/ Leave to Intermit Application Form
Please ensure that your sponsor/funding body is aware of your intermission.
Part I - to be completed by student: (all sections must be completed)
1) Surname (Family Name) / Forenames / Title
2) Contact Address
3) Student ID
(UCAS) Number / 4) Current Stage / 5) Programme of Study / 6) Your email address
7) School / 8) Faculty
9) Please indicate your last date of attendance at classes and the period for which you wish to intermit
i.e. 1 whole academic year or 2 terms (spring and summer)
Intermission is normally granted for a complete academic year, or occasionally part of an academic year. No intermissions will be granted after the deadline for student examination registration (week 15 of the academic year).
Last date of attendance: ………………………………… Period of intermission: ……………………………………
10)Statement of reasons for application for intermission (continue on an attached piece of paper if necessary or download electronically and expand). You should provide evidence of your need to intermit. A supporting statement from your doctor is required if you needto intermit for medical reasons.
Please delete as appropriate:A) PERSONAL B) FINANCIAL C) MEDICAL
11) I have provided all of the required documents and confirm the information I have provided is complete and true. I understand that you will use the information provided to process my request. My application, including the documents submitted, may be seen by a small number of people within the University in order to assess the application. The University may take steps to verify the authenticity of evidence submitted. The University may take steps to verify the authenticity of evidence submitted. I understand that if I am sponsored by the University as a Tier 4 student, and I intermit from my studies for longer than 60 days, the University has a duty to report the intermission to UK Visas and Immigration and I will have to make arrangements to leave the UK.
Signature: Date:
Part II - To be completed by School Senior Tutor
12) Comments
Please delete as appropriate:I DO/DO NOT RECOMMEND INTERMISSION GRANTED FOR PERIOD BELOW (e.g. 1 academic year/2 terms)
from ………………………..……..……to return …………………………………..………….
13) Senior Tutor’s Name and Signature
Signature: Date:
This form should be returned to your School Office.It is the applicant’s responsibility to ensure that this form is submitted in good time.

If you seek a period of intermission you are strongly advised to check the financial consequences with your sponsors. It is very important that your sponsor is consulted. Please note that if you have not had permission to intermit, your fees will not be adjusted and you will be charged full fees for accommodation and tuition.


It is important that you seek help if you are experiencing problems with your studies.

The Faculty concerned may, in cases of illness or other reasonable cause, permit a student to interrupt registration as a student, normally for a period of not more than one year at a time. If you feel you have a genuine need to take a break from your studies, go and see your tutor, student support officer or Senior Tutor. The University does not encourage students to take longer than normal to complete their studies but is willing to discuss this with you when there is good reason to consider an intermission. Whatever is decided, you will have to speak to your funding body to ensure that any funding you receive is not affected by suspending your studies through an intermission.

Intermission is normally granted for a complete academic year, or occasionally part of an academic year. Students must complete the Leave to Intermit Application Form to obtain permission to intermit from the University.

Possible reasons for leave to intermit are:

1. Personal - family or personal reasons (other than illness), which prevent you from continuing your studies;

2. Financial - your financial situation prevents you from continuing your studies;


a) absence from the University due to medical or emotional reasons, or other such extenuating circumstances;

b) illness or extenuating circumstances, which are having a negative impact on your studies;

c) illness or extenuating circumstances, which have interrupted your studies.

Whatever the reason, you should provide evidence to the School Senior Tutor. When the reason for intermitting is medical, your School Senior Tutor will require that you provide medical evidence. Before you return from intermission, you will be required to provide another medical certificate to testify that you are fit to return to your studies.

Acceptable supporting evidence other than medical documentation includes an original (not photocopied) document written and signed by an appropriate third party, giving details of the circumstance, its duration, and, where possible, its impact. An appropriate third party would be one who knows the student in a professional capacity or one who can verify the circumstances from a position of authority (e.g. lecturer, personal tutor, Students’ Union representative, GP, University Counsellor) and who is in a position to provide objective and impartial evidence. Letters from family members or fellow students will not be acceptable.The University may take steps to verify the authenticity of evidence submitted.

A few things to remember:

We look for evidence of genuine need before granting intermissions. Intermission is granted for exceptional and/or unforeseen circumstances only.

Intermitting does not change the number of terms you will spend at the University, or your examination results.

Intermitting is intended to relieve you of a disadvantage, not put you at an advantage to other students.

If you decide to apply to intermit, it is your responsibility to check with both our Finance Office and your funding body what proportion of accommodation and tuition fees will be charged and whether you are liable for any repayment.

If you subsequently want to change the period for which you have been permitted to intermit you must seek approval through your School Senior Tutor.

If you have to leave the University quickly for medical reasons make sure you are seen by a doctor at the time, so that they can give you a medical certificate which reflects the severity of your condition.

Make sure your sponsor is informed.

If you are a UK student then you need to complete a Change of Circumstances Form for your funding body, however, if you are a student who normally lives in England the Undergraduate Office (for the Faculties of Humanities and Social Sciences) or the School Office (for the Faculty of Sciences) will advise Student Finance England direct. In this case, you are advised to contact Student Finance England yourself to determine how the intermission will affect your funding and the tuition fees you will have to pay when you return to the University.

If you are an international student sponsored by the University under a Tier 4 visa and you intermit from your studies for a period longer than 60 days you will not be permitted to remain in the UK, as you will not be studying full time at the University of Kent. You should make arrangements to leave the UK unless you have another immigration status that entitles you to remain. You may want to seek advice from the Kent Union Advice Centre (Canterbury Campus) or Greenwich and Kent Unions (Medway Campus), as there may be implications for your visa.

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