2015 EPISTLE Page 1

2015 EPISTLE Page 1

Pastors MessagePage 1Birthdays/AnniversariesPage 6

St. John’s NewsPage 2VolunteersPage 7

WELCA NewsPage 3CalendarPage 8

Council MinutesPage 4

Page 1

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

It was the night before Ash Wednesday, and I was sick as a dog, as they say. I was more out-of-sorts than I had been for years. But I had to be ready to roll for the next evening’s worship service, so like a good Lutheran, I showed up at church later the next day and managed to lead worship, complete with Holy Communion and the Imposition of Ashes. When I got home that evening, it was another tough night.

The next morning, I was saddened to learn that, after a long illness, Fran had died Ash Wednesday evening (not her real name). Her family was well-loved by our congregation and throughout town. I was too sick to see her the night before, and was in no shape to visit the night she passed away. Her husband Frank (not his real name) was angry with me. He was in the midst of the most wretched day of his life, and his pastor couldn’t be there for him. But Frank, in his deep grief, thought that I just ignored the situation and didn’t make the time to visit. Yes, I was too sick to minister to the family, but Frank’s wife was dead and he wanted no excuses. I fully understood, and felt terrible about the incident. I had begun the call to that church just a few months earlier, and this was not the way I wanted to serve.

Frank was nice to me, but he was nice to everyone. He was a sweet, grandfatherly figure in everyone’s eyes. But down deep, he was still harboring ill feelings toward me. A while after Fran died, Frank met a wonderful woman named Frida (yep…not her real name!). Frank and Frida were both active in the church, and I saw them there regularly for about a year. All of us in the church family thought they should get married because they were so good together. And believe it or not, I was asked to preside at their wedding. But before that, something wonderful happened.

Frank came to my office one afternoon, wanting to talk. He told me that he didn’t understand why I wasn’t around at the time of Fran’s death, but he wanted to move on. He looked at me – this big, burly, ex-Marine in his 70s – and said, “I forgive you, Pastor Bob.” He had tears in his eyes. And so did I.

Forgiveness certainly was central to my pastoral ministry. Forgiveness was a cornerstone of the Christian message I had embraced and preached. But when Frank said, “I forgive you,” things were different. I felt a mountain-sized weight fall from my soul. It was an overwhelming, heart-warming moment, and those emotions return to me even as I write this.

I had received and offered forgiveness on several occasions in my life, but this event was monumental. Frank chose to be honest and vulnerable. By so doing, he offered a profound freedom that released both of us from uncertainty and speculation. And so, I presided at their wedding, and it was a joyful and memorable day. Years later, when I left that church family, it was difficult to say good-bye to Frank and Frida. They had become cherished friends.

This “forgiveness story” was a pivotal event in my life. It deepened my gratitude for the forgiveness I am offered by Christ. He was vulnerable, honest, and intentional when he went to the cross. He was innocent, but he did it for us. He wanted us to be free from sin’s grasp and to live life with hope and courage. That’s what we revisit during Lent – how Christ led us from law-centered shame to Gospel-centered joy. The Law makes us want to run FROM God. The Gospel makes us want to run TO God.

It’s time for some Christian cardio now. Let’s run – together – back to Jesus this Lenten season and deepen our gratitude for his gift of life-changing forgiveness; forgiveness that he asks us to share generously with others. I once told Frank I’d like to be like him. He said we all need to be like Jesus. What a guy.


Pastor Bob

Council Members for 2015

At the annual meeting on February 8, St. John’s members voted new members to the church council.Installation was held on February 22

The new members are:

President: Phil Hennemann

Vice President: Bob Kinsman

Secretary: Barb Esanbock

Education: Kate Crogan

Deacon: Jenny Stoiber

Social Concerns: Michelle Larson

Stewardship: Minda Matthys

A special thanks to Jim Green, Kelly Schreiber, and Katie Manorwho have served on the church council and are retiring from it this year.

