The Parish of Our Lady of Mount Carmel St Wilfrid, Selsey

The Presbytery, 12 Church Road, Selsey, West Sussex, PO20 0LS

‘Phone: 01243 602312 Parish website:

PARISH PRIEST: Father John Healy

2nd SUNDAY OF ADVENT 3rd/4th December 2016

Mass Times

Saturday 5.30pm Kathleen and Eric Saunders RIP

Sunday 10.00am Brian and Agnes Kennedy RIP

Monday Weekday of Advent

10.00am Intentions of the People of the Parish

Tuesday Weekday of Advent No Mass

Wednesday St Ambrose No Mass

Thursday The Immaculate Conception No Mass

Friday Weekday of Advent


Saturday St. Francis Xavier No Morning Mass


5.30pm Tricia Green (anniversary)

Sunday 10.00am Lionel Jordon RIP

Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturday, 4.45 to 5.15pm.

[2nd Sunday of Advent – page 85 in the Parish Mass Book]

COFFEE AFTER MASS: There will be coffee, other refreshments, good company and great conversation in the Hall after Mass this weekend – all are most welcome, especially any visitors.

SOCIAL AND FUNDRAISING MEETING: There will be a brief meeting of the group on Tuesday evening in the Parish Hall, beginning at 6.30pm, to prepare for the Festive Sing-a-Long.

FESTIVE SING-A-LONG: The final event of the year in the parish’s social diary is the Festive Sing-a-Long next Sunday afternoon in the Parish Hall from 2.30pm. Tickets were sold out early and there is a waiting list for any returns. If you have tickets, but are now unable to attend, please return to give others a chance.

CHRISTMAS FAIR: Gifts and donations are delivered to the Church and Hall; volunteers turn up on time to set it all up; punters from the town and parish arrive at the door; the takings from stalls, tombolas and raffles mount up: this has become the pattern at our Christmas and Summer Fairs. But, of course, the system only works when people give generously of their time and energy to make sure it works. We all owe another great debt of gratitude to the small group that works hard to make sure they always happen and the much larger group that supports their efforts in whatever way they can. A grand total of £1,420.55p was raised last weekend at the Christmas Fair for the Building Maintenance Fund and, as usual, there was a warm feeling of togetherness within the parish that flowed out as a welcome to many in the wider community who visited the Fair.

THE REPOSITORY is again open with a good selection of seasonal items including Advent Calendars (not yet too late!) and Christmas Cards: it is open after Mass at the back of the Church.

Arundel and Brighton Diocesan Trust is a Registered Charity No 252878


Good news never seems to be quite as interesting as bad news (and doesn’t sell papers!). There is something in most of us that finds it difficult to resist the temptation to show an interest in the faults and misfortunes of others, and even to gloat at them. Similarly, truth never seems to be as interesting as lies and deceits. Both St. Paul and Pope Francis insist that overcoming the temptation to derive some kind of pleasure, or feeling of superiority, from the problems of others is an integral part of love: it’s more than “not taking pleasure in other people’s sins” but consciously rejoicing in all that is good and true and right in the life of others. We may be quick to see and condemn the faults in our leaders and other public figures, in colleagues at work or neighbours in the street, but much slower to acknowledge their strengths and virtues. Pope Francis goes so far as to say that if we never notice the good in others, or rejoice in their well-being, then we quickly descend into being preoccupied with our own concerns and condemn ourselves to a joyless existence! He reminds us that it was Jesus who said “There is more happiness in giving than in receiving” – and that includes “giving praise where praise is due!”

RED MISSIONARY BOXES: If you have a Red Box at home that is now full at the end of the year, please bring it in the next few weeks to be emptied. You can leave the full box in the Church Porch and collect an empty replacement box from the porch a week or two later. We have a plentiful supply of Red Boxes if anyone would like to join the scheme. The distinctive Red Box in the home is a regular reminder to support the work of the Church in developing countries. Some people use their missionary box for self-imposed or family fines; others fill their box with their least favourite coin. However you fill the box, every penny helps the young Church somewhere in the world.

CONFIRMATION PROGRAMME: Any young person who was 14 years or over on 1st September is old enough to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation. The parish offers a programme that will help young people understand what it means to be a Confirmed Catholic – by asking questions and talking about what they believe, by reflecting and praying with others – so that they will be able to decide if they wish to receive the Sacrament in the Summer. Please ask Fr. John for an application form: the programme will begin in the New Year.

FIRST COMMUNION PROGRAMME: Children who were seven years and over on 1st September are now old enough to join the programme of preparation for the Sacraments of Reconciliation (Confession) and Holy Communion next year. Application forms are available for parents to complete and return as soon as possible (details about your child’s baptism can be filled in later if necessary). The programme will begin after the Christmas holiday break with a first meeting for children and their parents on Saturday, 14th January and the Enrolment Mass the following day, on 15th January. Please ask Fr. John for a form.

ADVENT PENANCE SERVICE: The parish Advent Service of Penance and Reconciliation will be on Sunday, 18th December at 4.00pm. There will a brief service of reflection and prayer followed by an opportunity for those who wish to make a personal Confession. A large number of children made their First Confession in the summer: the change of day and time for our Penance Service may help families to come as a family so the children can celebrate the Sacrament again. Fr. Stan Mycek, from Arundel Cathedral, will be present to assist with Confession so that our parishioners from Eastern Europe will have an opportunity to confess and receive absolution in their own language.

PLEASE PRAY FOR: Jacqui Brooker, Max Foreshew, Nell Hassett, Grace Ledger, Sean Mangan, Reon McSharry, Samantha Phillips, Sheilagh Roberts and all in the parish who are sick.

Please speak to Fr. John if you would like the parish to pray for you, or for someone in your family.

Collections: 26th/27th November Offertory Collection £386.75p

Church Maintenance Fund £61.67p