Parent Newsletter 2

2014-2015 GEMS Season

Best Party Ever

When children disobey, parents don’t typically throw parties. Despicable behavior is not rewarded with balloons, gifts, and cake pops. It doesn’t work that way!

The thing is, despicable behavior is not isolated to childhood. We all do and say and think things God asks us not to. God calls that sin and the Bible says everyone sins (Romans 3:23). Sin separates us from God. The consequences of sin are loneliness, emptiness, and shame. That’s not what God wants for us, and deep down inside you may be thinking it’s not what you want either.

If parents don’t reward bad behavior, what hope is there for anyone when standing before a holy and just God? Our hope is Jesus. God’s Son, Jesus, came to earth to rescue us from our sin. Jesus took the punishment for the wrong things we do so we wouldn’t have to (John 3:16). He wipes the slate clean for those who admit they are sinners and ask for His forgiveness. It’s that simple!

If you ask Him, Jesus will forgive you and give you a new life. He will trade your loneliness for His friendship, your emptiness for His plans and purposes, and your shame for forgiveness and freedom. And when your life on earth is over you will live with Him forever in Heaven.

Because of Jesus, God does not treat us as our sins deserve. Instead of punishing His *children, He throws them a party in the presence of angels (Luke 15:10). It’s the best party ever!

*If you’d like to hear more about belonging to God forever, contact the Club Coordinator of your daughter(s) GEMS Club. She’ll be eager to talk to you!

Good News for You!

In the same way, I tell you, there is rejoicing in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents (Luke 15:10).

Did you know?

There is a theme-related devotional book available for families. It’s called the Bring the Message Object Lessons/Devotional Thoughts book. It contains 18 short, theme-related devotional thoughts and Family Connection Time questions to help you dig deeper into this theme with your entire family. Contact GEMS Girls’ Clubs at or call 616-241-5616, ext. 3032 to learn more.

At The Table

The beauty of bench seating around a table is that there’s always room to squeeze in one more. Whoever wants to come to the table is invited. There is a place for him or her! This is God’s heart. He invites everyone to have a relationship with Him! Treasure table time as a place to build a relationship with God, one another, and your guests.

The next time your family gathers around the table, use these theme-related table talk questions to get your family talking about the things of God:

  1. What things of value have you lost or misplaced recently? If you found them, how did you feel? If it’s still lost, how do you feel?
  2. What are your favorite party memories?
  3. The Bible says that there is great rejoicing in the presence of angels (it’s a party!) when a person turns to God for forgiveness and a new life as His child (Luke 15:8-10). What do you imagine this heavenly party to look like?

Family Fun

Create Button Bookmarks:You will need paper clips, fancy buttons (put your button jar to good use!), hot glue, felt, and scissors. Each person should choose one paper clip and one button. Cut the felt a little smaller than the button you chose. Hot glue the paper clip to the back of the button and carefully place the piece of felt on top. Let dry. Use in your Bible, schoolbooks, or gift to friends and neighbors.

Treasure Hunt:Create a series of fun clues that will lead your children around the house or even the neighborhood. Begin by handing your child the first clue, which leads to the second clue, and so on. (Examples: 1. Our family adventure begins with clue one, go the place where the laundry is done. 2. Now you’re on your second clue, walk to the room where we keep our tools.) Your last clue should end with a surprise: special news you want to share with your family, treats, or a favorite family game or movie.

Progressive Dinner:Make dinner especially memorable by eating each course in a different room of your home. For example: eat appetizers in the hallway, salad in a bedroom, dinner in the family room, and dessert on the front porch. Involve the kids by having them set up unique table settings (cardboard tables, trays, a desk, picnic style with a blanket on the floor, etc.).