Parent Questionnaire – Transition into FS2
Choice of school
What factors did you consider when arriving at your choice of Primary School?Location / Catchment area 14 Ofsted report 12
Wordof mouth 14 Visits 13
Sibling at school 7 Website 10
Other 5 Please specify – Been to Nursery here / St Peter & Paul’s
Did you attend our Open Morning in November 2013 and/or visit the school?
Yes 13 No 3
If you attended the Open Morning, did it help you to decide on choosing our school?
Yes 9 No 1 (already decided)
How could we improve our Open Mornings?
Have evening meeting – hard for working parents to attend
(This can be looked at for next year)
Did you attend the Parents Information meeting on 22ndMay 2014?
Yes 13 No
How could we improve the Induction Meeting?
Nothing – very impressed with whole process
Uniforms on display
(These were available at both parent meetings)
Doctors no. etc for paperwork
(We can inform you of what you need to bring in our invite next year)
Evening meeting to accommodate working parents
(This can be looked at for next year)
Did you get your first choice of Primary School?
Yes 16 No
Transition Process
Do you feel you received enough information about the school and Early Years to ensure a smooth transition and start to school?Yes 15 No
What was of most use?
Constant information during the holidays – feel like part of the school by the time you start.
Prospectus and text messages
Parents information meet – explaining structure of FS2
Letter with photo sent during holidays – powerful reminder
Information booklet
What else would have been beneficial?
Children to sample a school meal
(This has been done in the past but proved difficult to manage. We can look at it again for next year)
A tour of the websites used at home – orbit etc
(A list of websites used could be included in the parents leaflet)
A brief outline of topics to be covered at first
(Notice to go up in window saying what the children are learning this week)
Did you attend the Parents meeting on 8thSeptember?
Yes 11 No 12
Please comment on what you found useful
Meet the Teacher
Hear what achieved and how they behave
Told where children put things and what is expected when entering classroom
What would have been beneficial?
Give parents plan of children’s daily routine
(This can be included in the leaflet for next year)
Leaflet for parents unable to attend due to work commitments
(This will be provided for next year)
Have meetings on different days to be able to attend them all – siblings
(This will be planned for next year)
Accommodate working parents
(We can look into holding a parents meeting after school next year)
Settling into school
How do you feel your child has settled into reception so far?Very well 14 Well 11 Not very well
Very excited about learning new things
Likes school but doesn’t talk about it
Few problems with another child at the beginning but Teacher and Head aware
Parents unaware of what child has been doing at school.
Comes home happy and smiling
Excited to go to school
Already knew Teacher and this helped
Staff warm and friendly
Likes school dinners
Describes school as amazing
Happy and made friends
Child rarely talks about time at school – makes me anxious but reassured by Teacher
Struggling with school dinners. Some days better than others and reluctant to talk
Difficulty bringing to school for Breakfast Club
Gets very tired and still adjusting
Is there anything you feel could have eased the transition process?
For you
FS1 enter through their door to ease mad crush of adults and small children in a small area
(Unfortunately this is not practical at the moment due to health and safety issues)
Provide more information on what they do during the day.
(Notice to go up in window saying what the children are learning this week)
For your child
Ease into first week with ½ days. Child totally exhausted and impacts on enjoyment.
(This year was unfortunate with term starting on a Monday. A staggered start will be considered if the term falls like this again)
School meals difficult. Quite distracting in noisy hall.
(FS2 go into the hall for lunch 10 minutes before the rest of the school so they are settled and eating before the other children join them)
Children moving up from Nursery have a clique already established – makes it hard for new children to integrate.
(Class teachers use different groupings and teaching sessions to promote friendships although this can take time)
Separate days for ‘Meet the Teacher’
(This will be planned for next year)
Clear signs around the school mapping out where to go from Hall to toilets etc.
(The children are taken on a tour to show them which toilets to use at lunchtimes. Older children then support with this at the beginning of term)
Meet Teacher before 1st day – due to staffing issues not possible.
(Unfortunately, the late staffing change meant that this was not possible. A letter and photo from Mrs Millbank was included in the ‘postcard’ sent during the summer
If there is anything you would like to add that has not been covered by the given questions please feel free to write any further comments in the box below.
Postcard was good.
Teacher helpful in settling children in and getting to know them.
Great school – all children look happy.
Please advise what they will be doing in the 1st two weeks as children forget. Peace of mind for parents.
(Notice to go up in window saying what the children are learning this week)