Lenten Worship

Be encouraged to attend the Wednesday evening Lenten services offered each week. St. John’s, Gilman and SpringLake will again be cooperating to have Wednesday evening worship services and fellowship during Lent. Worship begins at 7pm each week. St. Johns will serve the Ash Wednesday dinner meal from 5:30-6:45 pm before the 7:00 pm service. Coffee and bars will be served after all other Lenten services.

The Lenten worship scheduleis:

  • March 4 at Gilman
  • March 11 at St. John’s
  • March 18 at Spring Lake
  • March 25 at Gilman

holy week schedule

Palm Sunday, March 29: Palm Sunday Continental Breakfast served from 9am-10am. Brunch served after worship. Worship service with Holy Communion 10am. Sunday school, 10am.

Maundy Thursday, April 2: Worship service with First Holy Communion at 7pm.

Good Friday, April 3: Worship at St. John’s at 5:30pm.

Easter Sunday, April 5: Traditional worship service with Holy Communion, 10am.


It’s time to start thinking about attending Bible Camp again this summer! Camp programs are available for kids from first grade through high school. The church will cover the cost of Bible camp for St. John’s members as long as your registration form(s) are turned into the office by March 22nd. Families are encouraged to donate to the youth fund if they can. We will also have fund raisers to raise enough money to enable all our kids to attend. Registration forms and camp schedules have not been sent to St. John’s yet. Please watch the bulletin for more information. In order to take advantage of the early bird registration discount, please return your completed registration form to the office by March 22nd.


St. John’s Trustees are trying to raise $9,000 to buy L.E.D. lights to replace all the church lighting. Replacing our current lights with L.E.D. lights would save significant amounts of money every year. We would recoup the $9,000 in less than 5 years. Donations may be left in the church office. Please make checks payable to St. John’s Building Fund.

Library Review

“Sarah’s Choice”

By Wanda E. Brunstetter

Life on the LeHigh Canal can be hard and dangerous. Sarah Turner tends to the locks on the canal after her husband’s death.

Elias Brooks leaves his father’s newspaper business to pilot the boat he inherits from his grandfather.

Follow Elias and Sarah as they try to come up with a solution to leaving the canal and starting a new life elsewhere.

Lynda Johnson,



As many of you already know, St. Johns Mission Endowment Fund reached activation status in October of 2014. In preparation of its disbursement responsibilities, the MEF Committee held brainstorming and planning sessions last year to develop plans specific to, and appropriate for our St. Johns congregation. With guidance from our church by-laws, specifically article 8.16 of the MEF Bylaws, the MEF Committee announces its first program.

The Mission Endowment Fund (MEF) Scholarship is competitive and awarded to graduating high school seniors who are currently members of St. John’s Lutheran Church of Spring Valley, Wisconsin. The award is intended to honor students that have been engaged in the St. Johns community and can reflect on their time at St. Johns: what has been important to them, what they have learned most as a member of the St. Johns community, and the values they hope to take with them.

The MEF was created in 2006 (inspired in part by responses to our church fire in 2000) to enable our congregation to perform mission outreach to projects or programs we currently don’t serve. Reflecting our specific congregation, the bylaws were written to allow the MEF to invest in targeted programs both internal and external to our congregation. After serious and contemplative discussions one of the targeted areas the MEF Committee chose to address is our congregation’s need for additional tools to acknowledge and support our high school student population in their work here at St. Johns. For 2015, two (2) $500 scholarships will be awarded. Applications are available from the church office.

The continued existence of the MEF Scholarship, its size and scope, are dependent on your contributions in support of it. Donations can be made at any time to the MEF. Considerations for change in size and scope of the 2016 Scholarship will be made in the fall of this year after feedback and contributions are examined.

Women of St. John’s

Submitted by Nina Larson

All women of St. John’s are welcome and encouraged to attend all scheduled events.

