2014 EPISTLEPage 1
Pastors MessagePage 1Birthdays/AnniversariesPage 5
Bishops Christmas MessagePage 3VolunteersPage 6
Holiday EventsPage 4CalendarPage 7
Council Mtg. MinutesPage 4
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Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
By now, most of you have heard that I have resigned as pastor of St. John’s and my last day will be December 28th. That means this will be my last newsletter note to you and I want to take this time to make sure you know a few things before I go.
First of all, you need to know I love you. I truly do. We have gone through so many things together. I’ve shared in your joys of new babies, baptisms and weddings. I’ve walked with your young adults through confirmation and graduations. We’ve shared coffee and fellowship. We’ve also shared sorrows together at the loss of loved one, over fear in hospital rooms, difficult diagnosis’, lost jobs, personal challenges, community issues. You cared for me when I was going through chemo and infertility.
I love you because of all we’ve shared together, but also because St. John’s is an amazing place where God’s work is done in a gracious and loving way. You welcome the stranger, you are open to people who are different. You are a kid friendly congregation that never gets mad at a crying baby. There is permission for everyone to participate in everything, whether its reading the lessons, ushering or singing. Old or young, talented or not, you can try anything here and people will encourage you. You also love each other, support each other and pray for each other and that is what a church should do, love each other as God loves us.
Secondly, I want to tell you that I’m sorry. I’m sorry for those times I’ve let you down. I know there have been times where I should have done something and I didn’t. I know there have been times when I haven’t been my best or given my best. I know there have been times when I’ve said the wrong thing or been hurtful. I am truly sorry.
Pastors aren’t any more holy or special than any other people, but I know that I do serve as a representative of the Church. I’m sorry if anything I’ve done or not done in the last five years has hurt you or given you a negative experience with St. John’s. I’m human and I know I’ve made mistakes over the years. Thankfully, we have a God who loves you all much better and more perfectly than I could ever.
Lastly, I need to tell you that I can’t be your pastor anymore. Some of you have already contacted me asking if I can come back next summer or next year to officiate at your wedding or baptize your babies. I’m sorry, I cannot. Even though I deeply love you and will continue to care about you and pray for you, I won’t be able to come back to do baptisms, confirmations, weddings, funerals or pastoral care. I will love hearing about these events in your life but I cannot be your pastor. It would not be fair to your new pastor or to my new congregation.
Serving you, the congregation of St. John’s and the community of Spring Valley has been the greatest privilege. Know that I will continue to love you, pray for you and rejoice to see how God is working through you! I know God has wonderful things in store for you!
Pastor Erin Nelson
Please join us for
the St. John’s Men’s 14th Annual
Chili and Oyster Stew Supper
Thursday, December 4th
4:30 pm – 8:00 pm
@ St. John’s Lutheran, Spring Valley
Meal includes:
Oyster Stew, Chili, rolls,
bars and beverages
Free will offering
Bake and Craft Sale
Quilt Raffle
Sponsored by the WELCA
CRAFTERS AND BAKERS WE NEED YOUR SKILLS. We hope many of you are planning to donate crafts of all kinds as well as baked goods for our annual sale held along with the Chili/Oyster stew supper on Thursday, December 4. We appreciate any and all of your contributions. Please have items to church by 4:00 on that day.
December Family Fun Days:
The Education Committee will be hosting Family Fun Days in the month of December. Everyone is invited to attend for family fun and fellowship.
- 12/7 make Christmas cookies; a light lunch will be served.
- 12/14 Christmas program with potluck after service.
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Library Review
“Eddie’s Wake”
By Carol A. Peterson
Karl Stern’s father Eddie, falls into the icy waters of Lake Superior and drowns. Told he now is the “man of the house”, a grieving thirteen year old Karl, feels he must protect his mother and sisters from a cruel uncle. Deserted by his friends, Karl falls into a spiral of despair that threatens his faith and shakes the foundation of his world.
Lynda Johnson,
A huge thank you to all those who volunteered to help with the Ecumenical Thanksgiving worship service!
Thank you for the donations to the Mission Endowment Fund in memory of Lois Anderson given by Lori Peterson, Nancy Cleveland, and the Lois Anderson family.
Thank you for the donation to the Music Fund in memory of Lois Anderson given by Connie Crownhart.
Thank you for the donation to the Build the Minister Fund in memory of Lois Anderson given by Bill & Jill Klanderman.
Thank you for the donation to the Youth Fund in memory of Lois Anderson given by Myrtle Pechuman.
Thank you for the donations to the Memorial Fund in memory of Lois Anderson given by Flossie & Bob Hughes, Jeanette Timm and Karen & Earl Gunderson.
Thank you for the donations to the Music Fund in memory of Lucille Olstad given by Beulah Thompson, Althea Wood and Janet Gavic.
Thank you for the donations to the Mission Endowment Fund in memory of Lucille Olstad given by Rob & Lori Peterson and Jon & Linda Anderson.
