Partnerships for Children
January 17, 2018 Meeting Minutes
Board Present:Kori Gough, Amy Brandes, Marcus Cantu, Rachel Petrichenko, Jamie Cotton, Dauphen Jackson, Katie Young, Kanice Spears, Elizabeth Carroll, Amy Ponder, Erin Argue. Guest: Chrissy Compere
Via teleconference: Benita Trevino, Paige Darby, Lindsey Goss, Clint Harbour
Absent: Ryan Willett,Michelle Karp,A.J. Abrams, Liz Link, Trevor Kale
Location: Ronald McDonald House
Action Items:
- Call to Order
- By Amy at 12:04pm.
- Welcome to Amy Ponder who is now on staff and will be helping Eric with the YES Mentor program.
- How Children Enter Care- AJ Abrams has created a visual and a video to help understand how children come into the care of the State/CPS. The visual was passed out and the video will be sent to all the board in an email.
- By-Laws- Amy and Clint have been working together to update our current bylaws. Clint explained that the majority of what existed did not properly reflect the way we operate. He has spent some time researching other non-profits to determine their current policies and has come up with a “first pass” of updated PFC bylaws. Lindsey and Dauphen volunteered to review these and once finalized, these updated bylaws will be presented to the board for approval. Some examples of needed updates include the way we “attend” meetings ie. Teleconferencing and discussion of voting policies (can we accept an email vote or will one have to be present/teleconferencing).
- Treasurer Report-presented by Paige Darby
Review of Budget to Actuals. Every event held to date has exceed expectations. Grants are well on the way to exceed budget with a few outstanding grants and the received $35k grant for beds from a designated family within Austin Community Foundation. The HW general donations were up this year as well as the expansion of Night Hawk frozen food contributions now extend to ALL their products! Kori reviewed the proposed increase in the budget that equals $21,500. Increases will come from the newly designed Legacy Luncheon ($2k), Marketing Materials ($3k) to expand to mugs with PFC logos, t-shirts etc. to capitalize on the momentum from the new branding materials. Contract employment with Springbox for website/pitch packet/brochure ($2,100), Katy for graphic design work ($2500), SFCC for expanded grant templates etc. especially with The Heart Gallery which has already been contracted out ($6,800), Zilker for website update which has also already been spent ($2100) and finally Social Media Intern ($3k) which will be a new concept but we are certain that we are in need of a plan to capitalize on our current momentum. Our overall financial picture is very healthy!
- Development- presented by Katie Young
1. Legacy Luncheon-set for March 1 from 11:30-1pm. Invites have gone to past and board members with the intend of celebrating our progress and hopes of re-engaging any that have lost touch. There will be a soft “ask” at the conclusion.
2. Holiday Wishes conversion plan-follow up with all that have donated and volunteered.
3. Thank you notes-email Katie with any requests and utilize the upcoming Smart Sheet to request these.
VI. Program Reports: Marcus updated the HW program numbers and the feeling that HW has plateaued. Numbers include 5015 children last year, 5200 this year. 3732 Sponsored children in 2016 and 3754 this year. This is even with the loss of the church that has typically sponsored 500 kids each year. General expenses dropped year over year from $35k to $26k this year and we feel that has come from the “general” HW donations that allowed us to shop/buy with donations rather than with PFC finances. Rainbow Room- Kori presented the updated social media pieces for the RR and they look great!
VII. Gala Update- Chrissy Compere was present to discuss the Monte Carlo theme of the April 7th Gala. Currently asking board for Sponsorships and silent auction items. Sponsorships will go to print on 2/9 so get yours in today and know that tables are limited!
Meeting Adjourned at 1:05 by Amy
TO DO’s:
Assist with Gala silent auction items- forms will be on Board resource page
Assist with Gala on Sponsorships- forms on Board page and deadline for print is 2/9
Attend Legacy Lunch on March 2nd 11:30-1pm
Attend March 7th meeting from 12-1pm at Ronald McDonald House