Bachelor Application

(Participants must be able to attend pre-event meetings and sign a release form)

Please answer every question with as much information as you can.

Application is due by November 20th

Event is Friday, March 2nd, 2018 at the Mill & Mine

The Basics

Name______Age______Height ______Eye color______



Who referred you? ______What is your relationship to him/her? ______

Where did you hear about Friends of Literacy / Bachelor Auction? ______

Growing Up: Education / Training


Dream Job ______

Education (school / degree / certification)______

Where are you from? ______Have you lived elsewhere/where?______

What do you like about living in East TN? ______

Do you have any volunteer involvement? Tell us about where you volunteer, what you do, and why: ______



Let’s Get Personal…

How would your friends describe you? ______

First thing people usually notice about you? ______

Something unique most people don’t know about you?______

Accomplishment you are most proud of?______


The craziest thing you have ever done?______


Listthree things you can’t live without and why? ______

If you could travel to one place, where would it be and why? ______


If you could meet one person (living or dead) who would it be and why? ______


Who inspires you? Who do you aspire to be like?______


If you could trade lives with one person for an entire day who would it be and why?______


What is your most bizarre talent?______


What Makes You Tick?

What are you passionate about? ______


What two or three things do you enjoy doing with your leisure time?______


What’s something you could talk about for hours?______


What’s the nerdiest thing you’re willing to admit?______


What are your life goals? What motivates you to get up in the morning?______


Tell us one random fact about yourself.______

What are you looking for in a relationship?______


What is your most treasured possession and why? ______


What is most likely to make you smile? ______

Hobbies, interests, likes ______


Do you have any tattoos? If you got one what would you get?______


Dislikes, pet-peeves ______

Favorite saying or quote ______


What is your guilty pleasure? ______

Name the last show you binged watched? ______

What was the last thing you read?______

What is playing on your IPod/radio right now? ______

What is your Favorite movie? ______

Favorite article of clothing?______

Dream Date

Describe your ideal first date ______



What’s your favorite cheesy pick-up line? Have you ever used it?______


Favorite restaurant or hang out ______

Anything else we should know about you?______


Your Date

Friends of Literacy will provide you with the gift certificates and tickets for your date package. However, you are invited to plan your own date if you would like to. The cost of the date package you provide will be counted towards your total fundraising goal.

Would you prefer to plan your own date? If yes, what would you do? ______



Raising Funds-Most Eligible Bachelor

Your participation helps us to provide free reading classes for adults who cannot read. In addition to the money you raise on the auction block there is a friendly competition to see who can raise the most money before the event via donations, ticket sales and side events. The guy who raises the most money will be named the Most Eligible Bachelor at the event and win a prize package.

More information will be available at the Bachelor Orientationon Wednesday, December 6th atCopper Cellar on Cumberland Ave. at6:30 pm. At the orientation you will receive a packet of information and more details on how you can become the Most Eligible Bachelor.

What is your fundraising goal amount? $______

Statement of Commitment

By completing and submitting this application, I understand and agree that:

_____ I will be present for Bachelor Orientation on December 6th, Bachelor Auction Rehearsal on February 28th, the Bachelor Auction onMarch 2nd, and for ‘the date’ with the winning bidder at the agreed upon date time.

_____ I will complete all Bachelor Auction-related tasks in accordance with instructions and in a timely manner.

_____ My participation in and follow-through on this commitment and its related tasks is crucial to the success of the Bachelor Auction and directly impacts the ability of Friends of Literacy to effectively serve our community.

_____ Failure to follow through with my commitment may result in a financial penalty equal to the loss of income my absence may cause (minimum $100) at the discretion of the Executive Director.

_____ I will allow Friends of Literacy to run a background check.



Complete Applications are due November 20th.

Please return this application with one (1) color head & shoulder photo of just youand one (1) color full length photo of just you. Photos do not have to be professionally shot.But they will be used for all marketing.

Email complete package to: Madison Bankston –

Friends of Literacy

900 E. Hill Ave Suite 120

Knoxville, TN 37915


Fax (865)549-7004

Like us on Facebook: Friends of Literacy Bachelor Auction

Friday, March 2, 2018atthe Mill & Mine

WVLT’s Lauren Davis, Emcee and Dino Cartwright, Auctioneer

Support adults learning to read within our community.