I.Clinical staff members will be compensated on a graduated commission, beginning at fifty percent (50%) of fees collected. PCEC will also provide professional practice liability insurance coverage under PCEC=s institutional policy. After separation from service at PCEC, payment of any after-collected fees will be made for a ninety day period. Benefits, as applicable, will begin and end with the dates of employment and separation respectively.
Clinicians who are new to PCEC and committed to building a full time practice may be placed on a higher commission of sixty percent (60%) of fees collected. This provisional period may last up to one year and will be reviewed every quarter for continuance. To be eligible for the higher commission rate the counselor will maintain at least the following: 1. Make no less thanforty counseling hours available each week. 2. Ten of these hours will be accumulated in the time periods after 5:00 p.m. and on Saturday.
3. Produce a marketing plan that includes satellite development.
II.The compensation percentage will be increased for those meeting the following criteria:
- Clinical hours in the:
1400s 68%
500s and below50%
B.One percent (1%) addition for those holding a State of Texas License as a Professional Counselor, Social Worker, Marriage and Family Therapist or Clinical Psychologist. The increase will be effective for payroll in the first month following the date of licensure for those attaining licensure for the first time. The increase will remain in effect as long as the license is valid. Staff members should provide the business office with a photocopy of the license and of each license renewal.
C.One half percent (0.5%) addition for each year of service up to a maximum of 7% for 14 years of service. For purposes of calculating tenure, the starting date will be the first day of January of the year closest to the date of employment as a clinical staff member.
Examples - For a date of employment of June 1, 1990, the start date for tenure under this formula will be January 1, 1990. For a date of employment of October 1, 1990, the start date for tenure under this formula will be January 1, 1991.
D.One percent (1%) addition for attaining and maintaining supervisory status in one or more professional organizations or licensing bodies. The Counselor must be available to provide one hour of supervision per week and regularly attend Supervision of Supervision. Those organizations applicable under this provision are LPC, LMFT, AAMFT, AAPC, APA and LCSW. The increase will be effective for payroll in the first month following the date of official notification for those attaining supervisory status for the first time. The increase will remain in effect as long as the supervisory status of the staff member is valid. Staff members should provide the business office with a photocopy of the supervisory status notification and of each renewal, if applicable.
E.One percent (1%) addition for attaining and maintaining certified membership at any level in the American Association of Pastoral Counselors. The increase will be effective for payroll in the first month following the date of attaining membership for the first time. The increase will remain in effect as long as the membership is valid. Staff members should provide the business office with a photo copy of the membership and of each renewal.
F.One percent (1%) addition for those holding Diplomate status in the American Association of Pastoral Counselors.
G.A bonus of $500 per year (to be paid during the year of publication) will be paid for a first time publication of any one article in a national professional journal on a subject pertinent to the pastoral, theological or psychotherapeutic work and mission of PCEC. The maximum per year is one article or $500.
H.Five percent (5%) addition paid on all satellite fees collected for service at the satellite.
III.Clinicians who are producing seventy-five clinical hours or more per month will have access to Second Mile funds as funds are available.
IV.Benefit Threshold: Achieve an annual total of 900 or more client contact hours during the calendar year,
generate fees during the calendar year equivalent to 900 or more hours multiplied by PCEC=s overall break-even cost in the previous year for a session of therapy. (Please note that organizational success in lowering the break-even cost serves to reduce the threshold.)
Clinical staff meeting the above threshold criteria are entitled to the following benefits:
A.PCEC will pay the annual membership fees for two qualifying, national professional associations. The qualifying professional associations are Certified AAPC Membership, AAMFT, NASW, Certified Group Psychotherapists and The Association for Play Therapy.
B.PCEC will pay the annual Texas license fees for two qualifying state licensing bodies. The qualifying state licenses are LCSW, LPC, LMFT and Licensed Psychologist.
C.In applicable calendar year PCEC will pay for continuing education up to anamount equivalent to an additional two percent (2%) of the total fees collected generated by the counselor in the previous calendar year.
D.PCEC will pay 80% of PCEC=s group health insurance.
E.Personal office space
V.Benefit Calculation and Application for Above
A.Counselors meeting the service level thresholds in the previous calendar year will have their professional association, health, licensing and continuing education fees paid by PCEC during the first six months of the current year. If, as of July 1 (midyear) of the current year, the counselor is still meeting thresholds, PCEC will continue to pay for the balance of the year.
If, as of July 1, the counselor is not continuing to meet the threshold levels, the counselor will be expected to pay any costs during the last half of the calendar year. If, at year end, the counselor did not meet thresholds for the year, a refund will be due to PCEC. If, at year end, the counselor did meet the thresholds for the year, a refund will be due to the counselor.
B.Counselors who did not meet the thresholds in the previous calendar year will be expected to pay their professional association, health, licensing and continuing education fees during the first six months of the current year. If, as of July 1of the current year, the counselor is meeting threshold levels, PCEC will pay for the balance of the year. If, as of July 1 the counselor is not meeting the threshold levels, the counselor will be expected to pay any costs during the last half of the calendar year. If, at year end, the counselor did not meet the thresholds for the year, a refund will be due to PCEC. If, at year end, the counselor did meet the thresholds for the year, a refund will be due to the counselor.
C.To be eligible for reimbursement, conferences, seminars and workshops must be accepted as continuing education hours by the counselor's professional association(s). The prior written approval of the Director of Education or the Executive Director is required. Reimbursement for travel and lodging expenses are subject to PCEC=s guidelines for those expense categories.
Continuing education may also include tuition for courses in a Masters or Doctorate level program that has the prior approval of the Director of Education or the Executive Director. The continuing education event must be attended while in PCEC service.
VI.Clinical hours delivered time allotments:
1200 clinical hours delivered per year equals full time
900 clinical hours delivered per year equals three-fourths time
600 clinical hours delivered per year equals one-half time
300 clinical hours delivered per year equals one-fourth time