its current economic and political status. Students will also be exposed to geographic, ethnic, and cultural variety of the Spanish-speaking countries. By the end of the course, Spanish language students should acquire survival skills for future courses offered in this scope and sequence.


American History – 8201A/8201B (2 Trimesters)

During their study of American history, students will use Core Democratic Values and apply them to the political, social and economic developments of the United States. Focus will be on the time period from the split with Great Britain to the Civil War and reconstruction.


8705A (1 Trimester)

This program is designed to provide quality physical fitness instruction using the Exemplary Physical Education Curriculum (EPEC) from the Governor’s Council. Aerobic activities, conditioning, and team sports will be emphasized. The student will become aware of anatomy, bio-mechanics, and physiology as physical fitness influences their bodies.


8501A (1 Trimester)

This course is required for all 8th grade students. Computer applications will provide students with skills in word processing, spreadsheet, and PowerPoint. A career exploration unit will help students to begin the process of preparing for their future. Career Pathways will be introduced and each student will create an Educational Developmental Plan (EDP).