Pathway 1-August 2015 Level 3-4
Unit 3-4.1 / Description 3rd Level / Description 4th Level / Outcomes / Main Resources / Teacher Notes / Time1. Number
- Whole Numbers
Estimate to check solutions
Place value for whole numbers / Solve number problems – BODMAS
Significant Figures / 3-01a
3-03a, b
4-03a, b / TJ Level E, Ch 1, 1-Ext
CFE 3rd Level, p13-38
CFE 4th Level, p13-38
2. Number
- Decimal Numbers
Estimate to check solutions
Place value for decimal numbers / Solve number problems – BODMAS
Significant Figures / 3-01a
3-03a, b
4-03a, b / TJ Level E, Ch 2, 2-Ext
CFE 3rd Level, p13-38
CFE 4th Level, p13-38
3. Shape, Position, Movement
- Symmetry
Complete symmetrical pictures/patterns / Rotational symmetry / 3-19a
4-19a / TJ Level E, Ch 7, 7-Ext
TJ 4G Ch 3
CFE 3rd Level, p255-264
CFE 4th Level, p282-286
- Time
Time intervals
Link between S/D/T / S/D/T formulae
Calculations involving decimal hours
Personal time management
Time Scales / 3-10a
4-10a, b / TJ Level E, Ch 3, 3-Ext
TJ 3G Ch 10 Ex 1, 2
CFE 3rd Level, p118-124
Pupil worksheet (word questions)
CFE 4th Level, p105-125
Assessment 3.1 OR4.1 and GCC “I Can Solve Problems” - Crazy Digits
Unit 3-4.2 / Description 3rd Level / Description 4th Level / Outcomes / Main Resources / Teacher Notes / Time
5. Shape, Position, Movement
- Properties of 2D shapes
Review naming angles and using a protractor
Draw 2D triangles and quadrilaterals accurately / 3-16a / TJ Level E, Ch 14, 14-Ext
6. Shape, Position, Movement
- Angles
Calculate angles using properties of 2D shapes
Parallel and Perpendicular Lines
Alternate and corresponding angles
Polygons Interior and Exterior angles / 3-17a
4-17a / TJ Level E, Ch 12, 12-Ext
CFE 3rd Level, p207-225
7. Number
- Multiples, factors and primes
CFE 3rd Level, p50-59
8. Number
- Fraction, %, Decimals
Equivalence fractions
Mixed Numbers
Add & Subtract commonly used fractions / Add & Subtract fractions
Multiply & divide fractions
BODMAS and fractions / 3-07a, b, c
4-07a, b
4-01a / TJ Level E, Ch 6, 6-Ext
TJ Level F, Ch 31
CFE 3rd Level, p65-89
CFE 4th Level, p52-68
Assessment 3.2 OR4.2 and GCC “I Can Solve Problems” – Crossing the River
Level 3-4Course Summary
Unit 3-4.3 / Description 3rd Level / Description 4th Level / Outcomes / Main Resources / Teacher Notes / Time9. Number/Shape, Position, Movement
- Integers & Coordinates
Plot & describe a position on a coordinate grid Construct a 4 quadrant grid, plot & read coordinates
Add/subtract/multiply/divide negative numbers / Reflect coordinates in x & y axis
Plot coordinates & join them to make a shape / 3-04a
4-18a,b / TJ Level E, Ch 5, 5-Ext
TJ Level E, Ch 5
CFE 3rd Level, 248-253
CFE 3rd Level, 40-49
CFE 4th Level, p255-280
10. Number
- Expressions
- Equations
- Factorisation
Simplify Expressions
Evaluate substitutions
Construct and solve equations
Create and evaluate formula
Extend to inequalities / Removing Brackets
Can extend to double brackets
Solve equations with variables each side
Solve equations with brackets
Solve inequations
Finding factors
Factorisation / 3-14a
3-15a, b
4-14b / TJ Level E, Ch 8 Ex 1-3
CFE 3rd Level, p166-176
CFE 4th Level, p186-193
TJ Level E, Ch 8 Ex 3 – 7
CFE 3rd Level, 177-198
CFE 4th Level, p200-207
CFE 4th Level, p194-198
11. Number
- Measurement - Circles
Round in the context of problem / Calculate Area and Circumference of a circle using formulae
Composite Areas / 4-16b / TJ Level E, Ch 19, 19-Ext
TJ 3G, Ch 9, 9-Ext
CFE 4th Level, p229-235
12. Information Handling 1
- Data and Analysis
- Chance and Uncertainty
Data collection & organisation
Data display
Discuss bias, vague etc
Simple probability / Mean,Mode,Median Range
Describe Results
Comparing Ranges e.g. Means of 2 sets of data / 3-20a,b
4-20a / TJ Level E, Ch 9, 9-Ext
TJ 3G, Ch 18, Ex 2
CFE 3rd Level, 265-310
CFE 4th Level, p306-322
CFE 4th Level, p334-346
Assessment 3.3 OR4.3 and GCC “I Can Solve Problems” – Confused
Unit 3-4.4 / Description 3rd Level / Description 4th Level / Outcomes / Main Resources / Teacher Notes / Time
13. Number
- Money 1
Best deal/Foreign Currency / Managing Credit and Debt
Credit Cards / 3-09a
