Parish of Stokenchurch s2

Parish of Stokenchurch s2


Minutes of the Meeting of the Parish Council held on Wednesday 2nd September 2015

at Longburrow Hall at 7.30pm.

Attendees: Mrs Nuthall (Chairman), Mr Penny, Mrs Baker, Mr Jones, Mr Thomas, Mr Harding, Mr I Chadwick, Mr Parkinson, Mr Davis, Mr Saunders, Mr Preece, Mr Hawkins (Clerk), Cllr Saddique and 24 members of the public.

1.  Apologies. Apologies were received from Cllr Etholen & Cllr Hayday (BCC), and Cllr Adoh (WDC).

2.  Declarations of Interest. None.

3.  Minutes. Mr Harding said that the Minutes of 19th August were inaccurate because they said the Council would express support for the principle of a café, (Item 7 , 07070) but this was not what was submitted to WDC planning website. Also the application was for a coffee shop, not a café. Council asked the Clerk to delete present comment and replace with verbatim extract from the minutes. Mr I Chadwick asked that his initial be used at all times to avoid confusion with another Mr Chadwick. Subject to these changes it was agreed by all those present at that meeting that the Minutes of the Council meeting on 19st August 2015 be approved.

4.  Matters Arising. a) MUDDS BANK - The Clerk read email from Cllr Saddique who had asked WDC for the present position. A new planning agent has recently been appointed and has indicated that a new Planning Application is to be submitted shortly. Depending on the outcome of this application, they will decide whether enforcement action is required. b) TOWER GARAGE Letter from Toureen Retail who are carrying out the refurbishment of the shop at the garage seeks to allay fears that the shop will be opening 24 hours a day. The purpose is to modernise the layout of the store and there will be no change in trading hours. c) DOUBLE YELLOW LINES BY TESCOS Sian Thomas at Bucks CC responded to our query to say part one of the public consultation period has elapsed (20 responses, 18 in favour) but there was some way to go before the paint can go onto the tarmac.

5.  Reports & Actions None.

6.  Presentation from D P Architects regarding Local Redevelopment proposal Mr Parker introduced himself and thanked those who had come out to see the display in the large hall. The proposals are for a housing development on both sides of Park Lane just beyond the turning to Longburrow Hall and Park. There will be 16 homes, a mix of commercial and affordable, on a 0.62h site, a relatively low density. WDC have been supportive in principle in pre application discussions, and the site is designated for housing in the WDC Local Plan. Construction to be traditional vernacular style, and only one mature tree will be lost from the site. Admitted the main issue to be addressed is access, as Park Lane now is a narrow bottleneck with no footpath past Briarswood. Looking at traffic calming methods. Asked those present to make comments on the slips provided, which will be collated in a Statement of Community Involvement, part of the process for applying for Outline Planning Permission. He closed by offering additional benefits of a CIL contribution to community funds, and the “tidying up of a rather untidy area”. Questions were taken. Tawny owls nest and raise young in the trees and it is a habitat for a number of species, eg kites, squirrels. The question of radon emissions has not yet been investigated, but a full ground survey would be made if a full application follows. There were many concerns about access, with the narrow “neck” of Park Lane, and the roads around Church Square. Many were worried about danger to pedestrians, especially children going to the park, and low visibility in winter. The road was not suitable for heavy construction vehicles. It was asked whether other sites in the village might be better, and even whether more houses were needed at all in light of the Slade Road development. Mr Parker said that the process for allocation of the social housing should theoretically favour those living or working in Stokenchurch. The Chairman said that correspondence on the matter had been received from Mr and Mrs Hunt who live down Park Lane but could not be present. A copy was handed to Mr Parker. The display will remain in the Hall for the next week.

7.  Notification of Parish Matters (information only) Youth club, TfB, Hall floor, Village Warden, Library, SCAF, Allotments.

8.  Planning

·  Planning decisions; permissions and refusals. Permitted: 06560 - 2 Green Lane Stokenchurch; 06772 – 33 George Road, Stokenchurch.

·  07191 Existing use of Dingle Dell as a dwelling house at Dingle Dell, Bigmore Lane, Horsleys Green . No objection, agreed unanimously.

9.  District and County Councillors: Cllr Saddique repeated the main points of the information from WDC about Mudds Bank.

10.  Finance. Bills Payable to the amount of £6020.09 were approved for payment unanimously. The next Finance Committee meeting will be on 9th September here at 10.00am.

11.  Correspondence: From a non-resident of the parish for a Temporary Event Notice for a 50th birthday celebration, with extension to 1.00am. Agreed to respond : welcome to place booking but must adhere strictly to booking regulations including finish at 12.00 midnight. Three separate emails from residents of Cricket Ground objecting to a free standing advertising pod outside the dentists allegedly blocking view of traffic for cars exiting that road. Mr Pillau was present and explained it was situated on his land. Not his ideal placement, but had been requested to remove from the Bowling Green when it had been left there over the weekend. Mr Harding suggested that we should support this local business and allow the advertising board to remain on the Bowling Green. Agreed, with three abstentions, to allow for a 6 month trial.

12.  The Commons Some safety barriers have been left outside Springfield-clerk to enquire of Mr West.

13.  Longburrow Play Area Owing to unavailability of projector, discussion of the HAGS designs and quotation deferred to next time. Offers opportunity for councillors to view and consider before meeting.

14.  Committees Mr Penny was not present at the previous meeting when this was discussed. Happy to accept Council’s decision to fully examine planning applications within framework of full PC meetings.

15.  Other Parish Matters Mr Davis reported that Nigel Entwistle had spoken to him about a plan to place a banner about the Youth Club on the railings at Tescos. He already has their permission. No objections raised to this plan. Mr Parkinson asked to be included in a TfB meeting on October 9th, and also enquired about the closure of the large hall, when remedial work was only necessary in the small hall. Both halls are being resurfaced and resealed. Mr Saunders asked for the Village Warden’s HiVis jackets to display SPC-to be arranged with The Print Shop. Stokenchurch Community Library AGM will be at Longburrow Hall on 23rd September at 7.30pm, and Stokenchurch Community Action Forum have their AGM, together with a discussion of the results of the village survey, next Wednesday 9th September, also here at 7.30pm. Mr Thomas informed Council that we already have established allotment holders living in Lane end, and in Piddington, and we should be applying a uniform approach to this issue. Mr Penny said we should not be asking established holders to surrender properly cultivated plots. Mr Thomas will rework the rules for submission to Council at next meeting. Finally, Mr Davis noted that the promised repair of the pavement by The Common almost happened, but the workmen turned up without enough tarmac. On the other hand, the fire damaged roadway outside the library has been replaced.

Opening up to comments and questions from the floor, Mr Baker asked about ownership of the Longburrow driveway. The Clerk responded that the driveway was in private ownership, but the Parish Council had an 18 foot right of way for all time and all purposes, established by the conveyance of Longburrow field to the PC. Mrs Baker thought this should be confirmed, and Mrs Nuthall offered to do a Land Registry search online. Mrs Saunders asked if the disused Dobbins Clobber advertising sign could be removed as unsightly-Clerk to request this. Also to ask Bucks CC if there are, or should be, any weight restrictions on the articulated vehicles using Coopers Court Road.

There being no further business the meeting ended at 8.55 pm.