Charity No. 1031490


Carwinion Playing Field,

Carwinion Rd,

Mawnan Smith

TR11 5JD

Tel. 01326 250 627

Post to: Liz Shaw


Home, Tel: 01326 251 083

Welcome to Mawnan Pre-School

This guide is just an overview of what the Pre-School has to offer, if you have any questions at all don’t hesitate in asking.

Please complete the Registration Forms and return them to a member of staff to register your child

General Information


Mawnan Pre-school is a village sessional Pre-School, that offers a safe and stimulating environment in which your child can learn and develop.

We are members of The Pre-School Learning Alliance and have regular Ofsted Inspections.


Mawnan Pre-school has been a registered Charity for over 35 years. The group originally ran sessions from the Methodist Chapel Hall, before moving into The M.C.A. Hall in 1991, where we stayed until we finally moved to our brand new purpose built home on Mon. 31st Jan. 2011.

Registering Your Child

If you would like your child to join us at Mawnan Pre-school, please complete and return the attached Application and Consent Forms to the Group.

If you would like to arrange a visit to the group, or from the Supervisor to your Home, please telephone to make an appointment.

Please be aware that places are limited and there may be a Waiting List. You will be notified as soon as a place becomes available

Any queries, don’t hesitate in contacting me

Opening Times

Our Pre-school is open at the following times in Term Time only:

Monday : 8.30 am – 3.00 pm

Tuesday : 8.30 am – 3.00 pm

Wednesday : 8.30 am – 3.00pm

Thursday : 8.30 am – 3.00 pm

Friday : 8.30 am – 3.00 pm

Sessions Times are split into:

Breakfast club 8.30 am – 9am

Mornings 9am – 12pm,

Lunch Club 12pm – 1pm,

and Afternoons 12pm – 3pm, includes lunchtime.

Please take a look at our website for term dates and upcoming events.

Contact Telephone Numbers

Pre-school In session : 01326 250627

Liz Shaw Pre-school Manager out of hours: 01326 251083

Who We Are


Liz Shaw manager

Heather Judd assistant

Kim Potts assissant

Kate Shaw assistant


…...... – Chair

…...... – Secretay

…...... – Treasurer






Management and Administration

Policies and Constitution

All our policies are always available for view in the Parents Box at the Group.

All policies are designed to offer the best possible experience for the children and families in the group. Our policies are reviewed annually at our AGM and suggestions and comments are welcome by parents.

Particular note should be made of the Complaints Procedure. Special Needs and Child Protection Policies.

A copy of the Pre-school Learning Alliance Constitution is also available in the Polices Book. It outlines the groups Aims and Objectives.

Decision Making

The pre-school is run by an elected committee, which ensures that major decision making is in the hands of the parents who use the group.

The committee is responsible for reviewing both policy and practice, and for the employment and appraisal of staff.

Our Annual General Meeting, at which the committee for the following year is elected, is held in the Autumn Term, usually November, and parents will be notified and invited in plenty of time so they can attend.

Parent’s views and suggestions are welcome and an annual questionnaire will be distributed to seek your opinions.

If a parent has any suggestions, concerns or worries concerning the group, they should speak to the Supervisor, a member of Staff or the Committee as soon as possible.


There is a one –off Registration Fee of £10, which will be invoiced to you on acceptance of your child, and will be included with your first bill. This includes admin costs and a free Pre-School T-Shirt.

Pre-School Children ages 2 – 4 years £...... for a full 3 hour session, £...... for lunch club

Children are funded the term AFTER their third birthday, so are entitled to a total of 15 hours or 5 funded sessions of 3hrs and to a max of 6 hours in one day.

Sessions are payable half-termly and will be invoiced in advance. Fees continue to be payable if a child is absent for a short time. In cases of prolonged illness, parents should consult the committee about payment. Each child’s attendance at the group is conditional upon continued payment of any fees. If you need any help, it is essential that you discuss this in confidence with the Pre-school Chair or a member of staff as soon as possible.


There is a Pre-School Uniform of Navy Sweatshirt and Pale blue T-Shirt, with emblem, but is not compulsory. We find a lot of children like to wear it, and feel they are “at school”!

We have some in stock or can order it for you.

See a member of Staff for details and current prices.

We also ask children to bring “Indoor Shoes” to leave at the group, eg. Plimsolls, to help protect the floor. And wellies, to every session, as we always go outside.

Please help us by labelling all items with your child’s name, even shoes!

Adult Resources


Regular Staff in the group ensures continuity and that the child feels safe and secure.

The regular Staff in the group are:

Liz Shaw manager

Foundation Degree in Teaching and Learning

Child Protection

Behaviour Management

Paediatric First Aid,

Health and Safety


Food Hygiene

Heather Judd Assistant

NVQ 3 in Childcare

Paediatric First Aid

Health and Safety

Child Protection


EYFS training

Food Hygiene

Kim Potts Assistant


Paediatric First Aid

Kate Shaw Assistant

Foundation Degree in Early Childhood Education

Access in Teaching and Humanities

Health and Safety

EYFS training

Paediatric First Aid

Child Protection

In addition to this staff are required to attend a minimum of 24 hours additional training each year

Key Person and Learning Journeys

When a child joins the group they are allocated a key person. Key persons are responsible for working with children and parents in order to develop positive relationships and create a safe, comforting and stimulating environment. The Key person will design a personalised curriculum, regularly liaising with parents to ensure that their child’s needs are being met appropriately and keeping a record of developed.

