Parish Council Meeting of 8th March 2010

Police Report

For the period 8 February 10 and 8 March 10, there had been 13 crimes recorded, 5 Criminal damage, 2 burglary dwelling, 2 burglary other, 2 theft from motor vehicle and 2 assaults.

PC Hanson stressed that residents should take more care and secure their homes and cars.

District Councillors

There is currently a Council Tax scam going round and residents should take care and not give any details to people over the phone.

Parish Council

The Parish Council will be booking the Skate Park and Parkour for 2 days each during the summer holidays, dates to follow.

During the winter Highways carried out some work on the trees on the Hilltop on behalf of the Parish Council, this work was completed and recently there has been malicious damage done to the remaining trees. It is an offence to cut down trees or branches and the police have been informed and are investigating.

The Parish Council are reviewing the hours in which the Parish Office is open and we would like to consult with the residents. Therefore if you would like to see the Parish Office open one afternoon a week could you please complete the below and return it to the Parish Office.

I would like to see the Parish Office open one afternoon a week.

Name: ______Signature: ______

Date of the next meetings

The next Parish Council Meeting will take place on Monday 12th April 2010 in the Redwood Drive Community Centre, starting at 7.30pm, open forum at 7.00pm, public and press welcome.

The Annual Parish Meeting will take place on Monday 26th April 2010 in the Village Hall, starting at 7.00pm, the guest speaker will be Mr Alan Brown from Lincolnshire County Council, Highways.

St. Michael's Parish Church, Waddington

High Street Waddington

Sunday Services are held at

8.30 am Holy Communion [Common Worship Rite 2 [BCP]]

10.00 am Parish Communion [Common Worship Rite 1] with Junior Church

12.00 noon Holy Baptism 1st Sunday in the month

2nd Tuesday each month 3.15 for 3.30 pm

After School Club for children & their carers

We hold services in Residential Homes and a Community Centre.

Arrangements for Occasional Offices, Baptism, Marriages and Funerals

through the Rector, Roland Parker 01522 720323.

Please note the Parish Church Office [720323] at the Rectory is open on Monday mornings from 10.00 - 12.00 noon.

This is often a good time to make enquiries.

St. Michael’s Church is providing the following services in Holy Week and Easter

28th March to 4th April

Palm Sunday8.30 am Holy Communion, 10.00 Parish Communion

[Distribution of Palms and Reading of the Passion]

4.00 pm John Stainer’s Crucifixion –

An Oratorio for Choir and Congregation sung

by CABRA Singers of Lincoln

Monday to Wednesday7.00 pm Holy Communion

Maundy Thursday7.00 pm Celebration Day

Good Friday11.00 am Good Friday for Families and Children

2.00 to 3.00 pm The Last Hour

Holy Saturday9.00 pm Easter Eve Ceremonies – New Light, Resurrection

Easter Day8.30 am Holy Communion 10.00 Parish Communion

The discovery of the significance of Holy Week and Easter is something that you have to make. No one can tell you. We can only tell the story and hope that you are able to engage with it. Jesus’ offering of himself makes little sense if we are divided in ourselves. But if we are seeking wholeness, this is just the story we need to hear. It tells of a person’s life coming apart as more and more aspects crumble. Yet at the heart of it stands Jesus who continues to look forward even when all his resources have been taken away. The sense is that if Jesus can do this, then we can do it too when the situations we face seem to be coming apart or to have no meaning in them. For the hope that Jesus rests in is the sense of God’s promise that he has been made for a purpose and though things may fail, faith hope and love never die. Those who walk this way this week gain a glimpse of what resurrection, life with God, really means. We come to know it not as something at the end of time or our lives but present now in the confusion of all that is happening. Welcome to this journey which is the journey of faith, the journey of life.

Our Annual General Meeting will be on Wednesday 21st April 7.00 for 7.30 pm in church.

This is a chance to hear how the church is trying to cope with changing times. The experience is that people are finding the church life a good place to be where you can be yourself and be open to the wider themes of life that we experience in our day to day activity. Do come along to hear how we are doing.

Advance Notice – we are holding a May Fair on Saturday 22nd May in Church. Please see separate advert for details.

Thank you to the Lincoln Male Voice Choir who gave an excellent concert full of variety and mood. Some £450 was raised for church funds. Thank you to Margaret Cooper and the organising group.

Thank you to Andrea from the Parish Offices who has agreed to take on the editorship of the News Sheet and for trying to get this issue out. Our thanks to Pat Fenwick for the contribution she has made as editor over the past few years. We hope that having time off will give her eyes an opportunity to heal.

Parish Registers

We welcome into the church through Baptism

Thomas Berry

We commend to God’s care those who have died and we pray for their families

John Hunter


St Michael’s Church, Waddington


Saturday 22 May

11am - 3pm

Come along for the bric-a-brac, jumble, quality clothing, 50-50 auction, cakes & jams, plants, jewellery, CDs/DVDs, books, toys, games, bouncy castle, raffle, refreshments and lots more!

A great day for all the family

We need loads of items to sell, auction, etc.


Stan Humberstone (720805) or Peter Carlsson (722533)

LIVES First Responders, Waddington Group

We are still recruiting in the Waddington area. If you would like to know more about LIVES First Responders, or are interested in becoming a First Responder or a fundraiser, please callColin or Shirley on 721391. You can also visit the LIVES website at If you run an organisation and would like a presentation about the work of LIVES, please call the above number.

