Parkway Cheerleading Rules 2015-2016

A. Practices are mandatory!
B. No one is excused from practice unless:
1.The athlete was not in school. If the athlete leaves during school due to illness, she is also excused. (Please notify me by phone call or txt, since I am not at the school during the day)
2. The athlete has a doctor’s excuse not to practice (due to illness or injury) (in which case the athlete is expected to attend and watch unless what she has is contagious or if the coach sends her home).
3. A note at least one week prior to the practice AND a phone call from the parent stating the reason, AND with coaches approval.

***Squad members will not leave practice early without permission from me. If this happens, then it will be counted as an unexcused missed practice if you do leave and disciplinary action will apply if deemed.

Please follow procedure b. 1 – 3. Above if you need to leave practice early. ***
C. Any unexcused practices or not knowing material may result in denial of participation in the next game.
D. Cheerleaders will exhibit 110% effort and desire to improve themselves and indirectly improve the performance of the squad.
E. Practices are also instructional periods. Cheerleaders are expected to give their undivided attention to me when I am teaching and demonstrating. (NO Cell Phones, Ipods or other electronic devices should be brought to practice; if they are they must be off). No gum or candy while at practice or during games.
F. Cheerleaders are expected to be early to any function(time given by coach). Tardiness will not be accepted. (If late to practice will have jumping conditioning)
G. Cheerleaders are expected to dress in suitable clothes to practice in, and tennis shoes. (Not having your practice clothes will result in jump conditioning or other actions)

H. A cheerleader will never discredit other cheerleaders or the program.


  1. All uniforms are the property of the school; they should be cleaned and pressed prior to each game or event. They are issued to you and should be returned in the same manner they are issued. If items that belong to school are lost or damaged they will be replaced by you.
    A. No necklaces, “dangling” earrings, belly button rings, nose rings, watches, or rings will be worn at practices or games for safety purposes.
    B. On game days, all cheerleaders are required to wear “dressy” attire or school colors. This will be determined by the cheerleaders and coach during practice before the game. (The “Majority Wins” rule will be adopted in this case.)
    C. Hair must be pulled up out of the face for all games and practices if given a hairpiece/bow it is to be worn to the games/assemblies etc and is considered part of the uniform. Not having on your full uniform could result in denial of participation.
    D. Hair/Makeup/Accessories should be professional looking (This is subject to the coaches’ discretion) anything questionable should be discussed before game night.
  1. Cheerleading shoes are to be worn during the games only. They are NEVER to be worn to school, or any other event unless the coach advises you, after the cheer season is over then you can wear them as you wish. They must be clean, free of dirt, stains etc, they are part of the uniform, and we want the shoes to remain in good shape throughout the season, following this rule, the shoes should last the whole season.
  2. Absolutely NO show of affection while in uniform, there will also be NO inappropriate markings on the body that can be seen while in uniform and not in uniform. There will be Disciplinary actions.
  3. All cheerleaders must have a tight black tank top worn every game under their uniform.

Even if your top is longer must have a tank top.
A. All games are mandatory. If a cheerleader misses a game for an unexcused reason, they will not cheer at the next game. After the second unexcused missed game, the cheerleader will be removed from the squad for that sport.
***It is my discretion as to what is excused and unexcused. In order for something to possibly be excused, the coach must have a note at least one week prior to the missed game AND a phone call/note from the parent stating the reason for the missed game or practice I will then decide whether or not it is excused or unexcused and inform the cheerleader. If an emergency arises, please have your parent contact me***

B. Cheerleaders will conduct themselves in a lady-like manner during games.
C. Parkway cheerleaders will act in good sportsmanship towards the officials, Fans and opponents’ athletes at all times. No trash talking, taunting, or other unsportsmanlike qualities will be tolerated.
D. Cheerleaders are expected to be on the field ready to cheer before half-time is over. Any tardiness will result in punishment appropriate to the tardiness deemed by me. Band members will be the only exception. We will discuss this at a later time
E. Everyone is expected to ride the bus to and from the games. All exceptions need to be approved by either the Athletic Director or the Principal, as stated in the Athletic Handbook.

F. When not doing a cheer, cheerleaders should be standing in their respective spot in line and hands on hips. The girls should be smiling and spirited, happy while on sidelines and doing floor cheers/Hello Cheers etc. (While on sidelines there should be no chatting with friends, walking around, etc). On the sidelines the girls should be in appropriate spot at attention ready to cheer. Again, NO Socializing with Family or Friends that is what half time is for. No Eating or Drinking is permitted during the games. Again that is why you are given a half-time. The players you are cheering for cannot EAT or Drink while they are playing you should not either. NO CELL PHONES, they need to be left in bag and or in locker room.


  1. Because an athlete is someone looked up to by others within the school and community, cheerleaders must exhibit exemplary behavior at all times but especially in the class room. Teachers will be encouraged to relate to coaches the athlete’s behavior in the classroom. Make sure we don’t get bad reports.

B. Any suspensions or Friday schools from the cheerleaders will not be tolerated. Results of this will be some consequence dependent on the severity of the school’s punishment from extra running to suspension of games.

A. On the bus, rules will be up to the bus driver or whoever is in charge.
B. When traveling to away games, cheerleaders will sit together and on the same bus.
C. Cheerleaders will be courteous to the bus driver and to the officials and staff of the opposing school.

A. It is the philosophy of the coaching staff at Parkway that playing any sport including cheerleading is a privilege and not a right; therefore, any problem concerning a cheerleader arising within the school or community which may or may not result in disciplinary action from the school and which is not covered in the student or athletic handbook will be dealt with on an individual basis.
B. If for any reason a cheerleader is suspended for a game; she must attend the game in uniform and will not be allowed to sit with friends. She will sit on the sidelines and cheer with her squad but will not participate in any pre-game activities.
C. In the event a school activity that the cheerleader is involved in, such as drama, choir, band, etc., conflicts with a practice/game, the cheerleader will be excused. The coach must be notified at least one week in advance in order to be excused. Coach must have a work and all-star cheer schedule etc.
D. Cheerleaders should show maturity and sound judgment in their lifestyle and citizenship must not be in question. One of their attributes must be leadership. The cheerleaders shall conduct themselves properly at all times, for they are the official student representatives of the school. They should not display undesirable emotions, as anger and rage, at any time. They should not display habits such as smoking, drinking, drugs, and improper language. They should display good sportsmanship at all times. Their conduct in the classroom should also be of high caliber of which to set a good example to other students. Reports of any misconduct shall be reviewed by me and could result in dismissal from the cheer squad. **Remember all eyes are on you, little girls look up to you, they want to be just like you when they are your age, be a good role model for them, acknowledge them(say hi, smile, give them high five) you can make a difference in a little persons eyes.

E. If there is conflicts with another team mate please come to the coach so we can sit down and resolve the matter in a respectful way. Please be kind and considerate to your team mates, treat each other with the respect you want to be treated with.

F. Make sure you have read grade policy in the PHS hand book.

G. No jumps or tumbling at practice or games without stretching, we do not need any hurt cheerleaders.

H. All Parkway Local School policies must be adhered to as laid out in the PHS hand book.

I. Course of action:

* 1st Offense will be warning and or jump conditioning or other physical conditioning depending on the severity of the offense.

* 2nd Offense depending on the severity a meeting with the coach and possible game suspension.

*3rd Offense depending on severity could result in meeting with the coach and A.D. and possible expulsion from the team.


Cheerleader (PRINT):______

Cheerleader (SIGN): ______

Parent (SIGN):______


By signing this I understand and agree to all information contained within this document. It is also my understanding that there are decisions made and judgments that may not be included within this document, but will be made for the good of the squad, the school, or myself and I understand and agree to abide by those decisions.