APR Template – Part B (4) Republic of Palau
Part B State Annual Performance Report (APR) for 2006 (2006-2007)
Special Education Program
(April 14, 2008 Revision)
For the period of
Federal Fiscal Year 2006-2007
Submitted by
Ministry of Education
Special Education Program
Ms. Ruth Ryder
U.S. Department of Education
ATTN: Janet Scire / Mail Stop 2600
7100 Old Landover Road
Landover, MD, 20785-1506
For more information contact: Ms. Helen Sengebau, Interim Coordinator
Special Education
(680) 488-2568 [phone]
(680) 488-5808 [FAX]
Part B State Annual Performance Report for (2006-2007) Page 73
(OMB NO: 1820-0624 / Expiration Date: 08-31-2009)
APR Template – Part B (4) Republic of Palau
Part B State Annual Performance Report (APR) for 2006 (2006-2007)
Overview of Palau APR iii
Indicator 1: Percent of youth with IEPs graduating from high school with a
regular diploma compared to percent of all youth in the State graduating
with a regular diploma. 1
Indicator 2: Percent of youth with IEPs dropping out of high school compared to
the percent of all youth in the State dropping out of high school. 6
Indicator 3: Participation and performance of children with disabilities on
statewide assessments. 9
Indicator 4: Rates of suspension and expulsion. 22
Indicator 5: Percent of children with IEPs aged 6 through 21. 26
Indicator 6: Percent of preschool children with IEPs who received special
education and related services in settings with typically developing peers (e.g.,
early childhood settings, home, and part-time early childhood/part-time early
childhood special education settings). 30
Indicator 8: Percent of parents with a child receiving special education services
who report that schools facilitated parent involvement as a means of improving
services and results for children with disabilities. 31
Indicator 9: Percent of districts with disproportionate representation of racial
and ethnic groups in special education and related services that is the result of
inappropriate identification. 41
Indicator 10: Percent of districts with disproportionate representation of racial
and ethnic groups in specific disability categories that is the result of inappropriate identification. 42
Indicator 11: Percent of children with parental consent to evaluate, who were
evaluated and eligibility determined within 60 days (or State established timeline). 43
Indicator 12: Percent of children referred by Part C prior to age 3, who are
found eligible for Part B, and who have an IEP developed and implemented by
their third birthdays. 47
Indicator 13: Percent of youth aged 16 and above with an IEP that includes
coordinated, measurable, annual IEP goals and transition services that will
reasonably enable the student to meet the post-secondary goals. 48
Indicator 15: General supervision system (including monitoring, complaints,
hearings, etc.) identifies and corrects noncompliance as soon as possible but in no case later than one year from identification. 51
Indicator 16: Percent of signed written complaints with reports issued that were
resolved within 60-day timeline or a timeline extended for exceptional circumstances with respect to a particular complaint. 60
Indicator 17: Percent of fully adjudicated due process hearing requests that
were fully adjudicated within the 45-day timeline or a timeline that is properly extended by the hearing officer at the request of either party. 63
Indicator 18: Percent of hearing requests that went to resolution sessions that
were resolved through resolution session settlement agreements. 65
Indicator 19: Percent of mediations held that resulted in mediation agreements. 66
Indicator 20: State reported data (618 and State Performance Plan and Annual
Performance Report) are timely and accurate. 68
1. Table 6: Participation and Performance of Disabled Students on Statewide
Assessments (2006-2007)
2. Pre-school Parent Survey
3. Elementary/Secondary Parent Survey
4. Revised Monitoring Procedures
5. Memorandum of Understanding with Ministry of Justice (2008)
6. Procedures for Implementation of Procedural Safeguards
7. Table 7: Report of Dispute Resolution under the IDEA (2006-2007)
Overview of Palau’s FFY 2006 Annual Performance Report Development
Palau’s FFY 2006 APR preparation process began with a one day working meeting in Washington, DC on August 7, 2007 with assistance from OSEP staff, support from our consultant with the University of Oregon Technical Assistance and Consulting Services (TACS), and additional support from the Western Regional Resource Center (WRRC). Working teams from the last APR cycle were reactivated to complete the work and a timeline was developed for completion of the required sections by the February1, 2008 submission date. Palau staff continued working on the documents upon their return with support from TACS, OSEP staff, the WRRC, NECTAC and University of Guam CEDDERS.. During the first two weeks in November 2007, TACS staff and Palau’s 3rd party monitor were onsite to continue work on the documents. Additional assistance was provided through regularly scheduled teleconferences with Palau’s OSEP contact, Rich Steffan, and though offsite support from TACS/WRRC, NECTAC and CEDDERS. On January 24, 2008, the Special Education Advisory Committee, reviewed final drafts of both the SPP and the APR, new targets and revised activities were approved, and suggested changes were completed. Both reports were submitted to OSEP by the February 1, 2008 deadline.
