Terms explained:

`YOU` means the applicant (Russian)

`YOUR SPONSOR` means the applicant’s spouse or fiance(e) (British)

Your Sponsor

  1. Sponsor's given name(s)
  2. Sponsor's family name
  3. Sponsor's date of birth
  4. Sponsor's place of birth
  5. Sponsor's country of birth
  6. Sponsor's nationality
  7. Sponsor's normal country of residence
  8. Where is your sponsor now?

If you stated that your sponsor is in theUK,please provide the following details

  1. When did they first arrive?
  2. Sponsor's permission to live in the UK
  3. When did they get this permission?

Your Sponsor’sPassport Details

  1. Sponsor's current passport or travel document number
  2. Place of issue
  3. Issuing authority
  4. Date of issue
  5. Date of expiry
  6. Does your sponsor hold any other valid passports? yesno
    If yes, provide details

Your Sponsor’s Contact Details

  1. Please provide details of your Sponsors full address and postal code. This must be the address at which they live rather than their family home
  2. Postal/ Zip Code
  3. How long have they lived at this address?
  4. Home (landline) telephone number
  5. Their mobile/ cellular number
  6. Email Address

Your Relationship to Sponsor

  1. When did you first meet your sponsor?
  2. Where did you first meet?
  3. When did your relationship begin?
  4. How often do you meet?
  5. When did you last see your sponsor?
  6. How do you keep in touch with yoursponsor?
  7. When and where did you marry/ enterinto a civil partnership? If you are notmarried or in a civil partnership pleasestate this.
  8. Are you and your sponsor related outsidemarriage?yesno
  9. Do you intend to live with your sponsorpermanently?yesno
  10. Have you lived with your sponsor in arelationship like a marriage or civilpartnership at any time (including since awedding or civil partnership ceremony)?yes no
  11. Have you or your sponsor ever beenmarried or in a long-term marriage likerelationship before?yes no
  12. Does your sponsor have any children?yesno
  13. Is your sponsor responsible forsupporting anyone financially includingany children listed above?yes no
  14. If you answered 'Yes' to the question 'Haveyou, or your sponsor, ever been marriedor in a long-term marriage likerelationship before?' You should providedetails of when and where you/they livedtogether and for how long. If you/they have been widowed, divorced,had a civil partnership dissolved or are asurviving civil partner please indicate thathere.
  15. If youanswered'yes' to thequestion'Does yoursponsorhave anychildren?'Please, enter detailsfor all yoursponsor'schildren. Ifthese areyourchildren toopleaseindicate thishere. Thedetails mustinclude theirfull name,date andplace ofbirth, sexandnationality.
    name(s) date of birth place of birth sex nationality
    name(s) date of birth place of birth sex nationality
    name(s) date of birth place of birth sex nationality
    name(s) date of birth place of birth sex nationality
  16. If youanswered'Yes' tothequestion'Is yoursponsorresponsiblefor anyoneelsesfinancialsupport?'Please givedetails ofthesepeople andexplainwhatfinancialsupportthey get.
  17. Where do you and your sponsor plan to live in the UK? Please, provide full address
  18. Does your sponsor own this property? yesno
  19. Does your sponsor rent this property? yesno
  20. How many bedrooms are there in the property?
  21. How many other rooms are there in the property (NOT including kitchens, bathrooms and toilets)?
  22. Does anyone, other than your sponsor, live in the property?noyes (if yes, who?)
  23. Do you intend to work in the UK? noyes (if yes, give details)
  24. Does your sponsor have a National Insurance number?yesno
  25. What are your Sponsor's current personal circumstances? Employed full time, employed part time, self-employed, unemployed, other
  26. What is your sponsor's National Insurance number?
  27. What is your sponsor's present work or job or occupation?
  28. What is the name of the company they work for?
  29. When did they start this job?
  30. What is their work address?
  31. What is their employer's telephone number?
  32. What is their employer's email address?
  33. Do they have any additional job(s) or occupation(s)? If yes, provide details.
  34. What is their total monthly income fromall sources of employment or occupationafter tax?
  35. Does your sponsor receive income fromany other sources, including friends orfamily? If yes, give details.
  36. Does your sponsor have any savings,property or other income, for example,from stocks and shares? If yes, give details.
  37. How much of your sponsor's totalmonthly income is given to their familymembers and other dependants?
  38. How much does your sponsor spendeach month on living costs?