Parent Quaker Life Committee Minutes
Wednesday, November 5, 2014
The second meeting of the 2014-15 PQLC Committee opened with a moment of silence.
In attendance: Lauren Menzin, Eden White-Morey, Susan Fisher, Loren Kaler, Heather Davis, Nella Tucker, Derek Tolbert, Tyra Banks, David Shalam, Debbie Shalam, IremKonur, Natalia Good, John Scardina (by phone) and Andrea Miller.
Handouts: Parents each received a packet of handouts, which included information about Quaker education, the Quaker decision-making process, the structure of Quaker Life at FA, the decision-making process at Moses Brown School (a Friends school) and a Quaker Education bookmark.
Fall Fair Booth: Eden White-Morey recapped the Fall Fair PQLC Booth, which sponsored an “Act of Kindness Day.” Fair goers were encouraged to write down any act of kindness that day and stick it to one of three “A.O.K.” Boards. The PQLC Booth was able to fill up three boards, which were then stationed in the lobbies of Lower and Middle School and outside the Commons with more post-it notes. The A.O.K. efforts of PQLC will be leading to an all-school kindness activity within Community Groups in early December.
Quaker Workshops: Lauren Menzin shared her positive experience at the Quakerism in our Community Series for Upper School parents. Twelve parents attended. It was noted that many LS parents did not know about the LS Quaker Workshop, but would have attended had they known. After a group discussion, it was suggested that for future workshops, class representatives might be able to help promote the event and flyers could be sent home with LS students.
Thanksgiving Parent MFW: This event is Monday, Nov. 24th at 2 p.m. in the Meeting House. All parents are invited, as well as friends. It was decided that LS parent Heather Davis and QIR John Scardina will work together on a program that will examine the relationship between early Quakers and local Native Americans. It was also decided that a PaperlessPost might be nice to help distinguish the event for parents.
General Quaker Life Committee Meeting: Eden reported that there was an initiative to create a digital “Quaker Board” on the FA website with resources, articles and minutes from all the committees. Currently, the minutes from the PQLC are posted, along with calendar events.
Review of PQLC goals:
- Maintain support for programs already in place (i.e. John’s lunches Parent Meeting for Worship, Peace Week activities, Community Service/Sandwich Making events; Quaker Orientation for New Parents).
- Education and Awareness (ongoing with John Scardina)
- Collaboration with the rest of the school (i.e. a proposed Anti-Stress Workshop; John noted that a dome tent will be erected in the Atrium in conjunction with Joy Lai to provide a place for stress-free activities).
Next PQLC Meeting: The Committee has been invited to attend the Middle School Meeting for Worship on Wednesday, Dec. 3rd at 12:05 p.m. Afterward, parents can adjourn to the Hospitality Room for a “debrief” with John, followed by the next PQLC meeting, beginning at 1 p.m.
Teacher gifts: John Scardina asked committee members to ponder the idea of teacher gifts. At other schools, parents give to people in need in a teacher’s name. How does gift giving fit in with the Quaker values of simplicity. In light of possible future discussions, John stressed that Friends do believe that we have a truth and it is found collectively.
Breakfast with Teacher John: Responding to parents, John is going to make the next Lunch with Teacher John a Breakfast and start the meeting at 8:30 on Dec. 15th in the Frost Hall Conference Room.
The meeting closed with a Moment of Silence.
Andrea Miller, Recording Clerk