The Kite Runner Novel Unit

Name: Date:

Chapters 1-9 Exam

Total points: /100

Part One: Event Sort (2 points each - 10 points total)

Put the following events from the novel into the correct order.

School ends for the winter and Amir wins the kite tournament.

Rahim Khan calls Amir in San Francisco and tells him he has a way to be good again.

Amir watches Hassan get raped and runs away.

Ali and Hassan leave Baba’s house after being accused of stealing.

Assef threatens Hassan and Amir with brass knuckles.

Part Two: Important Quotes (10 points each – 20 points)

For each quote, explain what was happening at that point of the novel and explain why it is important to the book.

Important Quote / What is happening at that point in the novel? / Why is the quote important to the novel?
(Consider plot, character and theme)
“The problem, of course, was that Baba saw the world in black and white. And he got to decide what was black and what was white. You can’t love a person who lives that way without fearing him too. Maybe even hating him a little.” (p. 15)
“(Hassan) stopped, turned. He cupped his hands around his mouth. “For you a thousand times over!” he said.” (p. 67)

Part Three: Figurative Language (10 points each) Answer all three parts of the questions.

1. What is one example of figurative language on p. 21?

Circle the type: Simile/Metaphor/Personification

Why did the author include the figurative language? (Think about the images it creates and the things being compared.)

2. What is one example of figurative language on p. 53?

Circle the type: Simile/Metaphor/Personification

Why did the author include the figurative language? (Think about the images it creates and the things being compared.)

Part Four: Inference Chart (15 points) Complete all columns in full sentences.

Question / It say
(Find TEXT EVIDENCE that helps you answer the question) / I say
(What do YOU know about the question and text evidence) / And so
(Using it says and I say, answer the question)
Chapter 7: Why did Amir choose to not help Hassan?

Part Five: Character Traits (5 points each – 15 points)

For each of the following characters, give one character trait that he/she possesses and support your answer with a detail from the text. The detail can be in your own words.

Character / Character Trait / Supporting detail
Rahim Khan

Part Five: Open-ended response (20 points)

Use the rubric to answer the question correctly. You may use quotes from ANY part of the novel to support your answer.

Prompt: One of the major themes in the novel The Kite Runner is friendship. Describe how the theme of friendship has been introduced in the novel so far. Support your answer with two quotes from the novel.

Category / 5 / 3 / 1 / 0
A – Answer the prompt. / Answered the prompt using the title of the passage and key words from the prompt. / Answered the prompt using key words from the prompt. Did not use the title of the passage in the answer. / Answered the question without using the title of the passage or key words from the prompt. / Did not answer the question.
P – Provide example from the text / Provided excellent examples from the text. / Provided examples from the text. / Provided insufficient examples from the text. / Did not provide examples from the text.
S - support the example with a quotes. / Supported each example with excellent, relevant quotes. / Supported each example with a quote. / Did not support all examples with quotes. / Did not provide quotes.
E – Explain how the example supports the answer. / Explained clearly how each example and quote helped to support the answer. / Explained how each example and quote helped to support the answer. / Did not explain how each example and quote supported the answer. / Did not provide explanations.