Car Boot Sales. It's nearly time for our first Car Boot sale on Saturday 3rd April at the Village Hall car park. Ifyou want to book a pitch, please call Colin or Shirley on 721391. It's still £5 a pitch, and refreshments will be available at a reasonable price.

Events First Aid. Several of our responders are now qualified to provide First Aid cover at events. If you are planning an event, and require First Aid cover, please consider us for your needs. Please call Shirley on 721391 to discuss your requirements.

Help us to find you. If you call 999, help us (and the ambulance) to find you. During daylight, if you have spare people in the house, send one of them outside to wait for the ambulance and direct it quickly to the scene. Ambulance Control will usually tell you if a LIVES First Responder is on their way, and you can recognise these by the signs on the car.When it is dark, put a light on in the house and open the curtains. This will help us tofind you, especially in the middle of the night, when the rest of the neighbourhood is asleep.


Sunshine Club

Very pleased to report the Club had a fantastic 2009 with many social events, & outings. The committee were re-elected with the addition of June Sievewright, in place Andy Owen-Jones who retired. I will be stepping down at the end of the year after serving as leader for 6 enjoyable years. At the time of going to Press the Easter Tea is planned for March 23rd, & an outing to Asda North Hykeham for Shopping & Teaon March 30th for Club members. Next outing is on Wednesday April 21st to Newark Marketwith Lunch,& Tuesday May 4th to Twycross Zoofurther details from June Toyne 721857.

We are looking forward to another very happy & busy year. Meetings are held on the 2nd & 4th Tuesdays in Waddington Village Hall Mere Road 2.30pm - 4.30pm.

Membership subscriptions for 2010at £7.50p are now due. We cater for the 60+ age group transport is available from Brant Road & the Village at a nominal fare, coach route details from Carol 722167. Looking forward to meeting you. Georgina M Rainthorpe 823718

Waddington Dramatic Society

The Waddington Dramatic Society are currently making plans for projects for the coming year, so please keep your eyes out in the coming editions.

If you would like to be a part of the group, in whatever capacity, or you want to make any general enquiries please feel free to get in touch or visit our website.

Graham Pues – 826840 or

Brant Road Bowls Club

SPRING FAYRE Saturday April 10th at 2pm to 4pm. To be held in the Brant Road Social Club. Children’s Tombola – prize every time, Farm Bingo Tree, Name the Bear, Toy Stall, and General Tombola, Bric a Brac Stall, Jewellery, Toiletries, Cake Stall, Refreshments and Grand Raffle. Come and join in the fun!

OPEN DAYS Saturday April 24th and Sunday April 25th at 2pm. Come and try a game of green bowls, beginners and experienced bowlers welcome. Please bring flat smooth soled shoes.

RACE NIGHT Friday April 30th at 8pm. To be held at Brant Road Social Club. All welcome.

Funded by the National Lottery through Awards for All

Further details contact Barbara 723928 or Derek 882953

The Royal British Legion Club, Malt Kiln Lane.

Opening times

Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday 8pm to 11.30pm Sunday 12pm to 3.30pm

The club is available for private functions. For further information please contact Kath on 01522 789175 or Sandra on 01522 869252.

The next auctions will be on 3rd and 17th April.

On Easter Sunday evening there will be an Easter raffle followed by Silly Bingo, light refreshment will be available.

Waddington Gardening Association

Our next meeting is on Tuesday 6th April at 7.30pm in the Village Hall, anyone welcome. For further information call 720440 or 720418.

Monday Thrift Shop

We are open every Monday during School term time from 1.30pm – 3.30pm in the Village Hall. We hold a large selection of items – clothes, books, bric a brac etc; for sale at very reasonable prices and of course that welcome “cuppa”. If you wish t bring your unwanted articles for us to try and sell for you we accept up to 8 items at one visit. Please bundle up together with your name and address and price you would hope to get. We add 20% to help towards the hire of the hall and our very few expenses.

Ring 720440 or 720418 for further details.

Waddington Toddler Group

We meet every Thursday during School term time from 1.30-3.00pm in the Village Hall. Mums, Dads, Grandparents or Childminders are all welcome. £1.75 a session which includes a drink and biscuit for the children and a hot drink for the adults.

Redwood Ladies

On Tuesday April 20th at 7.30pm in Redwood CP School, a representative from Radio Lincolnshire will be talking to us.

Waddington W.I.

The next meeting is on Wednesday April 14th at 7.30pm in the Village Hall with guest Kimberley Boyles on Facials.

Waddington Scout Group Paper Collections

We are still looking for your continued support and our next paper collection will be on Saturday 24th April.


With ‘LINCOLNSHIRE’ as the theme


From 11.00am – 4.00pm

CLIFF VILLAGES U3A together with the Neighbourhood group of Branston, Lincoln, Lindsey, Heath, Witham and West Wolds

are putting on an


Of their many and diverse


Everyone is welcome at the Lincoln Grandstand in Carholme Rd.



For further information phone Rosemary King 01522 721187

Christine Anderson 01522 790951

Items for the May News Sheet to reach Andrea Smith in the Parish Council Office, High Street, Waddington, no later than Tuesday 13th April 2010. Phone 01522 722793 or email