Biddlestone Health Group


Date: October 19th 2015

Chair:Peter Bainbridge

Present:6 members and Dr Tew


Previous Minutes
These were accepted.
Matters Arising & Updates
3 new members joined the group and 1 resigned.
3 apologies
Update on Action Plan
Action / Update
Investigate the benefits and costs of installing a queueing system into the existing phone system. / The partners have agreed to purchase the system.
Discuss with the Clinical Commissioning Group the possibilities of locum support / This is not possible as we are responsible for our own cover.
Remove the current greeting and review what messages are included on the system / Completed
Explore the possibilities of live chat on the web site / Completed
Advertise the facility of patient requesting a private room for discussion rather than using the reception desk / Done
Inform the landlords of the concerns raised relating to the front entrance and fire exit especially for those in wheelchairs. / Completed
Raise the profile of patients who are carers informing the practice / To be completed
Review external resources that are available and may be of benefit to patients. / To be completed
Action / Update
Approach local schools to see what joint ventures may be possible e.g. newsletter, live chat. / Talks being given by a Partner to local schools
Produce a frequently Asked Questions information sheet based on questions asked of receptionists / To be completed
Discussion at Meeting
Telephone Queuing System
Once the partners are happy that the central phone system is working then they will proceed with the installation of the queuing system.
External Resources that the practice could approach to provide information for patients:-
  • Mother & Toddler groups
  • Churches
  • Age Concern
  • Age UK
  • Palliative Care in Hospitals
  • Sure Start
The practice should also consider providing space for outreach services to improve access for patients to their services.
PB thanked those members of the group who had replied and their views were very similar to those from within the practice. These views had been forwarded to the Newcastle and Gateshead Clinical Commissioning Group.
My main concern is that some of it may be at the expense of the doctors providing the care - the extra hours, extra workload, possible extra monetary‘investment’.
Agree – we do not yet know how it will be funded.
Community Integration is something that we started to discuss at the last PPG meeting. Would it be worth us thinking about this more as a group, or do the partners first need to think about what kind of thing they feel they want/are able to provide? Is it a matter of‘only’ involving other businesses in the area, or is there mileage in considering the Practice hold health information sessions, etc.?
Does BHG have anyplansto becomepart of a cluster of Practices? What would it mean for BHG to do so? What are the pros and cons?What, if any, collaboration is there between BHG and other practices currently?
Could Biddlestone Road have a plan based on the demography and needs of the client group in the area and build own expertise based on this?
Proof of Concept - we have noted an interest in being a member of a pilot group of practices to look at working together to prove a range of services to the population in the locality/cluster.
Technology - will it be provided by the CCG or will practices be expected to fund it themselves?No information as yet.
As doctors and staff leave need to try and recruit new members who are positive about the new direction required to meet NHS and local patient needs and expectations
Dr Reid has retired and the partners are looking at what is required now i.e. Taking the opportunity to evaluate supply and demand and budgetary constraints.
An additional 20 hours of non-clinical staff starts 2nd November which will give us better cover especially on the mornings.
A need for skills mix in staff team – Biddlestone Road should have the capacity for this and be exploring ways forward to meet patient’s need
This is an annual exercise and is in the process of being completed.
Biddlestone Road should have an up to date Business Model and consider appointing a non-executive and none doctor business partner / advisor to bring other views and non-clinical ideas to the table.
Biddlestone Road needs to have special arrangements or plan for the management of people with complex needs such as those living in residential, nursing and assisted living facilities –also homeless people and those with drug and alcohol problems
Friends & Family Tests August 1st to September 30th 2015
See Appendix 1 for the results.
Points specifically discussed:-
  • Could the practice operate an open drop in session - it is possible however there could be certain days where it could be overwhelming and other necessary activities during the day would be adversely affected e.g. home visits.
  • Appointments and Dr Reid’s resignation – currently the 2 sessions that Dr Reid worked are being covered by locums as the partnership is looking at the number of sessions currently being provided and how the sessions operate to improve patient access.
  • At present 12% of all GP vacancies are unfilled and the current thinking i9s that the practice would be better served by having another partner rather than a salaried GP. You get more commitment and responsibility as a result. As part of the partners review their working patterns will be reviewed with a view to better match patient demand during the week.
  • Queuing for appointments and sometimes in the rain – the practice has to balance the number of appointments it has available each day with the demands of those patients who have long term conditions and those who have illness that need to be assessed that day. Together with those who have access to a PC and those who do not.
The practice acknowledges the difficulties that some patients have ringing at 8.30am e.g. work commitments and will try wherever possible to accommodate. The number of online appointments that are available are limited so not to disadvantage those patients who do not have access to a PC.
  • Telephone answering – the additional staff due to start in November will go some way to reduce the time it takes to answer calls throughout the day.
  • Reception – the group felt that there had been an improvement with the service a t reception and quoted the recent flu clinic as an example.
We are currently putting together a business plan for the practice for 2016 and would like your input into it.
As a starter we need to look at where we are now and what we see as the future with regard to patient care and services.
This section is just to draw up a list of your views and comments. These will be included with the views of the staff and Partners in putting the plan together.
  • Welcoming
  • Personal care
  • Caring
  • Doctors take time with patients
  • Excellent staff
  • Location
  • Premises/amenities
  • Skills and knowledge
  • On-line facilities
  • Secure atmosphere
  • Continuity of care even though not the same doctor every time
  • Ordering repeat prescriptions on the telephone 24/7
  • Appointment system
  • Queuing outside at 8.30 to make an appointment
  • Telephone answering too slow
  • Staffing levels too low
  • Not much involvement with the local community.
  • Adding to the practice strengths
  • Installed a PC in the surgery for patient use
  • Take advantage of self-help groups
  • Involvement with new ideas of working e.g. integrated acre.
  • Additional work and not funded
  • Reduction in budgets for Newcastle City Council
  • Patients self-diagnosing

Action Points

Action / By Whom / Deadline Date
Investigate if patient’s records could be flagged to show their circumstances when making appointments e.g. work patterns. / PB / 30/11/15
Raise the profile of patients who are carers informing the practice / PB / 31/12/15
Review external resources that are available and may be of benefit to patients. / PB / 310/01/16

Biddlestone Health Group

Appendix 1