St. Mary’s (Maffra); St. Ita’s (Newry); St. Joseph’s (Dargo)
St. Michael’s (Heyfield); St. Brigid’s (Cowwarr);
Father Dom Hilarion Fernando OSB
Phone Maffra 5147 1921 - Mobile 0478909541 - Fax 5147 1476
For Emergencies: St. Mary’s Cathedral, Sale, Phone 51444100
5th Sunday of Lent: Year A – 6th April, 2014
(40 days of Lent to prepare for Easter)
Our Sunday Liturgy:
Who does not fear death? But, it is not the end.
Jesus’ gift of life to Lazarus involved his own death. Jesus had to be willing to risk and lose his own life. The God of healing love is revealed through the work of his Son.
Entrance Antiphon (or Hymn):
Give me justice, O God, and plead my cause against a nation that is faithless. From the deceitful and cunning rescue me, for you, O God, are my strength.
1st Reading:
A reading from the prophet Ezekiel: 37: 12-14
I shall put my spirit in you, and you will live.
Responsorial Psalm:
With the Lord there is mercy and fullness of redemption.
2nd Reading:
A reading from the letter of St Paul to the Romans: 8: 8-11.
If the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you, then he will give life to your own mortal bodies.
Gospel Acclamation:
Glory and praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ!
I am the resurrection and the life, says the Lord; whoever believes in me will not die forever.
Glory and praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ!
A reading from the Holy Gospel according to John: 11: 1-45.
I am the resurrection and the life.
Mystery of Faith:
When we eat this Bread and drink this Cup, we proclaim your Death, O Lord, until you come again.
Communion Antiphon:
Everyone who lives and believes in me will not die forever, says the Lord.
Message to take home:
Although dead...... because of sin...... the Spirit of Him, who raised Jesus from the dead...... will give life to your own mortal bodies.
Penitential Service for final Lenten preparation for Easter Wednesday 9th April from 7.30pm to 8.30pm (after 7pm Mass)
Urgently needed Maccona coffee jar lids – for Easter Candles
Rosary before Mass:
MAFFRA: Sunday 9.00am
HEYFIELD: Saturday 6.00pm
NEWRY: Sunday 11.00am
7th Apr: Mon 9.30am St John Baptist de la Salle (Rosary before Mass 9.15)
9th Apr: Wed 7pm followed by Penitential Service 7.30 till 8.30pm
10th Apr: Thur. 9.30am Lenten Mass (Rosary before Mass 9.15)
11th Apr: Fri. 10.15am Stretton Park
12th Apr: Sat. 9.30am Lenten Mass
8th Apr: Tues. 10.15am Laurina Lodge
RECONCILIATION & INDIVIDUAL CONFESSION FOR LENT: Maffra Wednesday 9th April after 7pm Mass
From 7.30pm to 8.30pm (Penance Service, Confession, Adoration & Benediction)
Maffra: Saturday – For Half Hour after 9.30am Mass
(And any other time by request).
Heyfield: 5.20pm-5.45pm prior to Saturday evening Mass
Maffra: Mondays, Thursdays & Saturdays at 9.15am (Before Mass)
Heyfield: Tuesdays at 9.15am (Except on 2nd Tuesday - at Laurina Lodge 10am)
Newry: Thursday at 7.30pm
Cowwarr: Wednesday at 9.45am
MAFFRA: Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament – Wednesdays 7pm Mass & Adoration in Church during Lent till 8pm.
1st Friday of the month - 10.15 Mass (Healing and Anointing)
3rd & 4th Friday of the month – 10.15 to 11.15 am (Mass and Adoration)
HEYFIELD: 3rd Tues of the month – 9.30 to 10.30am (Mass and Adoration)
COWWARR: 1st Friday of the month – night
HOLY ROSARY: Before Sunday Masses – Maffra and Saturday Masses - Heyfield
Maffra: 1stThursday – 9am before Mass (for Mothers and unborn babies)
Newry: Every Thursday – 7.30pm
PRAYERS FOR THE DECEASED: Recently Deceased: Ethel Robertson, Lila Higgins.
