159 Northway, Durban North, 4051 E-Mail Website: www.fatima.org.za Tel 0315635554 Fax 0315634684
Parish Priest: Rev Fr Desmond Royappen
Deacon: Rev Peter VenterPastoral Assistants: Irene Helsdon and Anne Chatteris
08 March 2015
Third Sunday of Lent Year B
Missal References Page 474 (new), 526 (old)
Missal References (7.00am today) Page 100 (new), 178 (old)
Eucharistic Prayer
Memorial Acclamation
Next Sunday’s Scripture Page 479 (new), 530 (old)
Next Sunday’s Scripture (9.00am) Page 106 (new), 186 (old)
Next Sunday Fourth Sunday of Lent – Laetare Sunday
Feast of the Week
Monday St Frances of Rome
Entrance Antiphon
My eyes are always on the Lord, for he rescues my feet from the snare. Turn to me and have mercy on me, for I am alone and poor.
Responsorial Psalm 9.00am 7 5.45pmLord you have the words of eternal life.
The law of the Lord is perfect;
it revives the soul.
The decrees of the Lord are steadfast;
they give wisdom to the simple.
The precepts of the Lord are right;
they gladden the heart.
The command of the Lord is clear;
it gives light to the eyes.
The fear of the Lord is pure, abiding forever.
The judgements of the Lord are true;
they are, all of them, just.
They are more to be desired than gold,
than quantities of gold.
And sweeter are they than honey,
than honey flowing from the comb.
Lord you have the words of eternal life. / Responsorial Psalm 7.00am
O that today you would listen to his voice,
“Harden not your hearts”.
Come, ring out our joy to the Lord;
hail the rock who saves us.
Let us come before him, giving thanks,
with songs let us hail the Lord.
Come in; let us bow and bend low;
let us kneel before the God who made us
for he is our God and we
the people who belong to his pasture,
the flock that is led by his hand.
O that today you would listen to his voice!
‘Harden not your hearts as at Meribah,
as on that day at Massah in the desert
when your fathers put me to the test;
when they tried me, though they saw my work’.
O that today you would listen to his voice,
“Harden not your hearts”.
Gospel Acclamation
Glory and praise to you, O Christ.
Glory and praise to you, O Christ.
God so loved the world that he gave his only Son;
that whoever believes in him should have eternal life.
Glory and praise to you, O Christ.
Communion Antiphon
The sparrow finds a home, and the swallow a nest where she sets her young: your altars, O Lord of hosts, my King and my God. Blessed are they who dwell in your house, forever singing your praise.
Scripture Readings For Next Sunday
2 Chronicles 36:14-16.19-23 Ephesians 2:4-10 John 3 : 14-21
This Week’s Diary
/Monday / Mass / 9.00am
Finance Committee Meeting / 5.45pm
RCIA 2015 / 7.00pm
Tuesday / Mass / 6.30am
Gospel Sharing / 9.15am
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament & Benediction / 5.00pm – 6.00pm
Ministers of the Word - Formation / 7.30pm
Wednesday / Men’s Fellowship & Prayer / 5.00am – 6.00am
Faithsharing / 9.30am
Communion Service / 6.00pm
Bible Timeline / 7.00pm
Thursday / Mass / 6.00pm
Choir Practice / 6.45pm
Come and See / 7.00pm
Friday / High School Mass / 7.45am
Formation : Altar Server Leaders / 4.00pm
Mass / 5.30pm
Confessions / 6.00pm
Stations of the Cross / 6.00pm
Saturday / Mass / 8.00am
Confessions / 11.00am
Dancing Classes / 6.00pm – 7.30pm
Sunday / Masses / 7.00am; 9.00am & 5.45pm
Please pray for the Sick especially:
Tris Tillard’s sister; Joy Lees’ grandniece; Gladys Cole’s brother; Maryse Bowman’s nieces; Louise Kin’s sister; Renee Armstrong’s sisters; Jo James’ nephew; Mary Kidd’s grand-daughter; Josiane & Marie-Claude Maujean’s brother; Hana Toman’s father; Nancy Chettiar’s mother; Jan Huiskamp’s mother; Annette Hoyer’s parents; Graham Naude’s mother; Alma Osborn’s grandson; Stella Barber; Esme Hallot’s nieces; Stuart McGregor; Anna Kalinowska’s mother; Anne Appelgren’s husband; Tracy Mendonidis & Candice Houseman’s mother; Nicole Blackburn’s daughter, sisters & aunt; Elsa Pearton’s son Michael, sister & granddaughter. / Marjorie Mawbey’s niece; John Bremner’s nephew; Peter Squires; Jean & Pauline Leclezio’s son & daughter-in-law; Brenda Ogle’s granddaughter; Margaret Beechey’s mother; Denise Irvine’s daughter; Candice Behrens’ grandfather; Maryse Wardell’s mother; Irene Helsdon’s niece; Gill Yelland’s daughter-in-law;Josè Martins’ mother: Caron Martins’ father & sister; Lyn Alborough’s brother; Norlie McDonogh’s sister-in-law & sister; Lynne Tillard’s brother; Tottie Bremner’s nephew; George & Carol Urquhart’s mothers; Theresa Hoogewerf’s uncle; Michelle Lock’s father; Mary Ann Salvage’s brother; Sharon Ellis’ sister; Eve Huiskamp’s niece. / Ancilla Donaldson’s parents; Denise Topp’s daughter & son-in law; Liz Newberry’s husband; Nadine Paul’s mother & cousin; Richard Gorlei’s mother; Warren Walker’s uncle;Loretta Liviero; Gail Rossiter’s daughter; Peggy du Plessis’ brother, sister & daughter-in-law; Gail Hansen’s mother; Kevin Curtis’ nephew; Father Des’ nephew & brother; Manuel Lourenco’s nephew; Michael Basson’s daughter; May Dormehl’s brother-in law & daughter; Dean Ilett’s brothers, Brigitte Gaud’s grandson; Paddy Pirie & Gail Rossiter’s sister; Debbie Macpherson’s father; Brian Hoogewerf’s sister; Fr Des Royappen’s brother-in law.Parishioners
Hugh & Lou Elliott; Cathy Hogg;Sue & Des Bloom; Sr. Catherina; Anthea Jack; Clare Whatmore; Virgile Bonhomme; Cameron Smith; Felicity Harrison; Irene Gliddon; Luc Pous; Jenny Ducray; Hendrika Brock; Leigh Went; Joy Lees; Milly van Gogh; May Dormehl. / Randy Tryon; Gordon Urquhart; Olga Newby-Fraser; Roger Brouard; Maryse Bowman; Lynne Govender; Gail Rossiter; Dorothy Warburton; Daphne Rahmer; Pierette Lenferna, Pat du Trevou; Branko Kuzelj; Daniel Lourenco; Pam Farr; Clifton Brock. / Sandra Teodosio; Teresa Latouf; Mary Kidd; Tony Akal; Daniel Simon Webb; Nancy Chettiar; Monique Saint-George; Graham Steele; Gilda de Freitas; Pat Sturgess; Sheila Power; Terry Rossiter; Edward Abraham.
PLEASE PRAY FOR THE REPOSE of the souls of Rose Botha’s mother-in law; Anton van Kan’s grandfather; Jabu Marescotti’s son-in law; Tottie Bremner’s father and Greg Topp’s father. May their souls and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace, AMEN.
Every Sunday after the 9.00am Mass, a dedicated team of Eucharistic Ministers take Holy Communion to all those who are sick and housebound in our parish. We would like to remind you that anybody who is unable to attend Holy Mass on Sunday because of illness is entitled to receive Holy Communion at home.
We do ask, however that, wherever possible, you contact the Parish Office
by 1.00pm on a Friday.
There is an opportunity for a Lenten Faithsharing group which is offered from
9.30am – 10.30am on Wednesdays in the Parish Hall.
Our current 24 week session of The Bible Timeline has resumed after a break since December and those involved meet at the Church Hall every Wednesday at 7.00pm. For more information please call Mark McCall at 0828734661 or via email: .
Fridays during Lent are observed as a Day of Prayer, Fast and Abstinence.
Mass will be celebrated at 5.30pm followed by Stations of the Cross at 6.00pm.
Fr Des will be available in the Confessional to hear Confessions
immediately after Mass and during Stations.
We encourage you to observe the day by attending Mass & Stations of the Cross each Friday.
An opportunity to share your Catholic faith by inviting family, friends’ colleagues and others to Come and See what gives meaning, purpose and direction to your life. ‘Come and See’ is a brief introduction to our Catholic faith, beliefs and practice.
Please give some thought to whom you could invite to
Come and See
what our Catholic faith is all about and an insight into Catholicism.
Parish Hall
12 and 19 March from 7.00pm to 8.30pm
Ministers of the Word Tuesday 10th March at 7.30pm
Altar Server Leaders Friday 13th March at 4.00pm
The fourth Sunday of Lent in the Roman Catholic liturgical calendar is known as Laetare Sunday. The term is derived from the opening words of the Latin Mass, “Rejoice (Laetare) Jerusalem” (Is.66:10). The church is called to joyful anticipation of the victory to be won. This joyful theme provides a brief relief from the penitential emphasis of Lent. Since the thirteenth century the celebrant of the Eucharist has been permitted to wear rose-coloured vestments which express the change of tone in the Lenten observance. Laetare Sunday therefore may be called “Rose Sunday.”
To add a special visual effect to Laetare Sunday next Sunday
all are invited to wear an item of pink clothing.
/ CELEBRATING ST PATRICKS DAYCome and join us for some fun and eats, in the Parish Hall on Wednesday 17th March at 10.00am. ALL WELCOME.
For catering purposes please RSVP the Parish office
by Friday 13th March.
Our next meeting takes place on Thursday the 19th March.