  • Circle/Bible Study will be on Thursday, March 12, at 2:00 In the Fellowship Hall. Ella Huepfel will have devotions and Pearl Ducklow will serve as hostess. Our Bible Study with Pastor Bob will have a Lenten emphasis as we study John 13-17.
  • Business meeting.
  • Pearl is completing our donation to the School fundraiser. It is a Shamrock design table topper or wall hanging.
  • We have had the following expenses in the month of January:

1. Quilt batting - $95.22

2. Candles for centerpieces - $ 74.74

3. Fabric for first communion stoles - $51.00.

  • We are working on a list of guidelines for Altar Care. These will be posted behind the altar so everyone involved in this ministry will know what the job entails.
  • There were 9 women present at W/ELCA and the offering was $17.00.
  • Prayer Partner Potluck held on Sunday, February 15 was well attended and was great fellowship. Beulah shared an entertaining and thoughtful poem with us, before we had a good time finding out who our prayer partners have been this past year. New partners were drawn. We have 27 women participating in Prayer Partners for 2015.

• Quilting will be on the first and third Thursday from 9:00-noon in the Fellowship Hall.

• BINGO will be on Tuesday, March 3, at 2:00 at the SVHRC.


Thank you to everyone who contributed to the “Souper Bowl of Caring” Sunday on February 5th! A total of $31.80 was collected at St. John’s!


Each year in the springtime, we have a class for fifth grade students to prepare for their First Communion. It is our custom here for fifth graders to receive their first communion on Maundy Thursday, April 2, 2015. This class will be on Sunday March 15 and March 22 after worship from approximately 11:00am – 12:30pm. Parents participate with their student(s), so please plan to have at least one parent attend.


The Education Committee will be hosting a family fun day on March 8 after worship. There will be sledding, games and cookie decorating.

Easter Lilies & Azaleas

We will celebrate Easter Morning at St. John's with spring flowers announcing that Christ has triumphed over death, and has risen!

Order your Easter flowers now using the form below. Please include your payment. A list of persons or occasions being honored or remembered will be placed in the bulletin on Easter Sunday (must be turned in by deadline). Flowers can be picked up following the Easter Festival worship service.

Cost of flowers:

Easter Lilies - $9Mums - $13

Azaleas - $17.50 Hydrangeas - $18

Please Note: Make checks payable to

Spring Valley Floral & Design

Return the form below with your payment to St. John’s. The deadline is March 29.



(Your name)

Wish to share:

Lilies Mums

Azaleas Hydrangeas

In honor of

In memory of

On occasion of

Attached is $9 for each Lily, $13 for each Mum, $17.50 for each Azalea and $18 for each Hydrangea.

Relay for Life

Relay for life is a life-changing event put on by the American Cancer Society in order to raise money to fund fighting cancer. This event will be held March 27-28 at the River Falls High School, beginning at 6pm on Friday. Each team collects donations, which will fund cancer research and the American Cancer Society.

If you are interested in joining our Relay for Life team or making a financial donation, contactMichelle Larson at 715-778-4941 .

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St. John’s LutheranChurch

2015 Annual Meeting

February 8, 2015

Belonging to Christ, we are a family of faith, Encouraging spiritual growth and Connecting others to lasting hope.

Call to Order: Meeting called to order by President Bob Kinsman at 11:21 a.m.

Opening Prayer: Pastor Bob Friese led us in prayer.

Approval of Agenda: Motion by Nancy Cleveland, second by Kevin Anderson, to approve agenda. Motion carried.

Approval of 2014 Annual Meeting Minutes: Motion by Marsha Brunkhorst, second by Kate Crogan, to approve the minutes. Motion carried.

Reports: All written reports were available for review in the annual report.

  • President’s Report: Bob Kinsman recognized and thanked outgoing Council members, Jim Green, Kelly Schreiber, Missy Mathiesen and Katie Manor.
  • Treasurer’s Report: Ross Keehr reviewed the report. The Trustees have been focusing on energy savings. We are switching to LED lights which will cost approximately $9,000 to update; however, the savings will be $1,500 to $2,500 per year. As the initial cost would deplete both our church and Sunday school building funds, we will be having a fundraiser to offset the cost. Motion by Kate Crogan to approve the Treasurer's report, second by Jay Arneson. Motion carried.

