Partners on the Journey: A TVI and Family’s CVI Experience from Birth to Age 3. Webinar Questions/Answers
Question: How often are you able to see your CVI students? What is your caseload size?
Answer: Typically, when I was seeing Krish I was in early intervention in our county. The babies and infants with CVI would need to be seen weekly. That was my caseload. I had a very flexible ability to do that with a lot of support. Often it increased with the more support from the team.
Presently, I am not doing consulting, more specifically with CVI. So the amount of time that is needed for the baby or the student is determine by their IEP goals, which is the emphasis on having a strong CVI IEP to give the appropriate amount of services.
Question: Where would you say you got the best training on CVI?
Answer: I would say the best training for me has been whatever my next training is, honestly.
Especially with a phase III, the new information that's out there now at phase III, it's never over.
The difference every time I am able to be at a conference or symposium with Dr. Roman, or able to chat with other people in the visual impairment society in a meeting that we have every year in Oklahoma, I have never left one of those interactions, conferences, etc., without learning something.
And I think it's really important for professionals to know that, because you cannot say that you are skilled and not understand that you still have a lot to learn.
Question: When did you think we were ready to try for the CVI endorsement? I'm struggling myself to think if I'm ready or not.
Answer: I have to say that I was nervous doing the Endorsement, even with the training I have had. The issue is that each child presents with unique challenges, but the CVI Guiding Principles never change. If you don’t know the principles in the core of your being, learn them. Know the characteristicsinside and out. Enroll in Dr Roman’s course at Perkins. They provide you with resources and videos to watch. Then do it. Take advantage of the office hours and get the guidance you may need. Good luck!
Question: For those of us new to CVI training, what are the best beginner resources to learn?
Answer: Read Dr. Roman Lantzy’s book on CVI. Perkins has excellent resources, The CVI Hub, and many online classes. Join Facebook groups about CVI and listen to parents!! They are a wealth of knowledge and resources. Try to find a mentor who can help you to learn, there are many Endorsed teachers who are willing to help.