Paton-Churdan Community School District

P.O. Box 157

606 Adrian Street

Churdan, IA 50050

Board of Education Meeting

August 14, 2017

Paton Library



1. Call to Order

The meeting of the Paton-Churdan School Board was called to order at 6:06 PM at the Paton Library by President Palmer.

2. Roll Call

The following Board members were in attendance: Palmer, Tilley, Happe and Robey. Stream was absent. Also present were Superintendent Lensch, Principal Smith and Board Secretary Denise Best.

3. Approve Agenda

Motion by Robey, seconded by Happe to approve the agenda as presented to the Board. All voted aye, motion carried.

Consent Agenda

1. Approval of the Minutes

2. Approval of the Bills

3. Approval of the Financial Report

4. Fundraisers

5. Approve Open Enrollment

6. Personnel Issues.

Motion by Happe, seconded by Tilley to approve the Consent Agenda, Open Enrollment application, accept the resignations of Tracey Burgart and Joleen Killeen, approve Tom Kennedy as Head Volleyball coach and Jill Stream as an Associate as presented to the Board. All voted aye, motion carried.

There were no fundraisers to approve.

Oral Reports

1. Recognition of Visitors

There were no visitors present.

2. Principal Smith

·  Registration update

·  3 year old preschool update

·  Teachers will be here the 18th

·  Open house on the 21st – free supper

·  Restorative Discipline

3. Superintendent Lensch

·  Joint Committed Meeting update

·  Shared Tech position update

·  Needs Assessment update

·  Board election – September meeting

Discussion Items

1. Summer Projects

Superintendent Lensch updated the Board on the summer projects and the progress of the projects.

2. Audit 2017

Mr. Lensch informed the Board of the audit completion and will have the exit interview when both districts audits are finished.

3. Voted PPEL

Mr. Lensch and the Board discussed the information that will need to be shared with the public before the vote.

Action Items

1. Shared Tech Position

Motion by Tilley, seconded by Robey to approve the Shared Tech position pending the approval from the Glidden-Ralston School Board as presented to the Board. All voted aye, motion carried.

2. Approve Handbook

Motion by Robey, seconded by Happe to approve the Handbook as presented to the Board. All voted aye, motion carried.


Motion by Tilley, seconded by Happe, to adjourn the regular meeting of the Paton-Churdan School Board. All voted aye, motion carried.

The Board adjourned at 6:53 PM.

There being no further business the next regular meeting of the Paton-Churdan School Board will be September 19th at 6:00 PM at the Churdan School Library.