Partnership BIC Locality
Patient Engagement Group Meeting
Tuesday 25th March 2014
Board Room Phoenix Court, Basildon
Lynne Powell Locality Manager Partnership BIC (Chair & Minute Taker)
Naomi Redshaw Patient Laindon Health Centre
Carol GeachAdmin, The Knares Medical Practice
Bob PearcePatient Laindon Health Centre
Dr Jojo Mampilly The Felmores Surgery, GP representative
Mary Abraham Practice Manager, Felmores Medical Centre
Maria Mampilly Practice Manager, The Felmores Surgery
Miss Elaine Ford Patient, Laindon Health Centre
Mr R LiveseyPatient, Felmores Medical Practice
Peter Stone Patient, Felmores Medical Practice
Len Green Patient, Muree Medical Centre
In attendance
Jonathan AndrewsImplementation Lead Pharmacist
Phillip BakerPharmacy Technician
1. / Welcome, Introduction & ApologiesApologies were received from Sastrisha Mohammad, Teresa Euston, Annie Humphries, Paul Downes.
Lynne welcomed everyone to the meeting and introductions were made.
2. / Minutes of previous meetings
The minutes of the last meeting were agreed as a true record.
3. / Terms of Reference
There were no comments and the Terms of Reference were agreed, however no decision on the chair was reached today. Len Green also suggested that LP look at the Quorum which should include representatives from four practices.
Action: All to review TOR and send comments to LP
LP asked if there was any interest to become chair, there was not so it was agreed that Lynne would chair the next meeting.
Action: All to consider who would be suitable to act as chair and let Lynne have nominations
A discussion took place around problems getting patients round the table at the practices. LP to give update from practices at future meetings. LP to attend practice groups to give presentation on how the CCG works.
Action: LP to give update of practice PPI at future meetings and to attend practice groups.
4. / Presentation – Medicines Management and the CCG
Jonathan Andrewsgave a presentation to the group around medicines safety, getting best use of medicines, wastage, repeat prescriptions, value for money and making things better for patients.
Members thanked Jonathan for a very informative presentation.
Discussions took place around aspects of JA presentation.
The cost of inhalers was debated – how can suppliers justify a cost of £60 for an inhaler – JA responded because there is little competition in the market so they can set the price. It was agreed that the need for medication reviews needs to be carried out more often and that the pharmacist should have more power over issuing drugs. JA explained that Meds Management were looking at ways to improve this.
Concerns were raised around LD patients and how they can communicate with their GP if their medication makes them feel strange.
Bob Pearce said that he has spent 14 years in the NHS and the issues around prescribing and the amount of money wasted has not changed – JA disputed this as he explained that the figure was reducing all be it slowly.
A copy of the presentation will be circulated with the minutes.Action: Lynne Powell.
Naomi Redshaw asked what will be achieved by this group. Len Green said that the purpose of these meetings were to change the format of the NHS, to involve the patient, the person using the service to ensure they had a say, to influence what is commissioned.
Peter Stone expressed concern that his local pharmacy was not open on a Saturday. JA explained that this was around the 2003 Pharmacy Contract where they have to stick to there hours, whereas other contracts were for 100 hours which meant they can open up anytime.
Lynne promised to invite Rob Hunt CCG patient lead to the meeting to be held in July.
Action LP to invite Rob Hunt to meeting in July.
5. / Patient & Community Reference Group (PCRG) – Feedback
Stroke Services – proposals and launch of public consultation
Romina Bartholemeusz (RB) explained there has been a big review on the stroke services and how they should be configured in South West Essex. This concluded that Basildon and Brentwood CCG along with Thurrock CCG will invest £1 million in stroke services at Basildon hospital to upgrade their service.
RB explained a survey on stroke services will be undertaken to capture the current state of the service this summer, over a three month period, before the service is upgraded and a further survey would be carried out in 18 months’ time to assess the impact of the upgrade
Patient Leaders Update
It was explained to the group that twenty four patient leaders have now been recruited. Nineteen have completed training on quality inspections delivered by Nikki Livermore, Quality and Patient Safety Manager for the CCG. Ten of these leaders have also completed the two day training delivered by Healthwatch Essex on listening skills.
5 Year Plan
The three key aims brought together by the board are:
- Excellent primary care
- Named accountable professional teams integrated between health and social care
- Specialist pathways of care
- Cardiovascular disease
- Stroke
- Hip replacements
- Waiting times
- Improving access to psychological therapies (which is a National target)
- Community involvement (Patient Leader programme)
- Financial sustainability
6. / Suggested subjects for future meetings
It was suggested that future meetings subjects could include:
- Presentation by Jonathan Andrews, Medicines Management
- Presentation on Stroke following the review
- MSK pathway – How this works
- Presentation – Health Watch
- Presentation – Community Geriatricians
- Vascular Services
7. / Any Other Business
- What does BIC stand for – Basildon Independent Consortium
- A discussion took place around the need for this meeting, due to holidays etc it was decided that the next meeting would be cancelled and Lynne would look at the membership of the meeting, attending practice PPG and feedback to this meeting.
- LP distributed media releases including invitation to patients to complete the End of Life Survey requirements.
8. / Date of next meeting & Future Dates
The next meeting of the Partnership BIC Locality Patient Engagement Group will be held on Tuesday 22nd July 2014 10 – 12 Board Room, Phoenix Court, Christopher Martin Road, Basildon SS14 3HG.
It was agreed to hold meetings at two monthly intervals and review in six months
Tuesday 23rd September 2014 10 – 12 Board Room, Phoenix Court
Tuesday 25th November 2014 10 – 12 Board Room, Phoenix Court
Tuesday 20th January 2015 10 – 12 Board Room, Phoenix Court
Tuesday 24th March 2015 !0- 12 Board Room, Phoenix Court