A Meeting of Gillingham Parish Council was held at the village hall on Wednesday,
5th October, at 7:30pm.
Parish Ten - parishioners slot. Two members of the public were present. The resident who had complained about the anti social behaviour on Church Road reported that the situation has eased and that the repositioning of the current signs would be acceptable, along with police monitoring. Although she maintained that the McDonalds car park was now being used more by cars that no longer used Church Road.. The clerk will get the McDonalds bin removed.
Minutes of Last Meeting - The minutes from the September 2016 meeting were approved by the council and signed by Councillor Massingham. No matters arising.
Declaration of Interests - none.
Village Upkeep
There are still some allotment rents outstanding – clerk to action. A new bank account has been opened to hold the money taken in from rents. There are allotments available to rent for anybody interested – please contact the clerk.
Reports of rubbish at Gillingham beach – the clerk will ask the Broads Authority to investigate.
Questions regarding the footpaths down Marsh Lane to the river and the old railway line have been raised. As far as can be ascertained the fencing and wire is to keep the cattle on the fields in and not walkers out. But it should be noted that there is a bull present and care should be taken until it is moved.
The clerk has received communication from BT that both telephone boxes in the village are to be removed because of lack of use. No calls have been made from the one in The Street and 7 in 12 months have been made at The Boundaries.
A possible contact has been made with someone willing to strim the churchyard – clerk to pursue.
The cutting of the hedge from The Street to The Boundaries is currently being actioned.
Complaints are regularly received from residents about inconsiderate parking – please do not park on corners or where the view is obstructed for emerging traffic.
Correspondence – Broads Forum meeting.
Planning Matters – none.
Clerks tax – £155.60
Any Other Business
Replacement and relocation of the sign at the allotments still under way – the parish council also agreed to another sign prohibiting parking at the entrance to the allotment/playground lane which was hindering grass cutting equipment and allotment holders gaining access to the lane.
Comments have been received about the number of signs being placed on the McDonalds roundabout, clerk to find out who is responsible for monitoring them.
Copy of full minutes available on the norfolk parishes website,
and on the parish council notice boards.
Please note that the Remembrance Day service will be held at the Memorial by the church at 3.00pm on Sunday 13thNovember – everybody welcome.
Date of Next Meeting: The next meeting of the parish council will be Wednesday 2nd November, which will start at 7.30pm. Everybody is welcome to attend.
Clerk’s email address:
Gillingham Parish Council website:
District Councillor Kay Billig email:
County Councillor: