Past Minutes Read and Accepted

Kyogle P&C Association Minutes

Facilitator: Rowena Nelson / Meeting Purpose: GM
Meeting Date: 14.03.17 / Meeting start time: 5.55 pm
Minutes taken by: Sue Landers / Meeting end time6.45pm

Past minutes read and accepted

Principals Report

·  Shade area is in action. Paper work is lengthy.

·  Aboriginal Community meetings have changed their meeting format to being non agenda driven. Everyone welcome to come along yet realise that there is no agenda.

·  We have dropped one class this year – down to 12 full classes

·  Dropped 1 staff entitlement in office (3 children off required). Staffing will drop by 1 day. It will stay this way until end of year.

·  Curriculum teams have been formed and are working well

·  We have 4 Occupational therapists from 4th year university in our school all year round now. They are working with the teachers and students very successfully.

·  Fund application committee has been formed. Along with teachers and Helen Black. Thank you very much to those teachers.

Correspondence: Photographic company that want to come and talk to us about their products. Will give us $150 if we listen. Discussion. Not what some people want to do. Megan to follow up.

Treasurers Report:

·  Attached

General Business

·  Social - Wed March 22 5.30pm – 7pm. SRC do the BBQ. P&C drinks and chips. Volunteers for night: Petrina and Rowena.

·  Letter from Ameliah Nelson tabled and read. – Applied to P&C for funding to go to state. $100 given.

·  Ideas for fundraising. What are the targets and go onto next agenda.

·  Fete report tabled. Buy dunking box outright: yes. Next meeting Wed 22March 6.30pm in staff room

·  Helen Black asked for $150 for the funding application committee to enable them to access the grants link website. Approved. Angie Brace to follow up.

·  Discussion around the FRRR funding for the BBox coding robots. The grant needs dollar for dollar funding. Applying for enough robots for stage 3 at present. This led to an idea from Blair O’Meara on behalf of the high school that we may be able to borrow the high school robots when they are not using them. Follow up.

·  Yowie bus – do we utilise it? We are using the high school bus for the carlill cup.

·  Feedback to P&C that people are not feeling heard, very efficient meetings which may not leave space for people to be heard or included.

·  Year 6 dinner is on Monday 4 December 2017.

·  Blair asked for helpers for in his new role. Row and Sue


Tuesday 4 April at 5.30pm

KPS P&C Meeting