These records are referred to as a ‘Learning Journey’. ‘Learning Journeys’ comprise of observations, photographs, assessments and pieces of the child’s work throughout their time at the Pre-school. These can be shared with parents and children at any time and will be taken with them when they progress to school as a record of their development. Parents are encouraged to talk to their child’s key person at any time and share information about their child’s likes, dislikes and developments at home.

There are specific areas that are observed, these are outlined in the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum.

Two Year old checks

If your child joins us at the age of two we are required by the EYFS to carry out a two year old check. It is to provide an overview of a child's progress in the prime areas for both parents and staff. You are welcomed to chat to staff about your child’s development and how additional help can be offered if needed.

The Early Years Foundation Stage
And what it means for your child

This Information Sheet provides you as Parent/Carers a way of understanding exactly what the Early Years Foundation Stage document means, and why staff carries out planning and observations in this format.

The Four Themes of the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)
A Unique Child
Every Child is a competent learner from Birth who can be resilient, capable, confident and self-assured
Positive Relationships
Children learn to be strong and independent from a base of loving and secure relationships with parents and/or a key person
Enabling Environments
The environment plays a key role in supporting and extending children’s development and learning
Learning and Development
Children develop and learn in different ways and at different rates and all areas of Learning and Development are equally important and inter-connected.
The three Prime areas and four Specific areas of learning are underpinned by the above Principles of the EYFS: / Planning
When planning activities for your child we will work under The Early Years Guidance which splits each Area of Learning and Development into age groups, this helps us to provide age appropriate activities and experiences. Eg. 22-36 months, or 30-50 months.
When recording an observation on your child we look at which area of learning and development it comes under and within which age group it falls. This enables us to provide next steps for your child to help them progress in their learning and development.
Prime areas
Personal, Social and Emotional Development
Communication and Language Development
Physical Development
Specific areas
Understanding the World
Expressive Arts and Designs
The type of activities we provide, depend on the interests of the children in our care, and should be both interesting, stimulating and easily achievable. Listed below are some examples of activities and which of the areas of Learning and Development they apply to:
PSED: Look at items on an Interest table, in Books or Photos and Discuss what we see
CLD: Sitting and Listening to stories.
PD: Use a variety of tools safely to cut and stick. Move freely and enjoy music and rhythm
M: Sort objects by size, colour and shape, eg. Shells, Buttons, animals
UTW: Investigate examine objects to find out more about them by using such things as magnifying glasses and Information Books
L: Practise using pens and pencils, paint and water to draw patterns and shapes
EAD: Engage in Role-play and use different props to create imaginary scenarios

The Role of Parents

We recognise that parents are the first and most important educators of their young children. Mawnan Pre-School aim to support parents.

Parents are a very important part of our group and are welcome to:

1, work in the group with the children

2, assist with fundraising (even if this is just by donating or attending fund-raising events)

3, take part in the management of the playgroup, by joining the committee, who meet twice a term

4, attend training courses, workshops and conferences organised by the Pre-school Learning Alliance.

5, represent the group at county activities of the Pre-school Learning alliance.

6, attend open meetings of the Pre-school Learning Alliance.


Our membership of the Pre-school Learning Alliance and involvement with the Children’s Information Service, ensures that we are constantly in touch with new thinking in the field of child education and care. We receive monthly newsletters and have access to a range of publications. Parents may ask to see any of these. In addition on-going training is available to staff and parents. Informal training and meetings are also available at a local level.



Family Name ……………………………………………………………………

Childs Name/s………………………………………..Sex…………………DOB……………………

Parent/s Name/s…………………………………………………………………………………


Postcode……………………………Tel No……………………………………………………………

Email address: …………………………………………………………………………………………..

Childs First Language……………………… Other Lang spoken at home ……………………

Emergency Contact details



Name of Doctor…………………………………………………………………………………………

Tel. No……………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Is Your Child Allergic to anything?……………………………………………………………………

Has your child had any major illness?……………………………………………………………….

Has your child any on-going health problems?......

Does your child have any Special Needs which require any discussion with staff?


Is your child Toilet ready? ……………………………………………………………………….

Has your child previously attended:

A parent& Toddler Group………………………Another Pre-school…………………………….

Special requests/requirements about religious observance, health matters etc.


Background info, any special fears, words eg. For toilet etc. Brothers, sisters or pets, to help us relate to him/her.



Which days would you prefer your child to attend? …………………………………………….


All information will be kept confidential



First Aid and Emergency Medical Treatment

I give consent for Mawnan Pre-schools First Aiders to seek Emergency Medical

Treatment or contacting the Doctor if necessary for my child………………………………..

Signed……………………………………………….. Date…………………………………………….


Medication Consent

I give consent for Mawnan Pre-schools First aider to administer medication to my child

………………………………………………… if necessary. I agree that all medication will be

In original containers with a registered doctors sticker with the name of the child on,

And that I will complete and sign the Groups Medication Record.

Signed ………………………………………………. Date …………………………………………


Sun Cream Protection Consent Form

I give consent for a member of Mawnan Pre-schools staff to apply my

Child’s……………………………………………………… Sun-cream.

I will supply a cream, with my child’s name on, or in emergency, agree to the use of the Groups cream, having first checked the ingredients and Brand. (Please delete as necessary)

Signed…………………………………………….. Date ……………………………………………..




Please supply us with a Password for your child. Please let us know asap when someone different is coming to collect and write in the Collection Book. When someone other than your authorised persons comes to collect your child they will need your password to enable them to collect.

Childs Name………………………………………………………………………………

Individual Password …………………………………………………………………….

Persons authorised to collect ………………………………………………………...



Signed ……………………………………………………. Date ……………………………………..