Thank you for the donations to the Memorial Fund in memory of Lucille Olstad given by Tom & Jeri Gavic, Vernon & Nancy Ellefson, William & Bonnie Jackelen, Karen & Earl Gunderson and Keith & Nina Larson.
Thank you for the donation to the Building Fund in memory of Lucille Olstad given by Bill & Jill Klanderman.
Social Concerns is participating in the West Cap Holiday Gift Program this year to provide Christmas gifts for children. Gift tags are available in the Narthex. Please return gifts by Monday, December 15.
Social Concerns
Christmas Worship Volunteers Needed
We still need volunteers for the Christmas Eve & Christmas Day worship services as follows:
- Dec. 24, 4 pm – special music.
- Dec. 24, 10 pm – 2 acolytes, 1 reader and special music.
- Dec. 25, 10 am –2 acolytes, 2 communion assistants, 1 reader and special music.
If you are able to help, please let the church office know as soon as possible.
Offering Envelopes
The offering envelopes for 2015 are available in the Narthex. Please pick yours up on the way out of church.
Women of St. John’s
Submitted by Nina Larson
All women of St. John’s are welcome and encouraged to attend all scheduled events.
- We were surprised and saddened to hear that Pastor Erin will be leaving us to take a new job at Mt. Zion Lutheran in Hudson. We wish her much happiness and fulfillment in her new job. We will plan on continuing our Bible Study journey that was begun in January 2010 at our Circle meetings unless our Interim Pastor has a different plan.
- We generally suspend our Circle/Bible Study and Quilting days in December. However, we will deliver gifts to shut-ins during the first week of December.
- CIRCLE/BIBLE STUDY will be held on Thursday, January 8, at 2:00 in the Fellowship Hall. Nina Larson will have devotions and Mary Hampton will be our hostess. We will plan on studying I Kings chapters 5-10.
- Quilting will take place on Thursday, January 15. We will discuss adding another day in January at that time, since we will miss meeting on January 1.
- BINGO will be on January 6, at 2:00 at the Spring Valley Health Care Center.
- Bake and Craft Sale/Quilt raffle will be on Thursday, December 4, from 4:30-8:00 in conjunction with the Chili/Oyster Stew supper. We hope many of you will be contributing to the craft/bake sale. Please have items to church by 4:00.
- Lutheran World Relief Projects have been packed for delivery to the warehouse. We completed 30 quilts, 26 layettes and 18 school kits this year. Thank you to all the quilters, to those who helped Serena Roen with Layettes and to Nancy Cleveland and all who helped by donating materials for the School Kits and Layettes.
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All is Calm
A Christmas Message from Bishop Rick Hoyme, Northwest Synod of Wisconsin
My first parish was on the prairie of northern Montana. Each year, the week following Easter, all the pastors of our denomination from Montana, Wyoming and northern Idaho would converge on Livingston, Montana, for our annual pastors’ conference. Now, for those of you not familiar with such important things, Livingston is known as one of the premier trout fishing locations in North America. My first year I was excited to take some time from the conference and head to one the great streams surrounding Livingston and begin the process of becoming a great trout angler. I had no money, so I borrowed a fly rod from one friend, waders from another and a fishing vest from a third. I bought a book on fly fishing in Montana, read the short story “A River Runs through It” and was good to go.
I arrived at the conference and stored my gear, and began looking for Ron Johnstad, a longtime Montana pastor, a legendary fly fisher and a native of Pigeon Falls, Wis. He would know where to fish, what fly to use and how to get there! As a rookie, I was a little in awe of Ron and hesitant to bother him, but I took a deep breath, introduced myself, told him I knew where Pigeon Falls was, and asked what I hoped were not stupid questions. When I stopped to breathe he looked down at me and said, “Don’t bother … the water is too busy.”
“The water is too busy. We had a lot of snow and the rivers are running high and full of sediment. There’s too much in the water and the trout won’t be able to see the flies that you are using. The water is too busy. Don’t even try ‘cause you won’t catch anything. I didn’t even bring my rod.”
Thirty-five years later, I still remember that phrase, “The water’s too busy.”
And I remember it most often this time of year. “The water’s too busy.”
My wife Diane and I went to a movie the other night at the theater in the mall in Eau Claire. The parking lot was full, the food court was full. There were people everywhere—and, it wasn’t even Thanksgiving yet! I turned to my wife and asked naively, (which, by the way, is how I ask most of my questions), “What are all these people doing here?” She gave me her ‘who is this moron and why did I marry him’ look and said, “Shopping.”
As Christmas nears, the waters will only get busier. And we wonder why we can’t see Jesus.
In my last congregation we had four Christmas Eve worship services. Each one would end the same—with the singing of “Silent Night.” I would sit there and look out over the hundreds of people who would find their way to that sanctuary on that day and see in their faces something I never could see at the mall. I would see calm. I would see peace. I would see Jesus.
So here it is; here’s the catch. Do whatever you do in the weeks ahead to get ready for whatever you do for Christmas. Be as busy as you want or need to be. But, DO NOT skip church on Christmas Eve (or Christmas Day). Just don’t do it. It is one thing you can do to clear the water and make way for the Christ child to re-enter your life. It works. I don’t know how, but it works.
