The Healing Codes05.21.20091

Thursday Q&ATom Costello

Participant: (Gail) Reference to Christian Northrop’s newest CD, Power of Joy. She’s the internationally known doctor and happens to have been mine. The whole CD is about intent for pleasure and joy and all the scientific proof of what it does for the body/mind system. It’s funny, funny, funny.

Tom Costello: These days of needing to grind through life to get to two weeks vacation or something – not real workable.

This is The Healing Codes question and answer teleconference. My name is Tom Costello. On behalf of The Healing Codes family I welcome you to this call. Tonight in this hemisphere it is May 21, 2009. Everything on the call is being recorded. The recording is available as a download from our website:

We support our clients in several different ways. This call, the recording, the download, , group coaching, one-on-one coaching. You name it. We would encourage you to participate. There are other things that you can find on website. I recommend that you use us to keep yourself motivated to change your life.

We like to use this call to have people talk about their success stories or people who have struggles or issues, we’ll deal with it from soup to nuts. You name it. If it’s about The Healing Codes in any form or fashion this is the appropriate place for it.

Our disclaimer is that The Healing Codes are not intended to diagnose or treat any physical or mental conditions or their symptoms. The Healing Codes are about dealing with issues of the heart. It is on those spiritual issues that we focus our attention. Furthermore the opinions I express are my own opinions. If they serve you I’m pleased. If not just let them go flying by. You don’t need to get involved with something that doesn’t resonate with you, not only on this call buy anywhere for that matter.

What I’d like to do is open the call to questions. If you have a question, an answer, a comment, success story, situation, this would be a great time. What you ask about or comment about serves not only you but other people on the call or perhaps people listening to the recording after the fact. Just hit *6. That will un-mute your telephone. Help yourself.

Participant: (Char) What are we going to be missing at 9:00 with Dr. Loyd if we stay on this call?

Tom Costello: Ah, ah, ah!! I just gave you the sum-total of my knowledge. I’ve been out of town. I don’t have a clue what’s happening at 9:00.

Participant: Thanks.

Tom Costello: Some other question? Some other situation? Something going on? Shall we have a moment of silence? I’m going to mute the phone for a second and get a drink of water.

Participant: (Gail) I may as well take this opportunity to continue the conversation about a CD that I’ve been listening to daily for about three months. I would like a Code for increasing pleasure and joy in my life. The other thing I would like to give testimony for, and did on the call last week, is that in having a Code to heal my fear of joy. The joy that is happening in my life is definitely not my plan and is very amazing what God is doing in my life. Once I got that Code and started it, Dr. Alex gave it to me on a Wednesday call, almost immediately I started remembering many amazing things that had happened in my life that had gone down with the traumas, many quite miraculous things. I’m starting to remember much of the good that I couldn’t access before.

I’d always heard that if you have a lot of trauma in your life then the good memories go down with it into the unconscious or wherever it is. I’m wanting to remember more and more of that as part of the pleasure and joy. I’m also wanting to see the good in the way my life is going while part of me is saying, “It should be going like that.” I want that so that I can really get going in writing the book of what I’ve learned through my experiences. Long story. Now what do you hear?

Tom Costello: I think remembering the good past is a valuable idea. I happen to be reading a book by an American psychotherapist and the Dali Lama about emotional awareness. I do like the Dali Lama saying, “The past is past. What are you going to create now?” It’s nice if you can remember the past, but rather than digging in the back yard looking for the good things, why don’t you create the good things starting right now? Why don’t you create the new good things?

I have a feeling that if you create new good things the good things that exist in your past all start to come to the surface, too, almost as if you magnetized them out of the ground so that you become aware of it. In the mean time you are not digging in the past, you’re actually creating the future. The good part of the past will come forward to support you.

Does that make sense?

Participant: It totally does. This was all a surprise. I’m hearing you. I want both. The things that I hadn’t remembered as good are some pretty miraculous things and they have been challenging to take in. They have a lot to do with my significance with God. There is some unworthiness around those. I would just like to have worthiness with them. There are three, but one mainly has been proven to be a definite angelic experience. These have a lot to do, I think, with what I’m going to write. To be able to just accept those as gifts versus “That happened to me? Is that really… Could that really be true? Could I really take that in?” That means something to me if I can really take it in. And I’m open to just continuing on creating the new good as well. If that’s what you are saying, that will all fall into place.

Tom Costello: When did you get the Code from Alex?

Participant: A week ago yesterday.

