1st April 2015
PresentNigel Healey Treasurer MAP, Chair Tarland Welfare Trust
Cllr. John Latham Aberdeenshire Council
Jean Henretty Chair MAP, Banchory and District Initiative
Nick Mardall Deeside Donside Development Project
Brian Begg 1298 Squadron Huntly and Area Air Cadets
Janelle Clark Aberdeenshire Council
Simon Blackett Braemar Community Ltd
Keith Bennett Mid-Deeside Community Council
Bill Slee Alford community
In Attendance
Lizzy Shepherd Development Officer, Marr Area Partnership
Natasha Pawlukiewicz Development Officer, Marr Area Partnership
Roisin Daly Development Officer, Marr Area Partnership
Lee Haxton Cairngorms National Park Authority
1. Chair’s Welcome:
2. Apologies
Patricia Fraser Crathie Community
George Wordie Strathbogie Community Council
3.Minutes ofmeeting of 7thJanuary 2015: Approved.
Vice-chair appointed; Bryan Begg nominated by Jean Henretty, seconded by Nigel Healey.
4. Matters Arising from Minutes:
- Lee Haxton will attend MAP Board meetings from now on representing the CNPA
- NHS Improvement Officer - no further move as Dawn Tuckwood away.
- Grant letter from CNPA is ready to be signed as money as come through from Scottish Government; return signed letter with invoice to draw down first tranche.
6. Director resignations: Donald Boyd has resigned. He has been with MAP since the start so many thanks to him for all his work.
Sunniva Caro and Nick Mardall have also stepped down.
7. Staff changes:a big thanks to Lizzy for organising the recruitment of the new Development Officer. Nick Mardall has been appointed with a specific remit relating to the new grant with CNPA.
Lizzy is leaving; a very big thanks for all her hard work; it will be the Council's gain.
8. New Office: Many thanks to the CNPA for their in-kind support; also the staff have been very welcoming and helpful. There is the possibility of holding the next Board meeting in the new office.
Gordon McKnight will sort out the IT and get all the Development Officers on to one system.
9. Youth work research: One of the applicants for the Development Officer's job has a lot of youth work experience who could possibly be asked to research the skills needs of young people out with schools. First meet CLD so no duplication. It would require 200 hours worth of work. Look at Loch Lomond and Trossachs as doing a good skills partnership - Lee can pass on contact details. Jean and Roisin to send out paper for scoping project for Board to respond to. Take a look at the Park's research strategy. Aberdeen University a possible partner - academic rigour. Cairngorms Learning Partnership - check with them.
10. LEADER Cairngorms and South Aberdeenshire Local Action Group update
There is room for collaboration with the new themes. SALAG chair is Liam Smyth from Chamber of Commerce. the Park Local Development Strategy has been agreed in principle; the LEADER launch will be in June but applications only in October, or possibly even next year. Projects can be put on a database. Applications will be online and MAP may need to support this.
There will be a Park LEADER event on 11 June, as well as un update from the Rural Parliament. Organisations are sought to have stalls at this event.
11. Finance Report: There is a 9 months' operating expenditure in the accounts.
Marr Area Committee agreed funding for the IGS (£10k) and for community planning. Any unspent funds can be carried over, and if we run out, we can apply for more.
The Council needs to speak to us on reporting for the SLAs as the report is expected mid-May.
12. Initiative Grant Scheme (IGS):Summary of Awards and Applications as at 28th March 2015 presented, IGS funds remaining = £5342.
- Aboyne Canoe Club: £1000 agreed
- Kincardine O'Neil Village Hall: £1000 agreed
- Huntly Air Cadets: £775 agreed
- Crathie Mother and Toddler: Natasha to ask Dawn Tuckwood if she can fund instead via NHS
- Ballater Royal Deeside: £850 agreed
- Logie Coldstone Hall: Not agreed
- HADTAG: Ask for a breakdown of budget; will be a one off payment £200
- Victoria and Albert Halls: Not agreed
- Tarland Welfare Trust: £500 agreed
14. Partners’ Updates on Community Issues: A sheet was sent round to Board members to fill in prior to the meeting. It was discussed briefly.
15. AOCB:Lee asked if a contact sheet for the Park area could be done.
Community shares: could this topic be covered at a future forum?
Can MAP look at a code of conduct for the Board members to demonstrate they act in a professional manner.
Could the Board have contact details of local groups in each area of Marr?
16. Date and venue of next meetings: All meetings atRoom A3 Alford Academy 7pm - 9pm unless otherwise stated: 17th June, 23rd Sept, 11th Dec (venue TBC, meeting followed by Xmas lunch); AGM 26th Sept (venue and time TBC) / Action &
by whom
Natasha to send round details
Natasha to circulate via e-newsletter