Anniversaries: Bernard Harkin, Karl Weiloch, Albert Robinson, Mary Canny, Gerald Harkin,
Dermot O’Brien, Nell Weatherley, Eileen Abikhair, Marianne Anderson, Chad Coridas, Dulcie Ripper, Gerald Edward Harkin, Jean Moulton, Susan Phelan, Mary, Anna Penkara.
Frs. Patrick O’Brien, Daniel Gleeson McMahon, Michael Nolan. Bishop Michael Putney
PRAYERS FOR THE SICK: Elli Topliff, Anna Nikolajew, Rosa Pappas, Mary Harkin, Ged McKenna (Brother Of Cate Goodman), Jack Cullen, Jim Last, Lee Allman, Gerry Gray, Marie Morgan, Judith Shaw, Ann Martin, Bishop Coffey, Tao Pham (Seminarian), Father Frank, Helen Garrigan, Maree Welsh, Mary Saunders, Ann Bumpstead, Laura Mowat, Xavier Mills and all those who seek our prayers.
Tuesdays – 7.30pm Trevor & Pat Fogarty, 27 McMillan Street Maffra
Wednesdays – 1.30pm Leanda Helmke, 9 Newry Road Tinamba
Thursdays – 1.30pm Rose Woodhouse, Unit 3/ 36 Church Street Maffra
PALM CROSSES: Please take some palms home and make Crosses and bring back to the Church for the Blessing on Palm Sunday.
LITURGY: Sun : 13th Apr Team Members
COUNTING TEAM: : Sun. (tonight) 6th Dick Moulton & Roy Shelton
Recorder: Barbara Gray
Sun: 13th Apr Gary Shingles & Rosemary Wirken
Recorder: Mary McLaverty
LECTOR: Sun. 13th Apr Pauline Hall
COMMENTATOR: Sun 13th Apr Pat Fogarty
COMPUTER OPERATER: Sun 13th Apr Mary Hartwig
OFFERTORY: Sun 13th Apr Kevin Kierce & Margaret Donahoe
EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS: Sun. 13th Apr Julia Moulton, Donna Kemp, Frank Hall
COLLECTORS: Sun 13th Apr John, Leon, Jim Coleman
COMMUNION TO THE SICK: Sun. 13th Apr Judy Roberts
VISITING TEAM: Sun. 13th Apr Sylvia & Frank Neaves
HOLY VESSELS: (15th March to 14th April) Mary McCarthy (only every 2nd & 4th week)
COMMUNION TO THE SICK: Sat. 12th Apr Anne Kurec
READER: Sat. 12th Apr Maureen Coleman
OFFERTORY PROCESSION: Sat. 12th Apr Eva Trbovich & Helper
LINEN: Month of April Heather Higgins
READER: Sun. 13th Apr Stephen Dwyer
PLANNED GIVING: Maffra: Envelopes $ 292 Presbytery $ 321
Dargo: Open Plate: $123
Heyfield: Envelopes $ 588 Presbytery $ 290
You are encouraged to participate in Lenten Groups; Stations of the Cross; Adoration; Reading of Scriptures, etc.
STATIONS OF THE CROSS – HEYFIELD: with Father Ken Clarke – During Lent every Friday,7pm. Starting Friday, 7th March.
NO CUPPA AFTER MASS UNTIL MAY: with Easter nearly upon us there will be no more cuppas this month we will resume in May with Cowwarr on the 4th May.
PALM SUNDAY ECUMENICIAL PROCCESSION: 13th April, after 9am Mass, Maffra, please come and join in.
NEWRY MASS PALM SUNDAY: 13th April, will be at 11.30pm (After the Ecumenical Procession at Maffra)
DIOCESAN CHRISM MASS (Mass of the Oils) to be held in the Cathedral, Sale on Tuesday 15th April at 11 am. An urgent request for singers to join the choir to sing at the annual Diocesan Chrism Mass. Anybody interested please contact Sophie Morley on 56 22 6677 or email: Rehearsal 9.30 – 10.30 am.