Tom Costello: And you’ve been doing it consistently since then?

Participant: I did it consistently for about five days. On the sixth day it started to lessen. I checked today and it seemed like I didn’t need to do it anymore.

Tom Costello: When you say “started to lessen”, what decreased?

Participant: My need to do it; my wanting to do it. It just felt like I didn’t need to do it any more. It lost energy.

Tom Costello: Okay.

Participant: I’m interested in any direction anyone else could receive from that. He didn’t give me a time frame.

Tom Costello: You’re the decision maker. If you feel that the life of that Code came to an end…

Participant: Yes.

Tom Costello: That’s not a problem. I’ll just let it go at that. Tell me again what you want.

Participant: To allow and be open to the connection to lots of joy and pleasure in my life and feel good about rather than doubt the gift. To have that as a real intention and feel really good about that versus it should be something different and more significant.

Tom Costello: Hmmm…

Participant: It feels sort of lazy.

Tom Costello: It doesn’t feel crystal clear to me. Let me just back up a little bit. At the beginning of the call before other people got on you made reference to a Christina Northrop CD that you are finding fantastic. Why don’t you give the name of that?

Participant: “The Power of Joy”

Tom Costello: You’ve been listening to that basically daily for several months.

Participant: Yes. While I’m doing whatever I’m doing. I just about have it memorized. She does say that most people feel guilty who have a lot of joy. And that is very true for me. I don’t know what to do with it. I’m reading something now that just put all that energy into your new intention so that energy has some place to go. I will bounce off the walls, sort of, with it.

Tom Costello: She says that people feel guilty if they have too much joy?

Participant: Yes. She said in this culture especially we tend to feel guilty if we have a lot of joy. That’s the hardest challenge.

Tom Costello: Hmmm…

Participant: She’s focusing, turning all her attention from what she calls her board certification in knowing about all pain and what can be wrong with women’s bodies into the power of joy and that it is a healing thing.

Tom Costello: That makes sense to me. A person can make the case that love falls into that. Joy is not such a clouded word. For some people love is sex. They love their car. I love that cookie. It is several kinds of things. Joy is not quite so overused.

That idea of that very high vibration flowing to you and through you I cannot imagine how it couldn’t be therapeutic. If you gave me anybody and if we could turn on the spigot so joy flowed to them and through them they have to get better. They have to in all areas of their lives. If you can turn and focus on your body and joy flows to you; focus on your car and joy flows to you; focus on your bank account and joy flows to you; focus on people important to you and joy flows to you. You can focus on how you want to express and clearly the tendency would be in this case to have joy flow to you and through you. You would be expressing it and you would basically like a fire hydrant of joy for other people.

Participant: Yes. That is what I want.

Tom Costello: Okay. What will turn on the joy flow to you? What will turn it on?

Participant: It’s like permission.

Tom Costello: You have it. I give you my permission.

Participant: (Laughter) That will only last 24 hours. I’ve had that experience. It’s like a super permission. I definitely have innate joy. When it starts it is very contagious. But to sustain that… without the guilt. If I did focus on just joy – that has not been my life pattern, responsibility has – focus on joy, period, and allow it to flow to me and through me I know it works with the brain. It works with aging. It works with the cells, etc. She’s got scientists working to prove this. It’s like a miracle to have that happen.

Tom Costello: Clearly I have not problem saying, “There you have it. Thank you. You’re welcome.” And that’s it. I think maybe it is a little bit more meaningful if you recognize that there is a flow of joy. In fact it’s not a stream and it’s not a river. It’s actually an ocean. We’re in an ocean of vibrations and it’s joy. Literally the ocean can change from moment to moment and it’s us. You’re in this ocean of joy, but you are looking around for responsibility. You are looking around for hard work. You are looking around for struggle. You are looking around for something you can do day after day, hour after hour…. You can do it that way if you want.

Participant: I don’t.

Tom Costello: In which case you notice – I’m in the middle of the ocean. I don’t have to run anywhere, swim anywhere, build a boat and sail anywhere. I have to open to it because I’m right in the middle of it.

It seems to me if you can imagine a God figure, whatever God sounds like, feels like, is labeled for you and however you would envision God; where is joy coming from if it’s not coming from the Source of All Things? It’s not coming from the corner delicatessen. It’s coming from the Source of All Things. The distance between you and the Source of All Things is not miles, not inches, it is not even 1/32 of an inch. It’s right there. You don’t have to do anything. You have to be. It belongs to you. That joy belongs to you. It’s not like you are discovering a gold mine and everybody else is going to be impoverished and only you are going to have the mine of joy. “I discovered the mine of joy. Look at all these sad people. I’ve got the mine of joy and now I feel kind of creepy that I’m the only one with it.”

