Parish of Dunboyne and Kilbride.
Saturday 30th April – Sunday 8th May, 2011.
Priest on Duty: Monsignor Dermot Farrell P.P. Telephone: 01-8255342
Parish Office Hours: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday 9.30 am – 1.00 pm; 1.30 – 5.00 pm
Email: | Temporary Webpage:
Mass Intentions: Dunboyne.
Sunday / 9 am / Jimmy Brady | Charlie and Jane Kelly.
11.30 am / Maura Carroll (1st Anniversary) | Bridie McAuley (1st Anniversary) | Gladys and Nathaniel Galway Greer.
Monday / 10 am / Seamus Fleming (1st Anniversary).
Tuesday / 9 am / Christopher and Myra Barry.
Wednesday / 9 am / Donor’s Intention.
Thursday / 9 am / Eddie and Bridget Hughes.
First Friday / 9 am / Parish List of the Dead.
8 pm / Paddy O’Reilly.
Saturday / 10 am / Helen O’Dowd.
7 pm / Edward (Ned) Byrne (Month’s Mind) | Tommy and Mena Kane & Johnny Reilly | Michael and Maeve Clarke.
Sunday / 9 am / Breda Carolan.
11.30 / George, Mary, Christopher, Noel & Paddy Griffin | Donal O’Donoghue.
Mass Intentions: Kilbride.
Saturday. / 6 pmSunday / 10 am
Saturday / 6 pm / Brigid and Anthony Doyle.
Sunday. / 10 am
Easter Offerings: The priests of the parish would like to thank you sincerely for your generous support.
First Friday Calls: Mgr. Dermot will attend to his calls during the week. Fr. Mark will be unable to attend to his.
First Holy Communion: During the coming weeks, children in our parish will receive their First Holy Communion. We assure them of our prayers, and thank their teachers for all the work in preparation for these ceremonies. (Kibride 14th May, Dunboyne 21st May and Gaelscoil 28th May).
Parish Radio: The Annual subscription for the Radio Service is now due. The €60 fee, can be sent to the parochial house.
Dunboyne Cemetery Sunday is on Sunday, 26th June. Mass in Rooske Cemetery at 7 pm, Blessing of the graves in Loughsallagh at 5 pm, and in Old St. Peter’s at 6 pm.
Kilbride Cemetery Sunday is on Sunday 14th August. Just a gentle reminder to tidy plots and have them looking well.
The Parish Shop: In stock at the moment, all small items for First Holy Communion, such as Prayer Books, Rosary Beads, Medals, Rosettes, Bibles, and other small gifts. Shop open at weekend Mass times.
Altar Servers (7th – 15th May): Maeve Dunne, Caoimhe Moran, Alison McKeon.
Eucharistic Adoration takes place on Tuesday and Friday from after 9 am Mass until 8 pm in the Adoration Chapel. We pray for vocations to the priesthood in our Diocese.
R.I.P.: Joan Ryan, Castleknock (mother of Elaine Donovan, Dunboyne Castle) | Noel Murphy Navan Rd., (father of Ailish Murphy, Dunboyne Castle and Colm Murphy, Millfarm).
The Children’s Liturgy will not take place today, Sunday 1st May, it will resume next Sunday 8th May.
St. Joseph’s Young Priest’s Society meeting will take place after 8 pm Mass next Friday in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel. New members are especially welcome.
Bethany Bereavement Support: One to One/Group Confidential Service 1st Wednesday of the month in 41 Avondale Square phone 086/8497176. If at any time in the future you feel the need for support or a listening ear, we would be glad to help you.
Legion of Mary: Tuesdays 8 pm in the Church Meeting Room. Ph: Una Ennis on 087-6325699.
Dunboyne St Vincent de Paul: Contact 086-0246170.
The Annual Knock Summer Festival (ages 18-35) takes place on 24th - 26th June in Knock Shrine. It is a 3 day event with talks, workshops, prayer, reflection, music and much happening. It is a chance to come away and explore, ignite and celebrate your faith. Cost €70 (includes food and accommodation). For information contact the youth ministry on 0949388100/0876927850 or or find us on facebook.
Next Charity Bring and Buy Sale will be held at the Yeates Topaz Filling Station Dunboyne on Friday 13th May. Please check your shed and attic for items that you no longer use, we urgently require good quality items. The post office will accept goods. Kitty: 086 3284167, David 087 2423599.
Dunboyne Tennis Club Open Day: A day for the whole family, next Sunday, 8th May, 2 – 6 pm. Bring your runners we have the rackets. We'll have tea, coffee & refreshments, face painting, a dedicated court for the under 12's one for the teens. We're also taking part in the Meath LSP Active week so from the 2nd – 8th May, why not get out and try something different. See website for the times the club will be open.
Community Games: Good luck to our U11 hurling team who take part in the Meath County Finals next Friday. If you would like to represent Dunboyne in Meath swimming finals on 15th May, please contact Kay Fallon (086-3824964). Age groups are U8 - U16 on 31/7/11.
Dunboyne A.F.C.: Seniors play Templeogue Utd., today (Sunday) in the semi-final of the Gilligan Cup in Newcastle, Co. Dublin (Peamount Utd’s ground) at 2 pm. 10Bs play Finglas Celtic in DDSL cup-final in the AUL Complex next Sat (7th May) at 1 pm. Annual KICK-A-THON takes place on 15th May. Tonight’s jackpot is €7,800. Numbers drawn last Sunday 1-10-14-15.
Irish Blood Transfusion Service: The opportunity to give blood will arise at Dunboyne Castle Hotel on Tuesday 3rd May, 5 – 8.30 pm. Please note venue & Clinic Opening times. Local Contact: Yvonne McRory, 087/2912650.
Meath Local Sports Partnership: Walk/Jog or Run for Fun this May Bank Holiday. The first Royal County 5km takes place in Kells on May 2nd at 11 am. All abilities welcome. Entries on the day from 9 am in Headfort Arms Hotel. Nominated charity Breast Cancer Research.
Are you a parent interested in organising a Sports Day for your Community this summer? Meath LSP & HSE are hosting a Sports Day information evening on 10th May at 7.30 pm in the Ardboyne Hotel, Navan. A nominal grant will be available to successful communities. For information Ph: 046-9067337.
Pieta House - Darkness into Light 5k walk/run Event on 7th May at 4.30 am (early morning) in Dublin, Galway, Ennis, Co. Clare, Cork, Killarney and Limerick. Starting while it’s dark and finishing as dawn is breaking. Join us for this symbolic event to give hope to those affected by Suicide and Self-Harm. Entry Fee: Adult €25, Students / OAPs €15. Children under 12 free (but must be accompanied by an adult). Register on line at or by post to Pieta House, Lucan Road, Lucan, Co. Dublin. Contacts: Dublin 01 6010000 or Limerick 061 484444.