Department of Sociology1008 Florida NE
Central New Mexico Community CollegeAlbuquerque, NM 87110
800 University Blvd. SE505/256-1366
Albuquerque, NM 87106
505/224-3000 ext. 50400
Current Position
Instructor, Department of Sociology, Central New Mexico Community College, 1998-present.
Ph.D. Department of Sociology, University of Texas at Austin, May 1995.
Dissertation: "Occupational Segregation and Earnings: Gender, Race and Ethnicity in the Youth Labor Market"
MA Department of Sociology, University of Texas at Austin, August 1987.
BA Department of Sociology and Women's Studies Program, Ohio State University, June 1980, cum laude.
Administrative Experience at Central New Mexico Community College
Chair, Departments of Communication, Psychology & Sociology, 2017-present.
Faculty co-facilitator, Employee Development Action Team, 2012-2013.
Assessment Coordinator & Co-Coordinator, Arts & Sciences and School of Communication, Humanities and Social Sciences, 2004-2009 and 2013-2015.
Co-Coordinator, Student Academic Achievement Committee, 2007-2008.
Co-Coordinator, “Assessment Conversations across Campus” campus-wide conference, October 2007.
Chair, Department of Sociology, 1999-2000, 2002-2003, 2004-2005, 2006-2008.
College Service at Central New Mexico Community College
Representative, Liberal Arts Learning & Assessment Committee, 2013-present.
CHSS representative, Institutional Review Board, 2010-2013.
Faculty representative, Strategic Directions team, 2012-2013.
Faculty representative, Faculty-Management Committee, 2012-2013.
Faculty representative, AQIP Portfolio Systems Team for accreditation, 2012-2013.
Member, Liberal Arts Degree Team, 2010-2011.
College representative, New Mexico Higher Education Assessment and Retention conference planning committee, 2007-2011.
College representative, the New Mexico Assessment Task Force, 2006-2011.
Member, Student Academic Achievement Committee, 2004-2009.
Member, CHSS Dean Search Committee, 2005 and 2009.
Member, Arts & Sciences Organizational Structure Committee, 2002-2004.
Courses Taught
Introduction to SociologySociology of Family
Social ProblemsWork & Organizations
Deviant BehaviorWomen & Men in the Workplace
Ethnic & Minority GroupsOrganizational Behavior
Sociology of GenderLabor Relations
Social Science Research Methods
Patricia Seitz. “Do We Walk the Talk?: An Exploration of Assessment Websites.” Presented at the annual New Mexico Higher Education Assessment and Retention conference, 2012.
Patricia Seitz. “Multiple Masters: The Role of Liberal Arts on Campus and the Implications for Assessment.” Presented at the annual New Mexico Higher Education Assessment and Retention conference, 2010.
Patricia Seitz, Corrie Andries, Julie Luna and Erik Andries. “Mapping: Linking Assessment and Curriculum.” Workshop at the New Mexico Higher Education Assessment and Retention conference, Albuquerque, NM, 2008.
Patricia Seitz. "Occupational gender and race/ethnic segregation and youth wages." Presented at the annual meeting of the Southern Sociological Society, Richmond, Virginia, 1996.
Philip Ganderton, Richard Santos, and Patricia Seitz. "Educational and employment challenges for Latina/o youth: Lessons from the 1980s." Presented at the annual meeting of the National Association of Chicana and Chicano Studies, Chicago, Illinois, 1996.
Patricia Seitz. "Occupational Segregation and Earnings: Gender, Race and Ethnicity in the Youth Labor Market." Presented at the annual meeting of the Industrial Relations Research Association, January 1996.
Richard Santos and Patricia Seitz. "Self-employment in the school-to-work transition years." Presented at the annual meeting of the Allied Social Science Association, 1995.
Patricia Seitz. "Occupational segregation in the youth labor market." Presented at the annual meeting of the American Sociological Association, Los Angeles, California, 1994.
