Park School Site Council Minutes

December 5, 2016

Members in attendance: Gabrielle Amenta, Lucy Burnett, Paul Fung, Carin Gasca, Ana Haskins, Marie Ibsen, Wendy Molina-Solis, Michael Sepulveda

I.Call to Order: School Site Council was called to order at 3:37 by Assistant Principal Carin


II.Approval of the Agenda and SSC Minutes: The Minutes for 11/7/16 were approved.


There was one correction to add information to the section regarding

the SSC Needs Assessment.

III.Principal’s Report: Park School Principal Dr. Molina-Solis gave her report.

●LCAP meetings were held on campus for grades TK through 8th for students to give their input on the LCAP.

●There were also meetings regarding the LCAP with staff and parents and the different components of the LCAP were discussed. Parents were concerned about an item under Goal 2 regarding the offering of Summer School for English Language Learners and they were informed that applications would be distributed soon and due in January. The summer school would be for grades TK to 3rd.

IV.ELAC Report for 11/29/16: Instructional Specialist M. Steep gave her report to Carin Gasca via e-mail for reporting as Myriame was ill and asked C. Gasca to facilitate in her absence.

●There will be some new workshops offered to parents beginning in January. These are called “PEP” for “Park Empowering Parents” and will focus this year on Math and Technology. Last year the focus was on English Language Arts and Technology.

●Parents are concerned about students falling behind, lack of art programs and would like more information about the meaning of ST (Strategic Teaming.)

●There will be more discussions in the future about ELD in the classroom, GLAD in the classroom and opportunities for parents to visit and be given tours of these in action will be organized.

V.SSC Needs Assessment Results: The committee reviewed and discussed the results of the

Needs assessment. The following items were concerns:

●#4 regarding having better communication with parents before making decisions.

●#9 indicating that we understand the District’s priorities but we do not always understand how we are aligned to these priorities.

●There needs to be more discussion about data and we should use this to identify needs for planning.

●There needs to be a better understanding of how our budget is distributed and how this affects the resources available to us.

●There was a discussion about the role of the SSC. The January meeting will present a refresher course in the role of SSC Members and the responsibilities related to the School Plan.

●There was a recommendation to Instructional Specialist M. Steep about explaining the questions in the Needs Assessment Survey in more basic terminology that all can easily understand and interpret.

VI.SPSA (Single Plan for Student Achievement) 16/17 Goals: Assistant Principal Carin Gasca

lead the discussion about these goals based on information e-mail from Myriame Steep. Goal 1 is regarding English Language Arts and Goal 2 is regarding Math. The following are some highlights of the discussion:

For Goal 1 English Language Arts

●Expand the ability to scaffold English Language Learners using GLAD strategies and extend this across the curriculum.

●Use Reader’s and Writer’s Workshop to strengthen reading skills.

●Monitor acquisition of foundational skills and target our subgroups who need attention in this area.

●Continue to involve more parents.

For Goal 2 Math, the discussion was the same with the addition of concentrating effort

on conceptual understanding.

V.Motions: Several motions were made and approved.

●There was a motion to accept Goal 3 Parent and Community Involvement.

Fung/BurnettThe motion was approved.

●There was a motion to accept SPSA Goals 1 and 2.

Amenta/BurnettThe motion was approved.

●There was a motion to table how the SSC will monitor the SPSA,

Molina-Solis/FungThe motion was approved.

VI.Adjournment: The SSC adjourned at 4:40. Next meeting will be 2/6/17.

Respectfully submitted by Marie Ibsen, Park School Site Council Secretary

Approved: January 9, 2017