Committee Reports: Bob Kinsman asked those present to review the previously submitted reports. All reports standapproved. Additions to written reports as follows:

  • Education Facility Update: Some lighting changes will also be made to Sunday school building.
  • Trustees: Jay Arneson thanked John Overland and Keith Larson for all of their time and hard work. Also a big thanks to Ginny Overland for always providing the delicious treats on Thursdays!

Other Reports: Reports were available for review in the annual report.

  • Mission Endowment: Donations have surpassed $50,000 and the committee can now begin to disperse funds.

Election: There were 44 voting members signed in. Diane Johnson and Richard Johnson were appointed as election clerks.Bob Kinsman opened the floor for nominations. Nancy Kinsman and Jenny Stoiber were added to the ballot for the Deaconsposition. Nominations were closed. Election results are as follows:

  • President: Phil Hennemann
  • Vice President: Bob Kinsman
  • Secretary: Barb Esanbock
  • Education: Kate Crogan
  • Deacon: Jenny Stoiber
  • Social Concerns: Michelle Larson
  • Stewardship: Minda Matthys
  • Mission Endowment: Rob Peterson (3 year term); Terry Blaedorn (2 year term)
  • Audit Committee: Jon Tanberg

Approval of 2015 Budget: Ross Keehr went over the budget. Motion by Jason Matthys, second by Phil Hennemann toapprove the budget. Nancy Cleveland had a question regarding the Deacon’s budget; after this matter was discussed, themotion to accept the budget as presented was approved.


  1. Delegates to Synod Assembly: No volunteers as delegates to Synod Assembly. Council will appoint at a later date.
  2. Elect Nominating Committee for 2016 Elections: We would like to have 6 members, including 2 outgoing Council members. Volunteers thus far are Kristin Larson, Shelby Crow, Katie Anderson and Katie Manor (outgoing Council).

Closing Prayer: Pastor Bob led us in the Lord’s Prayer.

Adjourn: Motion by Pete Esanbock, second by Marsha Brunkhorst to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried and meetingadjourned at 12:14 p.m.

Submitted by: Barb Esanbock, Council Secretary

Thank you for the donation to the Building Fund in memory of Dale Overland given by Pearl Ducklow.

Thank you for the donation to the Memorial Fund in memory of Dale Overland given by Bob & Nancy Kinsman.

Thank you for the donation to the Memorial Fund in memory of Bev Werner given by the estate of Bev Werner.

Thank you for the donation to the Memorial Fund in memory of Rex Stockman given by Merry Stockman.

Thank you for the donation to the Build the Minister Fund in memory of Gloria Ryan given by Richard & Lynda Johnson.

Thank you for the donation to the Build the Minister Fund in memory of Grace Albright given by Richard & Lynda Johnson.

Thank you for the donation to the Build the Minister Fund in memory of Dale Overland given by Richard & Lynda Johnson.

Thank you for the donation to the Build the Minister Fund in memory of Kenny Hines given by Richard & Lynda Johnson.

Thank you for the donation to the Build the Minister Fund in memory of Robert DeLong given by Richard & Lynda Johnson.

Thank you for the donation to the Build the Minister Fund in memory of Sharon Hofacker given by Richard & Lynda Johnson.

St. John’s LutheranChurch

Council Meeting

February 10, 2015

Belonging to Christ, we are a family of faith, Encouraging spiritual growth and Connecting others to lasting hope.

Those present: Phil Hennemann (President), Bob Kinsman (Vice President); Barb Esanbock (Secretary), MarshaBrunkhorst (Financial Secretary), Minda Matthys (Stewardship), Nancy Cleveland (Worship), Kate Crogan (Education),Jenny Stoiber (Deacons), Jay Arneson (Trustees), Diane Johnson

Call to Order: Meeting was called to order by Phil Hennemann at 7:01 p.m.

Opening Prayer: Reading by Phil Hennemann

Approval of Agenda: Call Process removed from agenda as John Sutherland was unable to attend due to weather. Motion by Bob Kinsman, second by Kate Crogan, to approve the agenda. Motion carried.