2017 Family Law and Self-Help Conference

July 24, 2017 at The CalEndowment

Los Angeles, California

Presented by: the Judicial Council and the Legal Aid Association of California (LAAC)

Request for Training Proposals

About the Conference: The purpose of the Family Law and Self-Help Conference is to bring together self-help center and other court staff, legal aid attorneys, pro bono attorneys, and other advocates. This gathering allows attendees to share best practices and discuss ways to meet the legal needs of low and moderate-income Californians. The training generally covers complex and recurrent topics, including the substantive law areas of real property, pensions, military, and domestic violence/custody.
Proposal Guidelines: The Planning Committee will review all proposals with the following considerations:

·  Direct relevance to legal services community, self-help center staff, pro bono attorneys, interpreters, law librarians, domestic violence programs, tribal advocates, and others who provide legal and court-connected services to low-income persons

·  Clear take-home value and practical how-to tactics (particularly valued are replicable toolkits)

·  Attention to emerging issues

·  Innovative approaches and strategies, including:

o  Expanding clients served through low-cost services

o  Serving the limited English proficiency community

o  Technology that can help increase access and effectiveness

·  Ways to deliver self-help services

·  Panelists are also encouraged to submit training on vicarious trauma and interacting with vulnerable communities.

Expectations: The Planning Group may modify and/or consolidate similar proposals. If your proposal is accepted, LAAC and Judicial Council staff will provide guidance and assistance to help ensure a successful training program. Confirmed panelists will be expected to submit all materials and A/V needs in advance. All presentations should be 1 hour or 1.5 hours.

Organizations may submit more than one proposal.

Conference Registration and Travel Expenses: Panelists are expected to cover their own travel costs. Scholarships may be available. Conference registration is complementary for panelists.

Please email the completed RFP form

no later than Friday April 7, 2017 to LAAC staff at

The Planning Group will make its final selections and notify session coordinators by late April.

2017 Family Law and Self-Help Conference: Request for Training Proposal Form

Session Coordinator Name (may also be a panelist): ______


City:______Email:______Phone number: ______

Session Title:
Preliminary program description:

Proposed Presenters: Please note there will be a maximum of 3 panelists, including the moderator:

Name / Organization / Email
What is innovative or significant about this topic?
How does this training topic meet the Proposal Guidelines?

Have you offered this presentation in the past or know someone else who has done so? Please provide the name of the event where the session was last given.

Length of Presentation: Please indicate how long you would prefer your presentation to be. You may select both if your presentation can be tailored to meet both timeframes.

q  1 hour

q  1.5 hours

Level of Expertise: Please indicate for which audiences your presentation will be most relevant.

q  Beginner audience

q  Advanced audience

q  All audiences

MCLE/Educational Credit Request: Please indicate the proposed MCLE credit to be offered in the categories below and number of credit hours (Note: written materials are required for all MCLE sessions and strongly encouraged for other sessions).

q  General:

q  Legal Ethics:

q  Elimination of Bias in the Legal Profession:

q  Detection/Prevention of Substance Abuse:

q  Other type of educational credit this could qualify for (example: Court Interpreter Minimum Continuing Education):

This session is designed for the following primary audience(s) (please check all that apply):

q  Attorneys who serve low-income clients

q  Court Program Staff (including self-help staff and attorneys)

q  Interpreters

q  Law Librarians

q  Legal Services Staff

q  Managers and Supervisors

q  Domestic Violence Providers

q  Tribal Advocates

q  Pro Bono Providers and Attorneys

q  Small Claims Advisors

q  Other

Presentation Format (please check all that apply):

q  Case Study

q  Demonstration

q  Breakout Session

q  Lecture

q  Panel Presentation

q  Role Play

q  Roundtable Discussion

q  Other

Please suggest additional topics to be presented at the 2017 Family Law and Self-Help Conference:

Please email the completed RFP form no later than Friday, April 7, 2017 to

LAAC staff at

Receipt will be acknowledged via email.

If you do not receive confirmation of receipt by us within one week, please contact LAAC immediately.

For more information about the RFP process or the Family Law and Self-Help Conference, please contact

Jasmine Schwab-Doyle () or Bonnie Hough ().