Glentworth Parish Council

Parish Clerk – Brian Brooks Glentworth Village Hall Stoney Lane Glentworth DN21 5DF

Email - Tel 07932330552

Minutes of the Extra-ordinary meeting of Glentworth Parish Council on Monday 24th October 2016 in the Village Hall

Present: Cllrs CJ Reeve (Chair) WJ Annibal MJ Davey BG Lee DS Moffatt

CL Montgomery BR Stevenson

Also present: WLDC Officer Luke Brown

Public participation

Luke Brown explained Neighbourhood Planning system and process : -

* About what we want and what we want to protect in terms of planning and development in Glentworth.

* A new layer of planning policy allowing people to have greater say in planning applications – it is a statutory document, which would last approx. 15 years. This is particularly important as building development is particularly pressing from developers in cliff villages. Once an NP has been agreed, if within the 15 years there is a need to change it, then major changes would have to go through part of the process again ie consultation, inspection and referendum.

* Able to create planning policy for a village which will help WLDC determine planning applications.

* Important to WLDC, which is trying to get as many villages to do a NP to allow them to make better decisions about planning applications.

* Time consuming to develop, but you don’t have to be planning experts to do a NP – there’s lots of expertise available through consultants who can help write the Plan. Planning and development issues within each village are very different and a NP will mean that each village can have their say.

* Community led – where there is a Parish Council, they have to be the accountable body/organisation for developing the NP, but they don’t have to do all the work. Most Parish Councils undertaking a Neighbourhood Plan have agreed to have a Steering Group, drawing on members from the community to take forward and develop it.

* Community led, finding out from all parts of the community – residents, businesses and community groups what their aspirations for Glentworth are over the next 15 years. Once aspirations have been identified, project ideas can be included, which will help gain extra funding for those projects.

* Accountable to the themes that the community consultations have identified. Where clear themes emerge, they must be included in the NP document. If they are excluded, there must be a clear justification, which the Independent Inspector may question.

* Process driven and can be complex, however WLDC is putting resources into helping many villages do their NP and have a lot of experience in developing NP’s.

* Scrutinised by Independent Inspector once the document has been written, to ensure the correct processes have been undertaken. WLDC pay for any costs. Once the Independent Inspector has given their approval, it goes to a community referendum for the community to vote, which WLDC will pay for.

If 50% of those voting, vote to approve the Neighbourhood Plan, it will be passed and become a legal document in planning law. WLDC must adopt it as a formal planning document to help them make decisions on planning applications.

Other points:

* Glentworth PC has designated the area that the NP will cover and WLDC has agreed this.

* Communication between the Steering Group, the Parish Council and the community is VERY important and a cornerstone of the process.

* There may be some costs, but the PC doesn’t have to cover those costs out of the precept, as funding support is available from external sources, which the PC can apply for.

* There are a wide range of consultants who can provide support and expertise to guide the development of the NP.

Cllr Reeve opened the meeting

1610/1 Cllr Annibal was appointed to take notes of the meeting

1610/2 Apologies for absence

Apologies were noted from the Clerk

1610/3 Declaration of Interest

a.  To record declarations of interest by any member of the council in respect of the agenda items listed below. Members declaring interests should identify the agenda item and type of interest being declared. - NONE

b.  To note dispensations given to any member of the council in respect of the agenda items listed below. - NONE REQUESTED

1610/4 Neighbourhood Planning

a. Appoint Working Party. Resolved that the Neighbourhood Plan Working Party will draw its members from the wider community as long as a member either lives or works or owns land/business within the designated area for the Neighbourhood Plan.

b. WP Terms of Reference – Resolved the terms of reference - as appended.

1610/5 Play Area Refurbishment

ROSPA highlighted certain pieces of equipment that need replacement.

The village hall committee has been consulted. Resolved to undertake wider

community consultation with regards to the play park through the NP

consultation process.

1610/6 Play Area Repairs

Following consultation with the VHC regarding the proposed Play Area refurbishment program and considering H&S responsibilities - Resolved to place the order for repairs with The Countryside & Garden Company APQ

Signed 14th November 2016 Page | 10