You’re not the only one with it. We all are in that same ocean. Any distance between you and it; joy or God… Where did I get the idea that there was a great distance, goodness wise, between me and joy, between me and God or some great geographical distance. Here I am, little old me on planet earth and God is up in cumulus cloud or somewhere. Where did this stuff come from? Who made these things up and gave them to me? Here I am trying to build a ladder that will climb up into the clouds. “God, I’m having trouble adding steps to my ladder. Could you give me a break? I’ve been building this…”

There’s no need for a ladder. It’s right there. It belongs to you. This is one of those quantum pizza pies that I sometimes talk about. It’s not like you’ve got joy and you have it all to yourself and nobody else has it. Somebody comes along and you divide it in half. Now you only have half the amount of joy that you had before. The other person has half of your joy. Somebody else comes along again and you chop your half in half. Now you only have a quarter of the joy you had before. This other person has our quarter. The first person has a half. That doesn’t seem fair. That is not how it works!

You can have 100% of your joy. The next person can have 100% of their joy. The next person can have 100% of their joy. Their joy and your joy just replicate without decreasing yours at all. We sometimes go, “I’m so happy. I’m so happy. Oh, my God, the next door neighbor is happier than I am! Now I’m bummed out. I was doing fine until I realized they are happier than I am.” That’s a misconception. That’s a misunderstanding. Frankly, it’s an idea that I see so often. We give such power to somebody else’s happiness. “They’re happier than me. Now I feel bad about myself.” We fall into that trap of comparing.

Let’s come back. What you want to do is get to the point, this is true of everybody on this call, we want to get to the point where joy belongs to us. It does belong to us. It does. But if we don’t know it belongs to us, “Boy, oh boy, I’ve got to scrimp and save and get some joy. I can’t find any.” It belongs to us. Stepping into that ownership, that beingness…

It’s not a question of deserving it. “I brush my teeth twice a day. I floss. I was a good girl or good boy. I was this or that.” You don’t have to qualify for it. It belongs to you. “I’ve got five fingers on my right hand. Look, I’ve got five fingers on my left hand. I have to be a really good person to have all these fingers.” Ahhh! No, I don’t think that’s exactly how it works. They belong to us.

Now I’d love to give you a Code for joy belonging to you.

Participant: Yes. I’m grateful. I’m seeing my childhood just going right before me. Hopefully this is the last piece of major shifting.

Tom Costello: Don’t even worry about that. You’re back to building more steps on your ladder.

Participant: People are getting irritated. They say, “Get over the past. Get done.”

Tom Costello: I don’t care about them. I only care about you. You’re looking over your shoulder saying, “If I just remove one more weed from my garden, then I’ll be able to appreciate the flowers.” You can appreciate the flowers right now even if they are outnumbered by the weeds. Are we allowed to do that? Yes. You can put your attention wherever you want. You can make up what’s most important for you to focus on. I’d say a good way to do it is to look and say, “This makes me feel good. That’s where I’m going to put my attention.” That’s an excellent investment.

This Code of joy belonging to you, because it does belong to you. The ownership has already been established. If you’re into going to the Bible you can probably find a lot of things Jesus said that speak to this from a slightly different angle, maybe not exactly these words – he didn’t speak much English as far as I could tell.

The fact is, now that we’re talking about that and can recognize that it is so significant, a scientist would go, “We can’t measure it. It doesn’t exist.” Obviously somebody with a medical background is going, “You know what? This is the kind of stuff we need to pay attention to.” Exactly. The energy of joy will outweigh any other medicine these folks can dream up in a laboratory or in a boardroom when they are looking at the books and trying to figure out how to crank up revenue. Joy will win the day from a customer standpoint, will do more therapeutic good. How about that?

Participant: That’s great. Thank you.

Tom Costello: (Tests for and delivers the Code.) You’re not working hard on this Code. You are waiting for the awareness of this truth to show up. It is approaching you. If you’re busy and hurrying and scurrying and have a lot of things rushing through your mind, you’re not going to notice its approach. It’s almost like the Ed McMahon of joy coming to your door. He’s not going to knock so the door needs to be open. “I can dig that image.” The Ed McMahon of joy is going to come to your door. Your door needs to be open for him to enter and announce to you that you own all the joy you can experience.