At 9.30am in the upper hall.
The Lenten Youth Camp will take place on
From 5.30pm on Friday 20 to Sunday 22 March at Vuleka Camp in Botha’s Hill.
The Camp is open to all those in Y4Y (Grades 7 to 11) and Y2C (Grade 12 upwards).
Indemnity Forms will be available at the Parish Office or from your Catechist.
The cost R380,00 per person.
Have re-commenced in the Parish Hall from 6.00pm – 7.30pm.
All welcome to come along and join in the fun!!!
Any queries, please contact Ashira on 0795169578
or Michael on 0839902921.
· Couples wishing to enter into this Sacrament must give six months prior notice. They will be required to attend a Pre-Marriage Course run by the Archdiocese as well as a Marriage Preparation Course in the parish.
· We also recommend an Engaged Encounter Weekend, details for which may be obtained from the parish office.
· Please note that this Sacrament may only be celebrated in a Parish Church and not at wedding venues, resorts, hotels and other similar places.
Prayer for our Families
God of tender love and mercy,
thank you for the gift and blessing of Christian family life and all families.
We entrust our families to your constant care and protection.
Grant us wisdom to see how we can change our home life,
to become more like that of the Holy Family of Nazareth.
Teach us to listen to each other more attentively
and to be sensitive to each other’s needs.
Show us how to care for each other
and to share our time and all we have, generously.
Give us a spirit of patience and understanding.
Draw us together in deep bonds of friendship,
love and care for one another.
Comfort and strengthen us when we are wearied by trials and sorrows.
May the inspiration of Jesus, Mary and Joseph, be in our homes,
bringing light, warmth, unity, forgiveness and peace.
May we radiate the joy of Christian family life to all who come to our homes.
Bless our hearts and our homes now and always, through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Welcome New Parishioners
Change of Address and/or Phone No
/ / Need dedication informationNew registration
/ / Registered but do not receive mailMoving out of the parish / Email mailing list
City / Code
Place in the collection basket or hand to a Minister of Hospitality
Third Sunday of Lent Year B08th March 2015
Commentary Kieran Heskin
First Reading (Exodus 20:1-17)
This reading opens with God reminding the Israelites that he is the one who liberated them from the land of Egypt, from the house of slavery. Within the context of the Sinai covenant, in which they are invited into a special relationship with him, he spells out their obligations to him and to one another in what came to be known as the Decalogue. (An almost identical text occurs in Deut. 5:5-21). That the precepts of the Lord came to be appreciated and treasured is indicated by the many compliments paid to them in the Responsorial Psalm.
Second Reading (1 Corinthians 1 : 22-25)
Paul is here contrasting three groups. First, he mentions the Jews who had specific nationalistic expectations that the Messiah would perform great miracles leading to territorial domination. To them a crucified Messiah was a disappointing scandal. Secondly, he mentions the Greeks who constantly sought out philosophers who might provide rational answers to the great enigmas of life. To them the crucified Christ was simply foolishness. To the third group however ‘those who have been called’, the wisdom and power of God are revealed in the death and resurrection of the Messiah.
Gospel ((John 2 : 13-25)
The cleansing of the Temple narrative in St John’s Gospel consists of two elements: first, Jesus’ activity in the Temple (vv. 14-17) and secondly his saying about the destruction of the Temple (vv.18-22). The Synoptic Gospels have parallels for both elements although both are separated and placed much later in Jesus’ ministry. The cleansing of the Temple takes place not long before Jesus’ death (Mt. 21:12f.; Mk11:15-19; Lk19: 45-48). His saying about the destruction of the Temple is distorted by lying witnesses and presented in evidence against him at the Sanhedrin trial on the night before his crucifixion (Mk 14:58; Mt 26:61).
The reason for placing this event at the beginning of the Fourth Gospel is to emphasise from the outset that the old order has changed. The Temple in Jerusalem for all its splendour is no longer to be the meeting place par excellence between God and man. Jesus’ risen body has taken over this role from the Holy of Holies.
Mass Intentions
08 March to 15th March 2015
Sunday / 7.00am / Harold Hawksley RIP (Joy Hansen)9.00am / Pro Populo
5.45pm / Norman James RIP (Margaret Beechey)
Monday / 9.00am / Theobald Ngcobo RIP & Innocent Maishi RIP (Jabu Marescotti & Family)
Tuesday / 6.30am / Evelyn Smith RIP (The Durban Smiths)
Wednesday / 6.00am / Communion Service
Thursday / 6.00pm / Sr Rose Boyle OP (Dominican Sisters)
Friday / 7.45am / Deceased Dominican Sisters RIP
5.30pm / George Akal RIP (Isabel Akal)
Saturday / 8.00am / Irene Donavan RIP (Frances Steele)
Sunday / 7.00am / Denyse Surmon – Special Intention (Lise Bernon)
9.00am / Deceased members of the Bollen Family RIP (Ducray family)
5.45pm / Pro Populo