Public Dissemination and Reporting
As with the last APR, Palau will provide copies of the APR to Special Education Advisory Committee members, public school principals, and hard copies will be made available at various public sites throughout Palau. The FFY 2006 APR will be posted on the Palau Ministry of Education Web site for public viewing. Presentations about the APR will be made at school building meetings by the Consulting Resource Teachers (CRTs). The Special Education Coordinator will report annually to the SEAC and to the public on the progress in meeting Palau’s measurable and rigorous targets as specified in the APR and in Palau’s revised SPP. The 2006 APR will be posted to the Ministry of Education website for public access, along with the revised SPP.
Part B State Annual Performance Report for (2006-2007) Page 73
(OMB NO: 1820-0624 / Expiration Date: 08-31-2009)
APR Template – Part B (4) Republic of Palau
Part B State Annual Performance Report (APR) for 2006 (2006-2007)
Monitoring Priority: FAPE in the LREIndicator 1: Percent of youth with IEPs graduating from high school with a regular diploma compared to percent of all youth in the State graduating with a regular diploma.
Measurement. Measurement for youth with IEPs should be the same measurement as for all youth. Explain calculation.Palau uses a ‘cohort’ calculation for determining graduation rate.
FFY / Measurable and Rigorous Target
(2006-2007) / 30% of youth with IEPs graduate from high school
with a regular diploma
Actual Target Data for 2006-2007
Table FAPE 1: Graduation Rate over the past 4 years
Description / 2003-2004(Cohort 2000) / 2004-2005
(Cohort 2001) / 2005-2006
(Cohort 2002) / 2006-2007
(Cohort 2003)
Total High School Graduation rate for all youth / 64% (146) / 49%
(141/285) / 54%
(141/262) / 52%
Graduation rate for students without a disability / 68% (143) / 51%
(136/264) / 57%
138/241 / 52%
Graduation rate for students with a disability / 18% (3) / 23%
(5/21) / 15%
(3/21) / 100%
Figure FAPE 1. 2006-2007 Cohort Graduation Rate
Numbers used for the Percentage Calculations:
-Total number of all youth graduated in SY: 2006-2007 = 143
-Total Number of all youth enrolled in SY: 2003-2004 = 275
-Percent of all youth graduating in 2006-2007 = 52%
*143/275 x 100 = 52%
-Total of all youth without a disability enrolled in SY: 2003-2004 = 272
-Percent of all youth without a disability graduating in 2006-2007 = 52%
*140/272 x 100 = 52%
-Total of all youth with IEPs graduated in SY2006-2007 = 3
-Total of all youth with IEPs enrolled in SY: 2003-2004 = 3
-Percent of youth with a disability graduating in SY: 2006-2007
*03/03 x 100 = 100%
= 100%
Discussion of Improvement Activities Completed and Explanation of Progress or Slippage for FFY 2006 [2006-2007]
Improvement Activities
Activity #1: Convene a workgroup to consider the definition of graduation with a regular diploma.
Completed: A Committee was convened to develop a handbook for the entire high school. Currently there are two graduation options for students with disabilities (regular high school diploma, and IEP diploma).
It has been decided that only the regular high school diploma will be considered a ‘regular’ diploma. A regular diploma is defined as completion of 25 credits in required courses and electives. An IEP diploma is a diploma awarded to students who successfully complete their IEPs. This is now reflected in Palau’s Eligibility Document currently in the process of final revision.
Activity #2: Update Palau High School’s Handbook to reflect any changes.
Not Completed: Palau High School Handbook is currently in draft form but not yet finalized.
