Participant Information for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex People:

Focus Groups.

A pilot study related to reducing health inequalities

experienced by LGBTI people (Ref: SANTE/2015/C4/035).

Who are we?

We are a European partnership brought together to undertake research about Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex people’s experience of healthcare: EuroHealthNet [public health network-Belgium], Verona University Hospital [Italy], National Institute of Public Health [Poland], University of Brighton [UK] and the International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association (ILGA).

Why are we doing this research?

We want to know more about how to reduce health inequalities for LGBTI people. We are speaking to you because we want to gain a better understanding of the barriers faced by LGBTI people when receiving healthcare.

Who can take part?

Anyone who identifies as LGBTI can take part in this discussion group.

What will be involved?

You will be asked to take part in a discussion group. The group will include up to 10 people, discussing their experiences of healthcare as an LGBTI person.

A researcher will conduct the focus group and will use a series of prompts to encourage group discussion. They will record what is said in the focus group, usually a digital recording of the discussion. If you do not wish your voice to be recorded then please let the facilitator know, and notes will be taken instead.

We ask that you do not discuss details of individuals or say who was in the focus group outside of it. You can talk about what you have said and discuss the conversations in general terms, but please do not mention anyone in particular, name any individuals, or discuss the conversation in a way that might be revealing of another person’s identity.

What happens to the information?

The recorded discussion will be transcribed by an external agency who are used to dealing with sensitive and confidential data. They will stick to a strict code of conduct and confidentiality guidelines. Where the discussion is in a language other than English, the recordings will be written up, anonymised (all names and identifying details removed) and translated into English by professionals well versed in issues of confidentiality.

We will report the anonymised findings of the research through the European Commission and in academic articles and presentations. The information will also be used to inform training materials that will seek to reduce health inequalities for LGBTI people.

Monitoring data (collected using an anonymous monitoring sheet at the end of the discussion group) and all other information will be kept separate from the focus group transcripts.

Data will be retained by the European Commission for a period of 7 years and then the digital files will be destroyed/deleted and any physical data shredded.

Will I be identified?

You will be given the choice of being named (or not) in the reports and other outputs from this study. This could take the form of a full named ‘thank you’ in the acknowledgements and the use of your first name beside any quotes used. Please use the consent form to indicate if you wish to be named or not.

Whether you are named or not, we will not use any identifying details about you in any report (for example specifics about your job or your address), presentations or article that we write about the research. This means we will anonymise the information that you give us as much as possible.

If you have concerns about you or someone else being identified because of something you have said, please speak to the researcher.

What if I change my mind?

Your participation in the group is entirely on a voluntary basis.You can leave the group at anytime. You can answer questions or not answer them. You can withdraw consent for your information to be used at anytime, even after the focus group), up to the point where the report is submitted (please contact the University of Brighton researchers - details below).

Contact details:

If you have any questions or want any clarifications please contact: [Local Facilitator contact details here]

If you want to be told what the research finds out, there will be an opportunity to provide your contact details at the end of the group.

If you have any questions, problems or complaints, please contact the Dr. Nigel Sherriff (University of Brighton) (Local Principal Investigator), who will be able to assist you or direct you to someone who can: Tel: +44 (01273 644539 , E-mail: .

College of Life, Health, and Physical Sciences, University of Brighton, Mayfield House (M256), Falmer, Brighton, BN1 9PH, UK.

If you want to speak to someone else, please contact Dr. Massimo Mirandola (Verona University Hospital) (Chief Investigator), who will be able to assist you or direct you to someone who can: Tel. +390458128276 , Massimo Mirandola .

Dr Massimo Mirandola, Infectious Diseases Section, Department of Pathology, Verona University Hospital - Veneto Region, Policlinico "G.B. Rossi", B.go Roma, Piazzale, L. Scuro, 10 - 37134 – VERONA, Italy