Philip Ganderton, Richard Santos and Patricia Seitz. "Education and work patterns among Hispanic college graduates: Preliminary results." Presented at the annual meeting of the Southwestern Social Science Association, San Antonio, Texas, 1994.
Richard Santos and Patricia Seitz. "Mexican-American women in the Texas workforce: Trends and prospects." Presented at Women and Texas History: A Conference, Austin, Texas, 1990.
Richard Santos and Patricia Seitz. "The school-to-work experience of Hispanic youth: Selected policy findings from the National Longitudinal Surveys of Youth Labor Market Experiences." Presented at the annual meeting of the Western Economic Association, San Diego, California, 1990.
Julia Curry Rodriguez and Patricia Seitz. "Gender, race and class: A report from the Memphis State University Summer Research Institute." Presented at the Women's Studies Research Seminar Series, University of Texas at Austin, 1986.
Patricia Seitz. "Women's occupational atypicality: Individual and structural level explanations." Presented at the annual meeting of the Southwestern Social Science Association, San Antonio, Texas, 1986.
Patricia Seitz and Jeannette Fraser. "Considerations in the selection and use of existing national longitudinal data bases for education research." Roundtable session of the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, 1983.
Patricia Seitz, Paul B. Campbell and John A. Gardner. "Patterns of participation in secondary vocational education." Presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, 1982.
Selected Publications
Phil Ganderton, Richard Santos and Patricia Seitz. 2002. "Employment Patterns of High School Graduates Without College Experiences," Social Science Journal. 39: 301-307.
Jacqueline W. Hood, Helen J. Muller and Patricia Seitz. 2001. "Attitudes of Hispanics and Anglos Surrounding a Workplace Diversity Intervention." Journal of Hispanic Behavioral Sciences 23 (4): 444-458.
Richard Santos and Patricia Seitz. 2000. "Benefit Coverage for Latino and Latina Workers," in Moving Up the Economic Ladder: Latino Workers and the Nation's Future Prosperity. National Council of La Raza: Washington, DC.
Mary Cifaldi, Cindy Gregory, Richard Santos and Patricia Seitz. 1999. "Economic Outcomes of a Targeted Intervention Program: The Costs of Treating Allergic Rhinitis Patients." American Journal of Managed Care 5 (4, supplement).
Richard Santos and Patricia Seitz. 1996. "Alcohol, Drugs, and Violence Among Youth." Free Inquiry in Creative Sociology (November).
Patricia Seitz. 1996. "Occupational Segregation and Earnings: Gender, Race and Ethnicity in the Youth Labor Market." Abstract in the Proceedings of the Industrial Relations Research Association Annual Meeting.
Philip Ganderton, Richard Santos, and Patricia Seitz. 1995. "Employment prospects for low-income youth and young adults: Lessons from the 19~Os," Pp. 5-61 in Enhancing the Employment and Employability of Low-Income Youth and Young Adults: Special Report. Washington, DC: National Commission for Employment Policy.
Richard Santos and Patricia Seitz. 1992. "The school-to-work experience of Hispanics: Review and assessment." Contemporary Policy Issues 10: 65-73.
Randy Hodson and Patricia Seitz. 1988. "Outside ownership and workers' earnings and tenure." Sociological Quarterly 29: 63-81.
Randy Hodson and Patricia Seitz. 1987. "Identifying workers' industries: Survey responses versus corporate product lines." Social Science Research 16: 154-68.
Academic Employment History
8/98 to presentInstructor
Department of Sociology
Central New Mexico Community College
8/96 to 8/98Visiting Professor
Anderson School of Management
University of New Mexico
8/94 to 8/96Assistant Professor
Department of Sociology
East Carolina University
1/91 to 5/94Adjunct Instructor
Department of Sociology
University of New Mexico
8/88 to 1/91Associate Editor
Journal Social Science Quarterly
University of Texas at Austin
8/83 to 7/88Teaching & Research Assistant
Department of Sociology
University of Texas at Austin
10/80 to 8/83Program Assistant
Evaluation and Policy Division
National Center for Research in Vocational Education
Ohio State University
8 October 2017