From September 2014
Parent Partnership Team Offer
Type of service provided: Information, support and advice
(select area from the home page)
Education, Health and Well Being, Care, Education Health and Care Plan, Transport, Growing Up, Employment, Housing, Leisure, Training, Information, Advice and Support, Have your Say
Age Range: / 0-25
The Service: / To provide advice support and support to parents of children and young people aged 0-25 around the EHC process, placement and help when things go wrong. The team also provide a school preference support service.
Who is the service for? / Parents and Young People with Special Educational Needs or Disability aged 0-25 who live in Southwark.
Criteria for access to service / This is a universal service there are no criteria. We provide for all areas of need and levels of need.
Accessibility of this service / The team can adjust services to suit on demand. Please ask about special arrangements to sit around work or study commitments.
(please comment on different types of need you can support, support with medical needs/personal care/the physical access of the building, level of disability etc)
How this is provided: / -Drop in service at Sunshine House and One Stop Shop Peckham
-Phone advice 5 days per week
-Access to advice and support via Local Offer (from September) and PPS Website
-Specialist casework support
From September:
-1:1 session with PPS to write EHC advice for parent and young person where over the age of 16 or otherwise requested
-1:1 support from PPS at the EHC production meeting
How can I access this service? / Parents and young people self refer to this service. Parents and Young People can either attend our drop in services – no appointment necessary, call and speak to a member of the team or email us.
SEN drop in service are term time only(Tuesdays am & Thursdays pm)
SPA drop in service are all year round (Wednesdays am)
We do not accept referrals from professionals.
(if you have a referral process you could include a link here)
How is this service funded?
Do you need to pay for this service? / The service is funded by Southwark Council and is a statutory part of the Councils Children’s and Adults Team.
Itis a free service.
Confidentiality and Impartiality / The service is confidential and you will be asked for permission for us to speak with professionals on your behalf. This service is at arms length to the council meaning that the advice we provide is completely impartial.
(need to put duty to report safeguarding issues)
Useful to know / The team spend a lot of the day out of the office working with parents and young people. Please leave a message if you need support and someone will get back to you as soon as we can.
Contact us / Phone:
Drop in:
Training provided: / The team provide training for Parents and Young People which can be accessed through the ‘Local Training Offer’:
  • Cygnet (each term)
  • Starting primary School
  • Starting secondary School
  • SEND 1 and 2 (coming in the new term)

Drop in service / The team provide weekly drop in services for SEND advice and School Preference Advice.