Pastoral Parish Council Meeting Minutes

1900-2030, Wednesday, January 21st, 2015

The River Chapel


Present:Melissa Clark(President);Tamara Criswell (Secretary); Dee Dee Monaco; William Kouam; Cynthia and Joe Adkins, Bryan Ferguson, Mark Voris, Paul Demmy, andJay Carini

Absent: Deacon Carl, Msgr. Cody

Opening Prayer: Led by Dee Dee Monaco.

Secretary’s Report:

Dee De Monacomotioned to approve minutes, Tamara Criswell seconded.

Business Report (Melissa Clark):

  1. Trinity Multi-Purpose building committee will commence meeting in February. We need two or more members of the Parish Council to be on this committee. Volunteers requested and obtained: Paul Demmy and Jay Carini. They will represent the Parish as to the needs of the Parish for this facility and will review this with Deacon Carl. Melissa Clark will be a substitute Parish representative for the committee, if needed.
  2. New flooring under the pews will completed during February and at the latest by March 15th. We received a grant from the Catholic foundation, operating funds and a small loan from the Diocese. The cost will be between $20 and $25, 000.
  3. Volunteers needed from the Parish Council are needed to help the Parish office best update the Parish Census. Mark Voris mentioned that Flock Note may have the capability needed in an updated format.
  4. A Welcome committee should be formed to promote the Parish. A chair and coordinator needed to create the Welcome packets, the twice yearly New Member weekend event and other community outreach. For future meetings, a spring welcoming weekend needs to be planned.
  5. Linda Wolf has been hired as the new director of Christian Education for grades 1-6.

Old Business:

  1. Lent Bible Study—Back by popular demand—Dee Dee Monaco
  2. We were going to do Symbolon, but because of the popularity of the past bible study, that program will be repeated. Symbolon is going to be reviewed with a small committee to become better familiar with the program before being presented. 15 people are already signed up for the repeated program, with 4 more tentatively committed, giving us a full session. Alpha is another program that is being considered for future presentation.
  3. Website Census update—Mark Voris. Tamara Criswell will be working with Jackie on the Parish Census. Currently, ours does not interface with the Diocese software. A part time IT person would be ideal to handle this. The Parish Council information on the website needs to be updated also. Mark will update any information needed. The Parish Census has to be updated as a pinnacle part of growth etc. for the Parish.
  4. The suggestion was made that it would be ideal to have a member of the Young Professionals group on the Parish Council.
  5. PPC Constitution—Final sent to all members (Thanks Bryan)

New Business

  1. Wednesday Rosary schedule—Melissa
  2. Currently Melissa Clark is leading these weekly. Volunteers are needed to help with leading this every week. Mark Voris will send out a Flock Note promoting the Rosary and soliciting for leaders.
  3. Address, phone, and email list of PPC members.
  4. SAB and Trinity School News—Bryan
  5. Home and School- February 7th. The Legacy Dinner event. Bidding for items will be available online. Go to to purchase tickets.
  6. Enrollment for Kindergarten: This is on track to be a full class again next fall
  7. Terra Nova testing will be beginning soon.
  8. The Memorial is almost completed; the picnic table will be added soon.
  9. The school will be upgrading their website and has changed their email address to Gmail (cloud). The email address will remain the same, but the service will be improved.
  10. Grants are being sought to replace the tile and ceiling tiles in the school. The driveway will be redone and the parking lot will be sealed this summer after the festival.
  11. The Breakfast with Santa was a great success. A preschool family, Chris Adkins was the raffle winner. The pancake company was very well received as was the photographer.
  12. Penny War: $1,000 was raised with this activity.
  13. Spaghetti Lenten Dinners- The Young Professionals group has committed to doing three of the weekly dinners. The council needs to contact perhaps the Knights of Columbus, and the Woman’s club to pick up the additional weeks.
  14. Sign up Genius- Website that might be useful for church volunteer positions such as for the Parish Festival, and the Lenten dinners.
  15. Women’s Catholic Conference—DeeDeeMonaco. Saturday, February 21st
  16. Men’s Catholic Conference
  17. Live The Fast. Org
  18. Bridges: Webinar concerning your God Given Strengths. Survey which will ascertain your 5 main strengths and then the tools as to how to implement those strengths.
  19. In 2008, all parishes in the Diocese created a strategic planning document. The Diocese contact will be sending ours to Dee Dee to review.
  20. No meeting in June, July or August. The meeting schedule will be the second Wednesday of each month, except for February due to Ash Wednesday.
  21. February 25th
  22. March 11th
  23. April 8th
  24. May 13th
  25. September 9th
  26. October 14th
  27. November 11th
  28. December 9th

Ending Prayer & Adjournment

Closing Prayer by Dee Dee Monaco

Melissaadjourned the meeting. Next PPC Meeting—February 25th at 7pm in the River Chapel.

Minutes recordedby: Cynthia Adkins on behalf of Tamera Criswell, Secretary

Minutes reviewed and approved by: Melissa Clark, President