Activity #3: Hire more special education teachers in the high school to assist students in the general classes.
Not Completed: Due to staff retirements special education has had to make the filling of existing vacancies its top priority. As the available pool of qualified applicants is quite small in Palau, it has been difficult to fill newly created positions.
Activity #4: Provide general education teacher training on how to teach students on IEPs especially on the provision of more accommodations to students in the general education classes and continue thereafter.
Partly Completed: An accommodation guideline and manual were recently completed through our GSEG grant on alternate assessment. General education teachers received training on the four step process for adapting curricula for students with disabilities using MOE achievement standards. Other activities will be investigated.
Activity #7: Explore the GEAR UP opportunities available in the high school and encourage students with disabilities to participate in the program
Completed: Student participated in this program last school year. Resource teachers monitored progress and attendance through the program tutor. There were times when the venue was congested; student was provided services at Resource center by the same resource teachers as per student’s request.
Progress / Slippage
Met Target for 2006: Based on the data given, 3 students with disabilities graduated last school year (2006-2007) with regular diplomas. These are students who entered during school year 2003-2004 as freshmen. The result is a dramatic 85% increase as compared to the result of the last reporting period of 15%. This is also an additional 70% increase based on our target for this reporting period of 30%. Over the course of the last three years, the graduation rate has been fluctuating and this is due to our small population; therefore, slight change in numbers can result in a drastic change of percentage. Palau understands that in the future we will no longer have to report comparative data for all youth. However, since we had already run these comparisons we are including them in this year’s submission. This comparison will likely be dropped in future reports.
Measurement for youth with IEPs should be the same measurement as for all youth. Explain calculation. Palau uses a ‘cohort’ calculation for determining graduation rate. At present this calculation has no adjustment for repeaters or transfers Palau Ministry of Education will continue to use a Cohort System to determine graduation rate for all students. However, Palau High School, which is the only public high school in the Republic, is currently updating its system to accommodate the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC) priority, to ensure that its accreditation will continue to be in effect in March 2010 and beyond. With the accreditation in place, the PHS WASC team is currently monitoring students’ absenteeism and progress to ensure that students pass and complete the courses. This procedure will allow an opportunity for students who need assistance to acquire help from teachers before failing the courses. This will also help account for repeaters, transfer students and potential dropouts.
From the OSEP response table for FFY 2005
· In the FFY 2006 APR, the ROP must provide an explanation that addresses whether there are substantive differences in the two diplomas and the requirements for earning each diploma
To clarify graduating with a regular diploma and IEP diploma, a Committee was convened to develop a handbook for the entire high school. Currently there are two graduation options for students with disabilities (regular high school diploma, and IEP diploma). It has been decided that only the regular high school diploma will be considered a ‘regular’ diploma.
A regular diploma is defined as completion of 25 credits in required courses and electives. An IEP diploma is a diploma awarded to students who successfully complete their IEPs. This is now reflected in Palau’s Eligibility Document currently in the process of final revision.
For individualized education diploma: the student must earn 25 credits and complete the requirements of the student’s special education IEP. The reference to earning 25 credits is related to instructional time completed, i.e., one credit is earned for every class period for an entire year, or two class periods for one semester. These updated definitions are being included in the updated High School handbook.
· The ROP should report in the FFY 2006 APR, due February 1, 2008, an update on MOE’s plans for changing the cohort formula to include repeaters.
Palau Ministry of Education does not currently have plans to change the cohort formula. This is used as a completion rate for the number of students who enter as freshmen and those who graduate four years later. It is used literally for this purpose that does not account for repeaters, dropout, withdrawals and transfers.
Revisions, with Justification, to Proposed Targets / Improvement Activities / Timelines / Resources for 2006-2007
Activity #2: This activity will continue but change timeline to ongoing until 2010.
Activity #3: Change improvement activity to only hire one sped teacher for now. Change timeline to ongoing until a qualified teacher is hired.
Activity #4: Change timeline to August 2008 since the Guideline was recently developed last October 2007.
Monitoring Priority: FAPE in the LREIndicator 2: Percent of youth with IEPs dropping out of high school compared to the percent of all youth in the State dropping out of high school.
(20 U.S.C. 1416 (a)(3)(A))