Parents and Friends Association

Minutes Wednesday June 7th

1.Attendance:NopiKenos, Kate Locke, Karol Keefe, Danielle Brown, Therese Durbridge, Tracey Lam, Kathryn D’Alessandro, Monica Creedon, Linda Muir, Andrew Searle

2.Apologies:Liddell Dawes, Carolyn Camm, Patricia Ingram, Amanda

3.Approval:Danielle Brown, Kate Locke Second

4.PFA FUNDRAISING LIST:chairs, marquee and blinds in classrooms that face north, development of the area where the shed is. A team of approximately 8 – 10 needed to demolish shed and remove rubbish, hopefully to be completed in the holidays. Date yet to be confirmed.

PFAhand money to school council along with suggestions as to what the money should be spent on but ultimately the school council make the final decision.

5.Christmas Twilight Market:Amanda absent but Danielle to get in contact with her to find out where we are with this. Kathryn secured band but band members who are not part of the school will need to be reimbursed perhaps with some freebies on the night.

Footy coach from Greythorn Falcons happy to come along and entertain the kids.

6.STEM EVENT:Andrew spoke to Lorraine and Lorraine happy to take part.

7.Bastille Day:Flyer ready to go. Will take place in the second week of term 3. Amanda to request croissants from Bread Street. Suzy ready to go. Funds to go to PFA

8.Principal’s Report:Andrew thanked PFA for Grandparent’s Day and staff thanked the PFA. The Bake Sale was a huge success and reflects how people feel at school, with everyone eager to help. Removal of shed, hopefully in the school holidays and thinking about creating a community feel where the shed is now with benches etc. The area around Glenthorn Ave to be redeveloped perhaps with vegetation and retaining walls and the sandpit. Principal’s Forum taking place on an evening next Tuesday.The market stalls are a huge hit. Kids are making and selling items and money raised goes to charity. Great lessons are learnt through these market stalls. Any problems with stalls to be addressed to Andrew.

9.School Council Report:Kathryn – List for Casino Royale night ready. Peer Mediator Program to commence soon. Approval of Child Safety Conduct. Curriculum Day August 21st.

10.Treasurer’s report – Patricia– Total raised $4292.45

11.Class Rep Reports:Yr 4 dinner still to come. Yr 6 dinner, all teachers attended, Yr 2 dinner 2 teachers attended.

12.Review of Events: Mother’s Day Stall –Kate and Danielle thanked Anna Toth

Grandparent’s Day –Thanks Stella for mugs

Bake Sale –Great fundraiser. Many kids missed out. Open cake stall at3:30instead of3:15

13.Upcoming Events: Movie Night –So far 32 children, 22 adults enough to go ahead.

Golf Day –Now in Term 4, 22ndOctober. Need donations (wine)

Bastille Day –Suzy ready to go

Casino Night –Company booked. Sub committee to meet. Donations needed.

Bake Sale:Grades Prep, 5/6 Term 3. Savoury and sweet and allergy free.3:30start time. August 18th

14.Other Business: Karol to draft a letter to be sent out via class reps to promote canteen duty. Perhaps nominate tasks and times and have shifts.

Tracey looked into skating and go carting. Decision was made to go with Bowling at Healthways on Saturday 29thJuly6-9pm. Monica to check

Next meeting proposed for Wednesday 26thJuly at 7:30pm

Minutes recorded byNopiKenos