Lytham St. Annes Technology

AndPerforming Arts College

Parents, Teachers and Friends Association Meeting,


1. Members Present

Rachel Hinchcliffe, Debbie Fox, Michelle Riley, Claire Sutcliffe, Amanda Wiseman, Sarah Davies, Jo Kember, Shannon Kuspira, Peter Jackson, Jenny Hartley, Mr Wood, Alison Dunn, Mandy Palmer, Andrea Menzies, Alison Murphy, Chris Challenger, Stuart Baldwin, Robert Owen, Penny Mallinson, Carol Horridge, Alison Riley, Sandra Madden, Fiona O’Hara, Deborah Blore, Karen Shepherd, Lisa Rogan, Christine Rouse, Sally Windsor, Lesley Dobson, Andrew Moxham,


Sarah Owen, Wendy Prime, Corinne Mason, Boris Richardson, Sarah Warburton,Liz Nunez, Donna Mason, Adele Tate.

2. Minutes

The minutes of the last meeting were accepted as a true and accurate record.

3. Fund Raising

  • The Ball sub-committee reported to the group that they had now finalisedthe venue as The Clifton Arms Hotel in Lytham and that they are hoping to get 140 guests. They have already sold 50 places. The price of the ticket was confirmed as £35, which also includes a drink’s reception, but there will be no menu choice. The committee hope to raise money from a souvenir brochure to be produced where local businesses can pay to advertise, i.e. £200 per page or £100 for half a page. If anyone knows of any businesses that may be interested details of who to contact can be found on the school website on the PTFA page. Posters and flyers have been produced and will be available for people to print and distribute. Goodie bags will be available on the evening and a request for help with supplying these was made. There will also be a few high end prizes (experiences) on offer for auction; again if anyone has any ideas for this they would be welcomed.

ACTION: Debbie to arrange e-mail to be sent out to parents advertising the ball and also website to be updated with details of contacts etc.

  • Rag Bag – Debbie reported to the group that the bin had now been set up and that an article had been put up on the school’s webpage encouraging people to bring in their old clothes etc. Debbie brought in bags for PTFA members to take away and fill and a supply has been left at Reception. Ordinary bags can also be filled and left at Reception for site staff to collect.

ACTION:Debbie to liaise with Site staff on an ongoing basis.

  • Music department presentation of cheque – Robert reported that there had not been time to arrange this as yet, but that he would arrange this before the next meeting.

ACTION: Robert/Sarah to arrange presentation

  • PE department fund raising – Mr Wood reported that the PE department had got on with their fund raising efforts and had already raised in the region of £750 from various activities such as bag packing and raffles etc. The group were surprised as to how much had been raised so quickly and consequently a discussion took place as to whether or not the PTFA should cap the amount that was agreed to be donated. The PTFA had originally agreed to contribute the same amount to the department that they managed to raise themselves. However, it was felt that £1,000 would be a reasonable capping point. Other departments may see this and be inspired to do the same so it was felt that it was necessary to keep sufficient funds back to be able to help other departments in the near future,.

ACTION: Mr Wood to feedback to Miss Gore.

  • Mother’s Day shopping evening – 3rd March – Lesley reported that they had secured more tables for this event, however, there are still some availablel. Lesley asked that as many people as possible attend the event as to be a success it needs to be busy and get as many people though the door as possible. Donations for the cake stall will be gratefully received on the night. Debbie advised the group that she had been told by Site staff that any cakes being sold must have ingredients displayed for reasons of health and safety. Gifts for the tombola were gratefully received.

ACTION: PTFA members to rally as much interest as possible amongst friends and family to come along to the evening.

ACTION: Debbie to get e-mail out to parents.

  • Stringer’s shopping night – 19th March – Michelle reported to the group that arrangements for this were now set. Tickets were distributed amongst the group for members to try to sell before the next meeting and any unsold to be returned to the next meeting. Debbie advised that Tess, PTFA member who also works at Stringers, had volunteered to give a makeup demonstration and was looking for a volunteer. Alison Murphy kindly volunteered for this.

ACTION: Debbie to arrange e-mail to go out to parents.

  • Swing Band – this item requires no feedback as yet, but Mandy will report back to the group once she has seen the Band perform. To be kept on agenda for the time being.

4. Finances

Debbie informed the group that a request for funding had been received from the Drama department. This was to help fund a student’s trip to Westminster. Hal Meakin, a current year 12 student, has been offered the opportunity to shadow local MP Mark Menzies at Westminster for a few days. A suggested donation of £50 towards Hal’s expenses was agreed upon by the group.

ACTION:Debbie to report back to Drama Department and arrange for money to be donated.

Andy to write cheque.

5.300 club

The winners for this month’s draw were:

105 Katy McIntyre, 162 Lynn Morris and 184 Pam Higgs

6. Refreshments

Various dates for refreshments were arranged and volunteers sought. Sally asked for all present to provide current contact details so that she can update her list of volunteers. For members not present who may like to volunteer to help out at refreshments please contact Sally with your up- to- date details at .

7. Head Teacher’s Forum

Mr Wood reported to the group that the final design details of the PTFA logo were now being ironed out and that it would soon be ready. The Catering van which was ordered last year, should also soon be ready, hopefully after half term. Mr Wood hoped that some representatives from the PTFA could come to school for an official opening of the van once it was delivered.

ACTION: Mr Wood’s secretary to inform Debbie of a suitable date once the van arrives.

9. AOB

Sandra reported that she had been in touch with Andrew, the St John’s ambulance man who runs courses at school, to encourage him to advertise this more and make use of the school website for this purpose.

Debbie reported that she had received a fund raising suggestion from Corrine Mason, who could not attend the meeting. The idea is based on a fashion show hosted by a company who specialise in high street fashion providers such as Debenhams, H& M and Monsoon etc. The cost of the evening is £100, which is refundable providing we sell tickets to 80 people or more. All ticket sales go to school. They will also donate a £50 clothes voucher and all goods are quality new productsat a heavily discounted price.

The group felt that this could be a successful event and that it would definitely be worth looking into further.

ACTION: Debbie to contact Corinne and ask her to investigate further to report back to group next meeting.

The meeting closed at 20.45

Date of next meeting

5th March