Merry Christmas!
Bishop Rick Hoyme
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Attendance: 2014 2013
Nov 2134122
Nov 9100103
Nov 16126146
Nov 23109148
Giving:GeneralOpen Simply
Plate Giving
Nov 2$2,541$35 $555
Nov 9$1,587$33.60 $15
Nov 16$3,046$35.70 $620
Nov 23$1,238$24 $15
Needed/week: $2,812.84 (2014)
Total needed to date this month: $132,203.48
Total received to date through Nov. 23: $121,697.10
Total budget: (2014) $146,267.27
Christmas Poinsettias
Order your poinsettias to share with St. John’s for Christmas again this year in honor or memory of a friend or loved one by using the form found on the oak cabinet in the Narthex. The cost of each poinsettia is $9. Orders are due December 14.
Sunday School News
The Christmas program will be presented on December 14 during worship.
There will be no Sunday School on December 21 or December 28, 2014. Have a great Christmas and blessed New Year.
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St. John’s Lutheran Church
Council Meeting
November 11, 2014
Belonging to Christ, we are a family of faith, Encouraging spiritual growth and Connecting others to lasting hope.
Those Present: Pastor Erin Nelson, Bob Kinsman (President), Jim Green (Vice President), Kelly Schreiber (Secretary), Minda Matthys (Stewardship), Nancy Cleveland (Worship), Kate Crogan, (Education), Missy Mathieson (Deacons), Katie Manor (Social Concerns)
Call to Order: by Bob Kinsman @ 7:00pm
Opening Prayer: Pastor Erin read from the book “Growing Together”
Approval of Agenda: Agenda was amended to include discussion on insurance benefits for 2015. Kelly Schreiber moved, Jim Green seconded, motion carried
President’s Report: Nothing to report
Secretary’s Report: An error documented Minda Matthys as present during the September meeting, she was not in attendance.
Treasurer’s Report: Budget items discussed
Approval of Bills: Nancy Cleveland moved, Katie Manor seconded, motion carried
Committee Reports:
- Social Concerns: Discussion regarding the Christmas charities. Please see Katie Manor by November 2nd if you are interested in donating to the Shoebox charity.
- Stewardship: Pleased to report we have had more pledge cards turned in this year than in any other year. Autumn Festival scheduled for 10/18/14.
- Worship: All planned through fall.
- Education: Going well, nothing to report.
- Deacons: Nothing to report.
- Trustees: Adam Mattison will be taking care of snow plowing this season.
Old Business:
- Minda Matthys reported that the used projectors from the University are not in the condition the church would need them to be in. Discussion to investigate all price options through Audio Architects. Mitch Nelson and Minda Matthys to research.
- The council, along with a congregational member in attendance, further discussed Wisconsin’s marriage law.
New Business:
- It was reported in error at the September meeting that Luther Point fundraising had reached its goal. It was actually still short. Discussion followed regarding using the education’s “undesignated funds” account to pay for the shortage. Jim Green motioned, Nancy Cleveland seconded, motion carried.
- Discussion about maintaining the current insurance plan for Pastor Erin in 2015. Jim Green motioned, Katie Manor seconded, motion carried.
Next Meeting
Adjourn: @ 8:12pm Nancy Cleveland moved, Kelly Schreiber seconded, motion carried.
Respectfully submitted: Kelly Schreiber, Secretary
Christmas Eve Services at:
- 4:00 p.m. with Holy Communion
- 10:00 p.m. Candlelight Service with Holy Communion
Christmas Day Service at 10:00 a.m. with Holy Communion
The Adult Community Choir & Children’s Choir will present “Colors of Christmas” on Dec. 6th at 7:00 pm & Dec. 7th at 2 pm. Both performances are at the Spring Valley Stagehands Theatre. For tickets, call Cindy at 778-5583.
The Spring Valley School’s will present their Holiday concerts as follows:
- Elementary – Dec. 19th, 1 pm
- MS/HS Choir & Band – Dec. 16th, 6:30 pm
Spring Lake Lutheran Church will be having their Christmas cookie sale on Saturday, December 6th starting at 9am. Let us do your Christmas baking for you! Fill a box with homemade cookies, candy, and Norwegian goodies of your choice for only $12.
- 27th Annual Holiday Bazaar - Craft items, holiday decorations and baked goods will be available at the Holiday Bazaar on December 5 from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. All proceeds will go to the Resident Council.
- Lighting of the Circle of Love Wreaths – The wreaths will be lit on December 6 at approximately 4:30 pm at the Spring Valley Health and Rehab Center. There will be a short program and Christmas carols.
- Volunteer Christmas Breakfast Brunch – Spring Valley Health and Rehab Center invites all those who have helped by volunteering in any way to attend their Volunteer Christmas Breakfast Brunch on Saturday, December 13 from 9 – 10:30 am. Please rsvp by December 11 to Renee Tatzel, Activity Director at 778-5545, ext. 239.
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