Partial Notes for Judges ppt


•What is Judges about?

•First, the title: During the centuries between the death of ______and the age of the ______Israel was ruled by a series of ______.

•These judges were not just administrators of legal justice but they were also political governors and ______.

•Some of these judges were warrior rulers, one was a prophet, and one was a priest. All of them point towards ______(in one way or another) who is the ultimate ______, ______, and ______.

•Keep in mind that the Old Testament is the story of God’s plan to restore His relationship with us which climaxes with Christ.

•Jesus as ______ is the ultimate ______between God and man. He brings God and man together by virtue of who He is and what He does. He offers Himself as a sacrifice to the Father on our behalf.

•Jesus is the ______ because He is the ______of God and He gives Himself to us.

•Jesus is the ______, seated on the throne at the right hand of the Father. Christ’s service is ______.

•Through the ministry of each (priest, prophet, king), enemies are ______.

•Through the ministry of the priest, we have a connection to God, someone to offer sacrifice for our sins, and someone to help us overcome the enemy of ______

•Through the Prophet the enemy of ______is overcome by ______.

•Through the king the enemy of ______is overcome by allowing yourself to be led…and by participating in the ______of the king.

•If Joshua is the book of repeated ______, Judges is the book of repeated ______.

•After Joshua and the generation that had conquered the promised land with him had died out, “There arose another generation after them, who did not ______the Lord…the Israelites ______the Lord by serving the Baals” (Judges 2:10).

•Judges contains ______cycles of Israel’s disobedience and repentance, infidelity and return to fidelity to God.

•This is a cycle of Luxury, Pride, Disaster, Suffering, Repentance, and Blessedness.

•Another way to remember this cycle is ______, ______, ______, ______, and ______.

•Despite God’s instructions, Israel compromises and ______the gods of the Canaanites repeatedly.

•For this reason God stopped helping the Israelites ______their ______, “For now I tell you, I will not clear them out of your way; they shall oppose you and their gods shall become a snare for you” (Judg 2:3)

•Israel’s disobedience and lack of trust in God leads to ______and ______…Compromise always leads to ______.

•Like we often do today, Israel ______out to ______only after experiencing the pain which was the result of their selfish behavior.

•God hears their cry and sends them a ______each time to ______them.

•Once they are delivered from their oppressors their prosperity leads to ______and ______once again. Hence the cycle continues.

•All human history follows this pattern. We tend to forget the simple lesson we learned in Joshua, ______and ______.

•Individual Judges

•1) ______– Beginning with this first judge we see the cycle begin. “the Israelites had ______ the Lord by forgetting the Lord…and serving the Baals”(3:7).

•Because of this God allowed them to ______ under the power of the king of Aram and serve him for 8 years.

•The Israelites were suffering under the power of this king so they began to ______to God.

•God responded to their prayer by sending them a judge to ______ them. Othniel, who is the nephew of Caleb.

•Othniel defeated the king of Aram and Israel was at rest for 40 years with Othniel as their judge.

•2) ______– the story of this judge begins with the cycle starting over again, “the Israelites ______ the Lord”

•So God ______Eglon, the king of Moab against the Israelites.

•The Israelites ______ as they served the Moabites for 18 years.

•The Israelites ______to God.

•God heard their cry and sent them a judge to ______ them, Ehud.

•Ehud made a 12 inch double edge dagger and wore it under his clothes over his right thigh.

•Ehud approached the king when he was alone. He stabbed the king in the belly with his dagger.

•Then Ehud gathered some of the other Israelites and they ______the ______.

•Israel was at rest for 80 years.

•What do you think happened after Ehud died?

•Israel ______God yet again.

•So God allows them to ______under the Canaanite king, Jabin and Sisera, the general of his army.

•Sisera “with his nine hundred iron chariots sorely oppressed the Israelites for twenty years” (4:3).

•The Israelites ______ to the Lord.

•3) ______- The Lord had a prophetess judging Israel at this time named Deborah.

•Deborah called upon one of her military leaders, Barak to organize troops to go against Sisera’s army.

•Under the guidance of Deborah, Barak ______Sisera’s army slaying every man.

