We are all familiar with the account of Jesus feeding the 5000. Actually, it was probably many more, since only the men present would have been counted in the culture of the time, and there was no doubt women and children there. This miracle was much more than a display of Jesus’ power to provide bread for all those who had gathered on the hillside. It was a display of His love and compassion for those who are in need, and mercy to those who do not deserve His goodness. When we fall short of the righteousness that God demands we can confidently look to Him to lovingly provide us with forgiveness and bread that comes down from heaven that will sustain us in this life and forever.

~Pastor Brian


Jesus Is the True and Living Bread

from Heaven.

Having rescued Israel “out of the land of Egypt” (Ex. 16:6), the Lord manifested His glory and made Himself known to His people. He fed them with “meat to eat” in the evening and with “bread from heaven” in the morning (Ex. 16:4, 8, 12). But now, the “true bread from heaven,” which the Father gives to you, is the Son, “who comes down from heaven and gives life to the world” (John 6:32–33). Whoever comes to Him “shall not hunger,” and whoever believes in Him “shall never thirst.” He is “the bread of life,” who gives Himself to you as “the food that endures to eternal life” (John 6:27, 35). By the gracious working of God, you believe in Him by the calling of one Spirit through the Gospel, so that you also have “one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all” (Eph. 4:4–6). As you eat His one body in the Holy Supper, so you belong to the one body of His Church, in which you “are to grow up in every way into him who is the head” (Eph. 4:15).

LCMS Readings Summary


On Sunday August 9th from 6:00am to 6:00pm the Meadowlane exit will be closed for northbound traffic only. Southbound traffic will not be affected. If you are driving northbound use the Cheney Road overpass exit.


Our Stephen Minister meeting for August will be held on Tuesday the 4th at 4:30pm. This is a reminder since we took a break from meeting in July.


We’re scheduled to go from May 29th to June 7th of 2017. You are personally invited to go along.

For brochures, registration sheets, and any information contact me and I will be happy to provide! Pastor Brian


Get ready for the biggest “Scavenger Hunt” of your life! OnSaturday September 26th St. John’s will feature an all-day Amazing Race competition…friendly completion open to all members and friends of the congregation for a day of fun, fellowship and as a fund-raiser for our 2016 mission trip. Donations will be taken as “entry fees” and the event will be structured so that folks of all ages can participate and enjoy. A barbeque dinner will take place after the event that everyone can take part in, not just the participants.


We will be holding a 2nd meeting on Saturday August 8th, beginning at 9:00am, to come up with concrete visions and plans to get us to where we, and the Lord, want to us to be. The meeting back on May 9th was a great success, but we’re not done yet! We have identified goals for the future but still need to work on the strategies to get us to them. All members of the congregation are once again encouraged to attend.



All St. John’s women are invited to spend an enjoyable time at the home of Carrene Roseveare on Newman Lake.We will start the day with a Bible Study, so remember to bring your Bible. Be sure to pack a lunch (cookies and beverages will provided), and don’t forget your swim suit andtowel. We will enjoy a fun afternoon on the beach at Carrene’s lakeside home.We will be posting a sign-up sheet on the kiosk so that we will know how many to expect, and who can come. Add a note if you are willing and able to be a driver, as we need to car pool due to limited parking. Driving directions will be available on the kiosk next to the sign-up sheet.Any questions, please ask

Carrene Roseveare orCorrine Molnau.


…Stan Dupree and family for comfort following Naida’s release to our Lord

…Felix Paul and family for peace following the passing of their father Wolfgang Paul.

…John Zurenko and family for comfortfollowing Betty’s passing to our Lord.

…James Kalamon and family for peace and strength following Traci Lyn’s passing.

…Gyda Marie Haynes and family, for peace and strength following Larry’s passing.

…Linda Rowley, recently diagnosed with cancer, for strength.

…Peter Paulovic, for peace following his Mother’s release to our Lord.

…Dianne Hoese, sister of Myron Molnau, for recurrent cancer.

…Billy Bakke, and the Davis familyafter the tragic deaths in their family.

…Arlene Andersen, for healing after her recent surgery.

…Bob Liddell and family, Eleanor Holt’s brother, diagnosed with stage 4 cancer.

…Don Mangis, for ongoing cancer treatment.

…The Schaeffler family, for restored good health and strength.

…Mel Beam, for heart disease issues.

…Greg Higley, friend of Jason and Michelle Alleman, withcancer, for strength.

…Ken Szapko, friend of John Roseveare, who has bone cancer.

…Zelma Garinger, for continued strength.

…Christine Sunwold, friend of Carol Widman with recurrent cancer.

…Gary Bowen, friend of Jim Smith, in treatment for liver cancer.

…Alijah Armstead, Air Force, and for all

activemilitary, veterans, andfamilies.

Then the Lord said to Moses, “Behold, I am about to rain bread from heaven for you, and the people shall go out and gather a day's portion every day, that I may test them, whether they will walk in my law or not.” Exodus 16:4

CHECKOUR WEBSITEAs always, you can log on to for all the information that you need concerning St. John’s Lutheran Church.

NURSERYWe welcome small children in our services, and if they should make some noise that’s okay. Small children may also play in thechildren’s corner in the Fellowship Hall. Help is available if parents would like to return to the sanctuary to participate in the service.

CHILDREN’S BULLETINS Our folders can be colored with crayons and are on the table by the doors to the sanctuary. Busy bags are packed and ready for the children.They are by

the children’s corner in the Fellowship Hall.

PRAYER LIST Please notify the church office to have your prayer needs listed, and for changes to our list.

August2– August 9, 2015
SUNDAY / Tenth Sunday after Pentecost ......
Lutheran Hour on KQNT 590 AM......
Worship Service with Communion......
Fellowship Time ......
Worship and Music Meeting ……………………………….. / 7:30 a.m.
9:00 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
11:30 a.m.
TUESDAY / Office HoursTuesday through Thursday ….……………...
Trading Company Bible Study ……………………………..
Stephen Ministry Meeting ………………………………….. / 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
10:00 a.m.
4:30 p.m.
THURSDAY / Fitness & Balance Class……………………………………
Quilting Group Meets ………………………………………. / 9:00 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
SATURDAY / Vision and Planning Meeting………………………………. / 9:00 a.m.
SUNDAY / Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost ......
Lutheran Hour on KQNT 590 AM......
Worship Service......
Fellowship Time...... / 7:30 a.m.
9:00 a.m.
10:00 a.m.

Happy Birthday

Aug 2 Alijah Armstead Aug 3 Marietta McGourinAug 3 Julie Ross

Aug 4 Linda Rowley Aug 5 Lynda Matz

Happy Anniversary

Lutheran Hour August 9"What do You Think of Christ?" Lutheran Hour Speaker:

Rev. Gregory Seltz. Everyone seems to have an opinion about Jesus; however, faith is what counts. (Matthew 22:41-43)