CWL- MAFFRA: meeting Tuesday 8th April, 1.30pm. CWL would also like to thank all who helped in any way with the fund-raising last week.
ECUMENICAL SERVICE: at Laurina Lodge on Wednesday, 9th April, 3pm Led by Rev Sandra Houghton.
WORKING BEE FOR EASTER: on Saturday, 12th April from 10.30 – 11.30am at all our churches. Your help would be much appreciated.
From the Pastor’s Pen:
Dear Friends,
Jesus weeps in front of doubt: “Are you going back again?”: He weeps in front of nihilism: “Could he not have prevented this man’s death?”: He weeps in front of Fatalism: “Lord, by now he will smell”. This is the optimum moment for God to raise Lazarus, just to show us, how far we must go in trusting the power of Jesus’ love for us.
Jesus is the Resurrection and life: Let us prepare ourselves through the remaining two weeks of lent, to celebrate this at Easter.
There is no other treasure than the gift of resurrection and life!
Fr Hilarion OSB
7th April – Mon – Parish Dinner – Macalister Hotel – 6pm. All welcome!
8th April – Tues – CWL meeting – 1.30pm – Presbytery Maffra.
9th April – Wed – Ecumenical Service – Laurina Lodge. 3pm
12th April – Sat – Working Bee at all Churches 10.30 – 11.30am.
13th April – Sun – Ecumenical Procession – after 9am Mass – Maffra
Mass: Sunday: Heyfield: 10am
Mass & Adoration: Wednesday: Cowwarr: 10am
Mass: 2nd Saturday of the month: 11am
Rosebrooke Priory:
12 Galvins Road,
Mirboo North.
Evensong & Benediction: 4th Sunday of the month: Heyfield: 4pm
------PALM SUNDAY CROSSES: If you could make a few Palm Crosses for Palm Sunday Procession, please collect the palms from the Presbytery by Wednesday the 9th of April.
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: to help liturgy group at the Holy Week; with taking charge to arrange material, recruit personnel, help with the choir.
CWL SPANISH PILGRIMAGE: The Catholic Women’s League of Victoria – Wagga Wagga is organising a Pilgrimage through Spain and Portugal – dates: 10th – 22nd October, 2014. Following the pathways of the great Spanish saints – Teresa of Avila, John of the Cross, Ignatius of Loyola, along part of the Camino to Saniago de Compostela, it will finish at the revered Marian site at Fatima. Anyone is welcome to join the Pilgrimage which will be accompanied by an experienced bi-lingual guide and Chaplain, Fr Tony Shallue, P.P. Myrtleford. Deposits are due by 10th April. Full details from Sylvia: email: or phone: 51 47 2629.
FATHER TED TYLER: PILGRIMAGE to the Saints and Martyrs of England, Wales and Scotland
A wonderful two-week pilgrimage to England, Wales and Scotland is available for the end of this coming September (2014). It will be led by Father Ted Tyler (), Parish Priest of Upper Blue Mountains. The theme of it will be the heroic martyrs and saints before, during and since the Reformation. For instance, we shall visit Tyburn and the sites of the martyrdoms of Saint Thomas More, St John Fisher, as well as Canterbury with St Thomas a Becket, York with St Margaret Clitherow (the “pearl of York), Blessed John Henry Newman at Oxford and Birmingham, the Lancaster martyrs, the home of Father John Lingard (historian and author of “Hail Queen of Heaven”), and other other places famed for their place in English Catholic history such as Downside Abbey and Arundel church and castle. It will be a great and inspiring holiday. If you would like to learn more, email Father Ted at
DID YOU KNOW: That in Newry in 1885, Mass was first celebrated in a cottage at “Glenfield” which was owned by the Misses Moore and the late John Moore of Sale, and in 1887 Mass was celebrated in Newry in the home of the late Mrs. Weatherley. Sunday School was conducted by Mrs. D’Arcy and daughters. Priests, Fathers O’Donohue and Hegarty (Later Dean). 1890- A new Church was built at Newry on site donated by the late Mrs. D. Weir. Another block donated by Mrs. Weatherley was sold and the proceeds used to help pay for the new Church. (The present Church).