Paso Robles Public Schools
District Safety Committee Meeting
Meeting called to order at 3:15 PM.
In attendance: Lisa Sinclair - Winifred Pifer, Susan Parham – Kermit King, Jennifer Brown – LMS, Valerie Dalton – PRYDE, Marilyn Richie – Bauer/Speck, Peter Flores – FMS, Pam Hansen – TC, Wendy Butterfield – HIS, Amy Cocores – Culinary, Sylvia Armendariz – Georgia Brown, Suzy Parks, Jason Taylor.
Old Business-
Safety Incentive Drawings were held. Three gift cards of $20.oo each were given out for last year and two for this year. The names were drawn from those who submitted certificates from the on-line classes offered by SIPE. Winners for last year were Susan Parham, Celia Bewley and Mariam Morones. Winner of both this year’s was Susan Parham.
Safe Schools Plans are all turned into Jason. Thank You!
Countywide Safety Workshop will be held on March 19th, 2010. It will be held at the Culinary Academy. More information will follow at a later date.
H1N1 supplies: masks have been received for Emergency Response and hand sanitizers have been distributed to all sites that requested more. Clinics are still scheduled this week, and next, for Liberty, Lewis, Phillips, Flamson and the High School.. A e-mail went out to all members about clinics for staff who fall into the high-risk category. Please share with your respective staffs.
New Business –
All sites are requested to contact Jason with a date for him to come and observe a drill. PLEASE, no Fire Drills. Pick a date in January, February or March and confirm with him. Try to avoid Tuesday mornings as he has staff meetings then.
Funding: Butler requested First Aid Kits, LED flashlights, hardhats and work gloves (no blankets as those are already in emergency supplies) for an approximate total of $500.oo. Flamson requested 2 stop signs and vests for an approximate total of $100.oo. The requests were approved unanimously.
RISK Managers report will be carried over to next month as Kelly was unavailable.
Monthly Safety Topic will be on MSDS sheets as many of our people do not know what they are or that we are required to have them on site. Jason will send these out.
Committee Training will be on the ICS system at next month’s meeting. It will take about 15 minutes and you can finish it up with the on-line training and receive a certificate.
Concerns – Bauer/Speck has some concerns over the bus loading area on the side of Bauer. Parents are parking in the area and buses are having to double park with children crossing in between cars.
It was noted that many of the schools have been in contact with Jason over similar problems. Jason has received permission from the city to paint some curb areas for drop off areas only. The committee agreed to spend some of the District matching funds for the paint. Jason will pint the curbs if needed or you may find your own volunteer at the site. Flamson requested that Jason look into the fact that the city has painted the curb in front of the school red and will it remain this way?
Next meeting is 12 January, 2010.
Meeting adjourned at 3:40PM.