4-09a / TJ Level E, Ch 4, 4-Ext
Foreign Currency Unit
Needs and wants Unit
CFE 3rd Level, p102-107
CFE 3rd Level, p113-116
CFE 4th Level, p78-85
N4 Lifeskills book Ch 26,27,28,29 / N4 Lifeskills for 3rd and 4th level budgeting
14. Number
- Powers and roots
- Scientific Notation
Extend to calculator examples
All roots / 3-06a
4-06a, b / TJ Level E, Ch 1-Ext
TJ 3G, Ch Ex 1, 2
CFE 3rd Level, p60-63
CFE 4th Level, p39-49
15. Number
- Measurement – Perimeter & Area
Development of perimeter/area
Round in the context of problem
Review area of shapes using formulae – triangles/square/rectangle
Simple composite areas / Area of quadrilaterals using formulae – rhombus/kite/trapezium/
More sophisticated composite areas / 3-11a,b
4-11a / TJ Level E, Ch 10, 10-Ext
TJ 3G, Ch 14, 14-Ext
CFE 3rd Level, p127-150
CFE 4th Level, p127-131 / 3rd level - Teach the trapezium as composite triangles and rectangles
16. Shape, Position, Movement
- Scales
- Enlargement and Reduction
Draw accurate plans and scales of routes
Enlargement and reduction / 3-17b, c / TJ Level E, Ch 17, 17-Ext
CFE 3rd Level, p226-247
Assessment 3.4 OR 4.4 and GCC “I Can Solve Problems” – Bookworm and Spy Catcher
Unit 3-4.5 / Description 3rd Level / Description 4th Level / Outcomes / Main Resources / Teacher Notes / Time
17. Number
- Ratio and proportion
Simple ratio calculations
Sharing a quantity in a given ratio
Direct proportion calculations / Inverse Proportion
Graphs of direct and indirect prop. / 3- 08a
4-08a / TJ Level E, Ch 15, 15-Ext
CFE 3rd Level, p91-101
CFE 4th Level, p69-77
18. Shape, Position, Movement
- Properties of 3D objects
Draw nets cube/cuboid/triangular prism/cylinder (make nets – optional) / Surface area of cube/cuboid/triangular prism/cylinder / 3-16a
4-11b / TJ Level E, Ch 20, 20-Ext
CFE 3rd Level, p199-206
CFE 4th Level, p133-142
19. Number
- Measurement - Volume
Development of volume
Rounding in the context of problems
Compound Volumes / Volume Prisms/Pyramid/Sphere/Cylinder/ Cone / 3 -11a,b
4-11c / TJ Level E, Ch 16, 16-Ext
CFE 3rd Level, p138-144
CFE 3rd Level, p149-151
CFE 4th Level, p143-152
20. Number
- Money 2
Effective monthly budgeting
Needs and wants / 3-09b / Budgeting Unit
CFE 3rd Level, p108-112
N4 Lifeskills book Ch 26, 27,28,29 / N4 Lifeskills for 3rd and 4th level budgeting
21. Number
- Patterns and Relationships
- Expression and Relationships
Find a rule using appropriate notation
nth term / Linear Sequences
Solving problems
Non-linear Sequences / 3-13a
4-13a / TJ Level E, Ch 11
TJ 3G, Ch 17
CFE 3rd Level, p156-164
CFE 4th Level, p156-163
Assessment 3.5 OR4.5 and GCC “I Can Solve Problems” – Small and Sweet
3-12a Mathematics – its impact on the world, past, present and future.
CFE 3th Level, p152-155
Unit 3-4.6 / Description 3rd Level / Description 4th Level / Outcomes / Main Resources / Teacher Notes / Time
22. Money
- Wages & Salaries
23. Number
- Gradients & Straight Line
Horizontal and vertical lines
Equation of straight line / 4-13b, c, d / CFE 4th Level, p164-184
24. Shape, Position, Movement
- Pythagoras
Length of shorter side
Converse of Pythagoras / 4-16a / CFE 4th Level, p208-216
25. Shape, Position, Movement
- Similar Figures
Similar Triangles
Areas of similar shapes / 4-17b / CFE 4th Level, p246-254
Assessment 4.6 and GCC “I Can Solve Problems” –
Unit 3-4.7 / Description 3rd Level / Description 4th Level / Outcomes / Main Resources / Teacher Notes / Time
26. Money
- Personal Finance & Loans
Percentages and compound interest
Borrowing and saving money
Insurance / 4-09c / CFE 4th Level, p92-103
27. Shape, Position, Movement
- Trigonometry
ength of shorter sideent line
28. Shape, Position, Movement
- Angles in Circles
Pythagoras in circles
SOHCAHTOA in circles / 4-17a / CFE 4th Level, p238-245
29. Information Handling 2
- Data and Analysis
- Chance and Uncertainty
Stem and Leaf
Dot plots
Create pie charts
Trend / 4-20a,b
4-22a / CFE 4th Level, p288-305
CFE 4th Level, p323-333
Assessment 4.7
4-12a Mathematics in workplace-Researching your topic, and presenting your findings.
CFE 4th Level, p153-155
Mathematics Department EastbankAcademy