January 4, 2011
Goals from Board of Director’s Strategic Plan
6.1 Implement the “Locals Designation”
a) Update the curriculum and the designation criteria
b) Continue to develop and implement our “local series classes” adding timely topics as appropriate.
6.2 Continue to offer NAR designation classes.
6.3 Make classes and class materials available via Multi-Media Applications, i.e. the Website and Podcasts. Promote this to the members via the website.
PRESENT: Laurie Wing, Chairperson
Bridgett Murphy, Director Liaison
Dick Stoner, Betty Brown, Janalee Jacobson, Rick Klein
STAFF: Sharon WoodburyAnne Reynolds
1. CALL TO ORDERat 10:40 am
2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES:12/07/10approved with a few changes from Betty
- Locals Series Designation
- Trademarks – the logos submitted by Dave Napawocki were reviewed. They liked the idea of a pin also. Anne will look into pins and pricing. They voted on the first round one on the first page. Dick suggested getting a stamp. We will have a page on the website.
- FAMILIARIZATION PROGRAM 2010 as criteria – add it as an elective
- History class – Myles Rademan might be good source or teacher.
- Real estate websites class – new outline was reviewed – suggest it be organized according to sites the public could go to versus the agents can go to.
Anne will put together learning objectives and course outline.
Patti Horie and Nancy Tallman will work with Anne to enhance the class.
B. Class Monitor report
- Property Mgmt Friday Dec 10 9 – 11am Betty
It was good but needs improvement.
Clarification on legal issues,
Needs handouts, intro of panelists, more organization.
Focus on best practices rather than problems.
Laurie and Betty will come up with some suggestions and Anne will approach Mike with the improvements.
- Financing Resort Real Estate Monday Dec 13 1 – 4 pm Laurie
They loved the class and it was suggested to Rick to slow down a bit.
- Advanced Look at the REPC and Short Sale Forms Thursday Dec 16 1 – 4 Tom
- Transaction Desk – Monday January 3, 1-3 pm –Laurie
Suggested to have on separate days and set up 2 screens (mac and pc)
C. Assign Monitors for upcoming classes
- Radon for the Real Estate Professional – Tuesday January 4, 1-3 pm
Anne will ask Jeff Coe
- Code of Ethics – Tom Morgan – Tuesday January 18, 1 – 4 pm not needed.
4. NEW BUSINESS: Anne will look up who taught lien law class. Should be mechanics liens.
5. NEXT MEETINGFebruary 1, 2011, 10:30 am
6. ADJOURNMENT: at 11:52
Submitted by Anne Reynolds