•Sisera escaped on foot and sought refuge in the tent of a woman named ______. She made him feel comfortable at first but then turned on him and ______him by driving a stake through his head with a mallet. Jael is a type of ______, who crushes the head of the Devil (the Church’s enemy) compare Jud 5:24 & Lk 1:42.

•“Thus on that day God humbled the Canaanite king, Jabin” (4:23) Israel was at rest for 40 years.

•4) ______– the Israelites ______ the Lord, yes again.

•So the Lord ______ them by delivering them into the hands of the Midianites for 7 years.

•The Israelites tried to hide from the Midianites but they failed. The Midianites would watch to see when the Israelites had completed sowing their crops then they would destroy all their produce and livestock so Israel had nothing to live on.

•This suffering caused Israel to ______to the Lord.

•The Lord instructed Gideon to save His people.

•Gideon really needed to be sure that the Lord was asking him to save Israel. He asked the Lord to give him ______to assure him (6:36-40).

•The Lord wanted to convince the Israelites of His power so he told Gideon to ______the number of his troops from 33,000 to 300.

•Gideon______the Midianites and Israel was at rest for 40 years.

•“But after Gideon was dead, the Israelites again ______themselves to the ______…and forgetting the Lord” (8:33)

•5) ______– son of a prostitute in Gilead who was driven away by the sons of his father’s wife and became a bandit chieftain.

•When the Ammonites attacked Israel the ______of ______asked Jephthah to command their army and they promised to make him their leader if he agreed.

•Jephthah agreed to fight the Ammonites and promised the Lord that if the Ammonites were defeated he would make a ______of whoever came out of his house first to meet him after the victory.

•After the victory, Jephthah was very upset to see his ______come as the first to meet him.

•After two months, Jephthah fulfilled his promise to the Lord and ______his own daughter to Him.

•Jephthah judged Israel for ____ years total.

•6) ______– the people of Israel again did what was evil in the sight of the Lord.

•The Lord gave them into the hands of the ______for ____ years.

•A man named Manaoh from the tribe of Dan had a wife who was ______and had no children.

•An ______came to her ______that she would conceive and bare a son who was to be ______or dedicated to the Lord from the ______ and no razor was to touch his head ( he is a Nazirite). He was to be named Samson and begin to deliver Israel from the hand of the Philistines.

•Samson had a weakness for ______. The first was a woman from Timnah, a daughter of the Philistines.

•On his way to Timnah, Samson encountered a ______and he tore it apart with his bare hands. Later he found that the carcass of the lion contained a swarm of ______and ______.

•At their wedding he challenged ______men with a riddle about the ______. The men were stumped until Samson’s new wife told them the answer. Samson killed thirty other men and took their garments to cover the debt he owed to those who solved the riddle.

•Angry and upset, Samson went back to his father’s house and his ______was given to another ______.

•Because his wife was given to another man Samson set ______to the fields of her people by tying torches to the tails of ______and setting them loose.

•The Philistines retaliated by burning the woman and her father. The Philistines went after Samson but he killed ______of them with the ______of an ass.

•Samson had an encounter with another woman, a ______from Gaza. When her people found out that Samson was with her they planned to attack him but he rose up and ripped the ______off of the ______and carried them to a hilltop some distance away.

•Samson fell in love with a woman named ______. The leader of the Philistines came to her and said, “find out the secret of his ______and how we may overcome and ______him” (16:5).

•He also promised to pay Delilah if she found out the secret and revealed it to him.

•Three times Delilah asked Samson for the secret to his strength but he lied to her each time.

•But with the fourth attempt Samson gave in and told her the truth. “No ______has touched my head…if I am ______my ______will leave me”

•Delilah relayed this information to the ______.

•They shaved Samson while he was sleeping and the strength of the ______left him.

•The Philistines ______him and gouged out his ______. Samson was made to work for them grinding in prison.

•Notice that when Samson sinned by committing the profane act of trading his valuable relationship with the Lord in for his “relationship” with Delilah he was ______, ______, and ______.

•The Philistines had a celebration to worship their god and give thanks for capturing Samson.

•They made fun of Samson during the celebration.Samson ______, “The hair of his head began to grow as soon as it was shaved off” (Judges 16:27)

•Samson ______to God to give him his strength back so he could kill the Philistines. God ______his prayer and Samson pushed over the columns of their temple causing the temple to collapse. This killed many ______as well as Samson himself.