Sunday April 16 2017

From Dream To Destiny

Part 2: The Pit Test

Key Scripture:Genesis 37:13-24

  1. The POSITIONOf The Pit.
  1. It is a wise thing when we are in a pit to see if we did something to ATTRIBUTE to our circumstances.
  1. It’s not about condemning ourselves, but about doing some SOUL SEARCHING. It’s saying to God, search me oh God and know my heart, try me and know my thoughts.
  • Joseph could have easily said it’s not my fault, it’s my brothers’ fault - it’s not the way I talk about my dream and it’s not the way I talk about myself - it’s not PRIDE in me, it’sENVY in them.

And that’s what many of us do.When we go through difficult times we BLAME someone else.

  1. We live in a blame society - It is not the ACTION that puts us in a pit, it is our REACTION to the action.
  1. Joseph had his father’s favor on him - You are a son or a daughter who has your Father’s FAVOR on you.
  1. Joseph’s father gave him a gift –(your Father gave you a GIFT) but Joseph was proud of his gift and showed it off every chance he got.
  • Many believers are so proud of the gift that God has given to them that they forget that the GIVER is so much better than the gift.

We need to be in love with the giver; but many are so in love with the gift - it’s because they have their IDENTITY in the gift and not in the fact that they are a favored child of God.

  1. The PERSPECTIVEOf The Pit.
  1. Every time you are in a pit,the ACCUSER of the brethren will show up first. He will show up and he will condemn you and accuse you.
  1. There is a tremendous difference between conviction and condemnation. Conviction is SPECIFIC while condemnation is GENERAL.
  • CONVICTION is - you did this or that and that’s why you are in this pit.

CONDEMNATION is - you’re a bad person, you’re horrible person, you’re worse than everyone else and you will never do anything worthwhile for God and you will never accomplish anything.

  1. God NEVER condemns you. Condemnation is always from the enemy. If you ever get an accusatory or a condemning thought it is not from God.
  • John 3:17For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved.
  1. Here is what the enemy does, He LIES- he is a liar and he is the father of all lies.
  1. Satan is such a good liar that he will FABRICATE evidence to back up his lies.
  • So don’t BELEIVE a lie, don’t get Satan’s perspective. Look at the position you are in and see what God is saying about it.So don’t get Satan’s perspective, get God’s perspective.
  1. The PURPOSEOf The Pit.
  1. The purpose of every pit is to get us to CRY out to God.
  1. There is nobody else to talk to in the pit, you may walk around and gripe for a while but eventually you are going to say “I NEEDYou, God.”
  • Genesis 37:22-And Reuben said to them, “Shed no blood,butcast him into this pit whichisin the wilderness, and do not lay a hand on him”—that he might deliver him out of their hands, and bring him back to his father.
  1. So the first born wants to deliver Joseph out of this pit.Why? To DELIVER him and bring him back to the father.
  • The purpose of every pit is to set us free from those things that are holding us in BONDAGE,and bring us into closer relationship with the father.
  1. Joseph was THROWN into a pit; Jesus was thrown into a pit.
  1. Jesus didn’t do anything deserving to be thrown into a pit we did - but Jesus went to the pit so that we wouldn’t have to and if you are in a pit I can guarantee you the Father will not LEAVE you there.
  • Psalms 16:10 - For You will not leave my soul in Sheol, nor will You allow Your Holy One to see corruption.
