Reserve your Willow Haven pork today!

Description: The pigs in the pastureare scheduled for butchering on Nov 5th.Our Heritage Tamworths are fed organic, soy-free grain in addition to the foraging they do in our planted pasture of various grasses. Pastured Pork offers you more "good" fats, and fewer "bad" fats. It is richer in antioxidants; including vitamins E, beta-carotene, and vitamin C. Furthermore, our pork does not contain traces of added hormones, antibiotics or other drugs.

What: Several standard cuts will be available in limited quantities such as bacon, ham, sausage, pork chops, ribs, and roasts.

How: Make a $25 deposit to reserve your pork in person. OR email the farm () to make your reservation and send a check to 7686 Herber Rd. New Tripoli PA, 18066

You will receive a $25 credit to purchase that amount, or more, on our online store at Depending on the cuts you choose you will receive about 4 lbs of pork. Premium cuts such as bacon will be priced more per pound than chops and roasts.The range will be from $6/pound to $8/pound.

Why: This pre-sale system will give you first choice before any of our other customers. However, if we sell out of an item, such as bacon, through our pre-sale, we reserve the right to limit quantitites so that each pre-sale customer will have a selection of the cuts he/she most desires.

When: The meat will be available after Thanksgiving.

Where: You can pick up your meat at the farm or you can have it delivered to your home on our regular Wednesday delivery days.

We now are welcoming members for the 2012 Late Season CSA. You can now receive fresh vegetables in November and December.

Sign up here

Welcome to Willow Haven Farm. In the 1740s, Peter Herber settled in this quiet valley. Here he found fertile land, abundant springs, and a haven for a new life. Over two hundred and sixty years later, another farmer and his family are producing a bountiful harvest for their friends, family, and the wider community. Willow Haven Farm now provides fresh, naturally grown vegetables delivered to your home.

Original log farmhouse and summer kitchen

Newell - our registered Jacob ram /
We grow decorative sunflowers every year.

Collecting eggs - free range, pastured, organic and soy free. /
Old time Out House - still functions.

Happy camper chickens.
Free Ranging in our pasture. /
Storing garlic in the orginal tractor shed - only part of the barn still remaining.