Page 19/12/2018


This profile will help us effectively plan meetings, networking opportunities and to offer a program suited to the needs and objectives of the participants. The information provided will be shared with Bank experts and participants according to the objectives and needs of the applicant. Kindly complete the following questionnaire and forward it to:

Name: / Title:
Organization: / Address:
City: / Postal Code:
Phone: / () / Fax: / ()
E-mail: / Web site:
Person to contact in case of emergency: / Name: / Phone 1:
Family ties: / Phone 2:
Is there a cell number we can reach you during the BOS? ()
Corporate profile
Type of organization and economic activity
A consulting company An economic development agency
An equipment manufacturer Government officials
Consultants Commercial Banks
Consulting firms Multilateral Development Banks
Engineering firm Civil works contractors
Civil society organizations United Nations Agencies
Foundations and Philanthropic Others:
In terms of number of employees, how large is your organization?
1 to 29 employees 100 to 499
30 to 99 500 or more
In terms of annual revenues, how large is your organization?
Less than $500,000 $25 to $50 million
From $500,000 to $5 million over $50 million
$5 to $25 million Not applicable
What percentage of your organization’s activities is related to exporting?
0% 26% to 50%
1% to 10% 50% or more
11% to 25%
Briefly describe your organization:
The topics that are of most interest to you on this mission are:
Renewable and Clean Energy Agriculture
Procurement regulation Finance
Contacts Industry, Mining & Quarrying
Climate change and Green Growth Water supply and sanitation
Environment Health
Communication/TIC Urban Development
Education Infrastructure
Electricity and Power Jobs for youth
Social Transport
Trade/Services Other, please specify
Mission Objectives
Specific expertise in the sector which you wish to position with the AfDB :
What are your objectives with regards to the AfDB and/or developing countries market in Africa?
Which of the following best describes your organization’s specific objectives for this mission?
To explore a new potential market
To consolidate our organization’s presence in a market where we are already active
To gather information for transmission
Other (specify):
International Experience
In which African countries do you currently conduct business?
Have you ever conducted any business with the AfDB and/or international financial institutions? If yes, please specify.